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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. YT, i'm guessing worse based on all the old bottles of chems scattered about my uni.
  2. could be. mine is crap. its often been described as "a bunch of drunken chicken scratchings" and thats by the people who could decipher it.
  3. well well, took you long enough.
  4. hey whaddya know i can do the same thing to a can as well, just involves the disassembly of a speaker and the right positioning of a magnet. lifting paper is even easier as you can use static charge to do it. totally not PK though.
  5. Its chemistry theres always exceptions to the rule. BTW bismuth is radioactive in all isotopes, it just happens to have a half life several thousand million times longer than the age of the universe. source: http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/7/4/16
  6. yeah, but since us three are all from the UK thats why i put it in. No offence was meant to the rest of the world.
  7. every element above lead is radioactive in all isotopes discovered. so, quite a few to answer your question
  8. i took it as being a misunderstanding of the USA-ian date format. since they use MM/DD/YYYY and we (UK) use DD/MM/YYYY which is altogether more logical.
  9. what happened was exactly what everybody across the world seen. terrorists flying planes into buildings. It is conspiracy theorists who spread the doubt about it. they take a very simple situation and try to put so much crap into it. much like the moon landing conspiracies.
  10. ok this was almost 6 months ago now. the thread is dead. stop ressurecting it into a zombie.
  11. Your english is fine. As long as sombody understands it you will be fine. I do think its a load of rubbish just now. BUT, this does not mean that if it is true that i will continue thinking this. The reason i think it is rubbish is that all the explanations i have heard for it involve a 'metaphysical plane' of which there is no evidence and cannot be observed. If it can't be observed, how do these people know about it and how can it affect our universe.
  12. what? i really don't understand your question. can you explain it a bit more. what i was saying is that hydrogen is only explosive when it is mixed with an oxidiser (lets use oxygen for simplicity but it applies to others as well) so a mixture of 2:1 H2:O2 would be explosive. but a mixture of 200:1 H2:O2 well, you probably couldn't even get that to burn. so, if you have a bag of pure hydrogen and you light it on fire, it will only be a narrow band around the boundary of the hydrogen that will be burning. inside you will have pure hydrogen and outside you will have the oxygen in the air. the bit that burns is where enough oxygen has mixed to allow it to burn.
  13. its only explosive when mixed with an oxidiser and it is a gas so volatility doesn't really apply
  14. ridgey, its still less efficient than a pipe. it may seem like a good idea but your still going to need a pump to fill it and its not just going to sink fast enough on its own. a pipe would be better.
  15. packaging the water would be inefficient. the main problem with using the weight of the ocean to drive this is that you have to pump the water back up with a pump that is much more powerful than the pump you'd need for a normal surface de salinisation plant.
  16. 10 gold and a +3 sword of pwnage
  17. gutz, if there was a few square miles of PCB then maybe this would work. other than that no.
  18. Snail, they collide and stick together.
  19. yeah, i think the amount of gold on a PCB was a few milligrams tops. maybe a pennies worth if your lucky.
  20. well, algae is found everywhere there is water, especially stagnant water like ponds and lakes. the fertilizers can lead to algae blooms that effectively extinguish all animal life in lakes and ponds. the chemicals aren't to nice for animals to ingest either.
  21. number 1 should be b) but 2 is ok. (this is what i remember from the little biology i've took over the years. i'm sure a real biologist will be along to call us both idiots shortly.
  22. well, technically the light is travelling in a straight line but the space its traveling through is curved to such an extent that we can actually see it deflect light beam. light in itself does not have mass only momentum. you could say it has relativistic mass as it has energy but has no rest mass which is the important bit for weight.
  23. it means exactly the same. who gives a damn.
  24. when, you can explain how a fish in a tuxedo, smoking a cigar and playing backgammon with a bird standing on its head is in anyway coherent never mind and extension of waking thought then i might start believing it. and if you can do that my view of that dream changes from 'meh, that was random' to 'ODG what the hell was i thinking to bring that up.'
  25. Gutz: whats so wierd about dreams like that? and they don't really have to have a reason. just the mind freewheeling.
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