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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. insane_alien

    longest word

    well, this is where digital storage comes into its own. when you can shove a couple of libraries in a surprisingly small box.
  2. TI-89 would be the best. its the one i'm going to get when my TI-83 plus kicks the bucket. nice sturdy calculator that its fell a full 30 meters and survived
  3. woah, metal inside the coin? what? unless its using x-rays that ain't gonna work to well. besides i looked them up and can't fin any claiming to do that. besides the 'budget' ones seem to be around £1600
  4. well, would need to know the pressure in and pressure out then i could give you some numbers. The efficiency will depend on how well its machined, the manufacturer will probably have some info on it EDIT: needs to read posts fully before answering. gah
  5. wouldn't a magnifying glass be better suited to the purpose? <not an expert in this so i'm proobably wrong> anyway, what i can tell you is you'll definitely want one that allows the coin to be lit from above(unless you find a way to shine light through a coin wich poses a whole load of problems) and unless you need to see really really close you could probably go for the cheaper ones that don't magnify as much. i've also seen 'video'scopes quite cheap where the image is projected onto a screen. proper video scopes are actually kind of expensive as they contain imaging and display hardware. you'll have to tell us in detail what you plan on using it for.
  6. gravity is not pressure dependant seeing as its gravity that keeps the atmosphere which causes pressure. buildings DO attract each other it just that gravity is a feeble force and you don't normally notice it. just think that it take a mass as big as the earth to provide only 9.81 N/kg of gravitaional field strength.
  7. plasmas are already falling behind LCD's although they do allow better colour
  8. still have a pressure of about 4kPa above vacuum after condensation.
  9. i'm not saying that they should be regarded as a credible scientific source just that its a goodish indicator
  10. they still done experiments to test the claims of pyramid power and they came up negative.
  11. ahh right i though you were meaning shadows cast by atoms(i think they're too small to do that anyway.) well, particulate matter only complicates the process and i was assuming it was low enough as to be invisible in this case.
  12. I knew it! moustaches are ploting to take over the world! just as soon as they find a way to live without a host body we're going to be in trouble. EDIT: i second gutz's idea. its gonna happen anyway, why not speed the process along.
  13. well, its the amount of radioactive particles in the material, not necessarily the molecules that make up the material. it depends on the type of radiometric dating used. Uranium/thorium dating(used for timescales such as the age of the earth) aren't likely to lose concentration of the the radioactive particles unless the rocks drop into a volcano making them useless anyway. carbon dating can lose carbon-14 due to the formation of volatile carbon compounds as well but its not significant. go look at the wikipedia page, well more specifically, the sources on the wikipedia page. they are quite credible even if you think wikipedia is wrong all the time.
  14. how exactly are all us whiteys slave masters? i'm having trouble seeing how i could be a slave owner seeing as i do everything for myself. that guys about as ignorant as creationists.
  15. no, you can't see the particles. and when the shadow is projected it gets really really faint so you can't tell there is a shadow, even with prescision equipment.
  16. its been debunked about three seperate times already on this forum alone. it is utter bunk and the aether has also been debunked. EDIT: i bothered to load the site and we have debunked this very site about 6-7 months ago.
  17. i'd go. it'd be frickin awesome.
  18. well, they're more efficient than reciprocal pumps would be in that application. maybe 78% -ish. with a reciprocal pump you would only need one pump to handle the pressure differential but it would only be about 50% efficient maybe less.
  19. insane_alien

    longest word

    who needs theoretical, the IUPAC name of human DNA would fill several libraries.
  20. eventually LCD will overtake CRT, maybe 5 years an we'll have LCD screens of ridiculously high resolutions and low response times (even though i can't tell a 8 ms response time myself. and thats what my LCD screen does)
  21. couple of stages of centrifugal pumps would handle it nicely
  22. ok now i'm not sure. i ain't no fizzycist.
  23. yeah makes sense. the difference in redshift from one direction to another would allow you to calculate the speed. or, if you just need the local speed then you can take the distance from the sun and the time taken to go round it.
  24. i went through a phase where i only wrote in block. my english teacher tried to kill me every time i handed in an essay completely in block capitals. which isn't so different when i wrote normally, just a different reason.
  25. the gas was definitely hotter than the surrounding air and it probably had a different refractive index than air anyway due to the increased CO2. This means that the light rays got bent at the boundary of the exhaust gases as they traveled through much like a lens. this leads to brighter and darker areas. the effect can also be seen if you crack open a canister of helium. if you need it explained a bit more i'll get back to you.
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