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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i would have to disagree with you klaynos. the voltage provided by the battery would already be producing a local current. unless the current magically doesn't start till the voltage jump goes round the entire wire. that would mean that the battery could be disconnected and the bulb would stay lit wouldn't it? sayonara, if you include resistance then you must explain how he got a hold of a 3TV battery. oh wait, its YT isn't it. silly me, all is explained.
  2. same thing pretty much. a photographic plate and enough aluminium to shield beta radiation would probably suffice as well.
  3. not to mention the added complexity of a pivot with enough strength to take the tension and the accelerated melting of the icecaps.
  4. well, we don't even know if anything remotely like matter/antimatter/photons can even exit inside the event horizon. we'll probably never know(well, at least in the next few tens of millenia anyway)
  5. is it positive or negative infinity?
  6. basically you give it a fertilizer that contains a reasonably short lived gamma emmiter and taking a gamma photograph of it every so often. pretty simple experiment to do if you have the gamma camera and the isotope.
  7. well, assuming information is somehow preserved when it enters a black hole... the matter would annihilate with the antimatter when it got to the singularity. BUT the only way the black hole would lose mass would be to emit the gamma photons released in the interaction. since black holes don't emit light. this isn't going to happen. it would just get more massive.
  8. the fact still stands that you'll need 2600 m^2 for every kilogram per second. That analysis was done for 100% efficiency. which just isn't possible, the mirrors will absorb some energy, heat exchanger will reflect some. there are a whole lot of problems with this when we have a better way of doing it. namely reverse osmosis.
  9. why use copper wire for the rails? they would likely just weld the projectile in place. go get some steel bars.
  10. the adds are next to the forum tree. the bit where it says Science Forums > General ... etc.
  11. maybe he planned it to be a nice little ego trip for him where we would all drop to our knees and hail him as a demi-god or something. or maybe he's just an attention seeker.
  12. chemical plant leave me i awe. i mean theres so much complexity to them and its all got to be finely controlled and maintained to keep operating. Thats probably why i decided to study chemical engineering. nuclear power plants are in this catagory but they are relatively simple compared to a lot of other chemical plants. they are also very similar to traditional coal power plants, just a different heat source. still awesome(in the literal sense) though.
  13. another perspective on entropy, (the one use for chemical engineering related work) is that it is just a useful linking function and equation of state like internal energy. not necessarily a measure of order or possible states. although, you can argue that this perception is wrong and doesn't immediately reflect whats going on but it doesn't have to.
  14. it should be pretty safe. just don't run it for too long. maybe 30 seconds maximum. keep a hand near the off switch incase you see anything obviously abnormal. i take it your a teacher or something since you said 'use it on monday' just make sure its not the staff microwave, they might grumble if you break it.
  15. no problem. its one of the many purposes of this forum. stick around. you might learn other things.
  16. okay. this force is constantly acting upon the lift so it will stay the same in all situations. if you use F=ma then you can calculate the total force acting upon the lift in all three scenarios. you can also say that the total force F is equal to the tension force plus the weight (the forces act in opposite directions so one will be a negative number) so you can say that tension = F - weight should be easy from there.
  17. now add the maximum load. tot get the total weight.
  18. that'll do. the upwards force is actually tension in the cables holding it up. What i said about 3 forces is that the weight of the lift and the weight of the load could be considered seperate forces. but for this situation we can take them as a single combined force. Now, you need to calculate the total weight of the lift and its load. you know how to do this yeah? Weight=mass*g
  19. you only need to post once.
  20. so this is a home work question yeah? well, your not going to just get an answer. we'll still make you think about it. a useful way of envisioning the question is to draw a freebody diagram. Do you know how do draw these? is pretty simple in this case and i'll assume you don't know how to draw one to save me posting again. start of with a nice big dot. this is your lift. then draw arrows which will represent the forces. the arrows MUST point in the direction of the force. but the size doesn't matter too much as long as you label them. so my first question to you is, what forces are acting upon the lift? i'll give you a hint, there are two. (although, it might be considered 3 but we'll get to that later. and if you don't come up with 3 forces(or the wrong 3), i'll explain it to you. I hope this starts you off.
  21. tension is the pulling force acting along the coupling. you'll usually have a free body diagram or something that will allow you to calculate it.
  22. so you know how easy it is to get drugs then. unless you mean a few kids having a smoke round the back of the building by 'a lot of drug activity'
  23. you went to some really sheltered schools didn't you? i was offered heroin when i was only 11. believe me, kids can get their hands on drugs pretty damn easy just now. i don't think legalising them will make it significantly easier. it would probably make it harder as the drug dealers would be forced out of business.
  24. last time i was at a bar we were drinking it by the pitcher thats 4 pints or 2.2 litres not sure what happened afterwards though.
  25. carbon nanotubes have the tensile strength to make an elevator to a counter weight slightly above geo stationary orbit but thats about the best you can hope for. the earth just rotates to fast for the moon.
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