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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. get a bottle of expensive booze and then down it in the one go. that way you can tell who got you it by the look on their face. EDIT: just looked at your profile, so you'll be 16 and the booze thing probably wouldn't happen.
  2. So, you want it to be realistic do you? well, everything is elastic to some point. i'm guessing its a bit TOO elastic and thats why you want help on it. Have you tried putting a damping factor on it? if you put a big one on it then it won't boing about so much and it you put a small one on it will boing about till the heat death of the universe. makes it more realistic too.
  3. yeah thermodynamics is pretty important. even if its as boring as hell. and i mean reallly BORING. on a side note, guess what class i'm in just now
  4. Ben Elton's Popcorn. not my usual read but i got nothing else just now.
  5. insane_alien


    i like the thump at the end
  6. umm, if it were true then seismology as we know it would be completely wrong. not to mention several branches of physics on wave propogation through solids.
  7. how old is the post? if its too old you won't be able to edit it.
  8. virus or adware then. run a full sweep with an AV and adaware and spybot and use firefox or opera or some other browser apart from IE
  9. oh i will help him, he just won't get it done for him.
  10. and your not going to tell us the idea you had so we can tell you if our right or wrong? dude, we are NOT here to do your homework for you.
  11. well, the gulf stream is the reason we have such mild winters since it bathes in (relatively) warm water. if that stops then the temperatures in winter will plummet by a good 7*C
  12. heh the car i drive can't even reach 100 mph even if its going downhill
  13. just an abnormally warm summer. global warming is extremely likely to cool us here in the UK since the gulf stream would cease flowing.
  14. an even number of mirrors is the only arrangement that will work in that case.
  15. i use a web cam(well, DV camera but same principle but with better resolution) in the real world.
  16. you don't even have anything that qualifies as a hypothesis so your wish is granted!
  17. YT, i was talking about a gun that fires roughly 50 rounds per second not your average backyard fully automatic potato flinger.
  18. isn't the accretion disk generally a plasma anyways? the collisions betwen atoms(ions if i'm right) would knock electrons off anyway at the temps found in accretion disks before the x-rays did.
  19. chambers can get VERY hot when rapid firing. some guns you can only fire constantly for about 2 minutes before the chamber and barrel are red hot.
  20. is ther any film where a bus driver gets hacked to bits an fed to rabid squirrels?
  21. hmm i vapourised glass once, it didn't shatter while in the solid state. therefor, temperature isn't the main factor. if you must know, its a temperature gradient that causes the glas to shatter.
  22. you forgot to mention the tendancy to throw mugs at high velocity when mad.
  23. propane. or i would hook it up to the mains gas and use that well, i'd bottle some of it i didn't actually just have a pipe straight from the pipe, that would have been too dangerous.
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