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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i think he should just die a humiliating death for the entertainment of the masses.
  2. what a twisted view of exciting you have. only joking. i know some people find stuff like that interesting. i prefer stuf i can actually see happenening.
  3. i regret NOTHING!
  4. scaphism is another good option(look it up on wikipedia). days and days of fun with that one.
  5. they should whirl him around and then fling him at a wall of spikes. that would be hilarious.
  6. the pictures from this guys site look mighty familiar(including the agonisingly slow download times). i'm sure that he's been here before and got proven to be a crack pot. i'll go have a little search just now. okay after a token search i haven't found anything but i'm still 100% sure i seen them somewhere before(maybe on the bad astronomy boards where i used to visit regularly or orbitersim boards)
  7. fractions rule. i use them all the time as well as decimal. it can make calculations soo much easier sometimes. learn to love them.
  8. insane_alien


    the biggest difference is that your are pleased rather than disappointed when you get ID'd
  9. this is why naps should be enforced by law. the spanish have it right siestas all the way!
  10. well think about it. there is 1/500 mol per litre then. just take the /500 as 1/500 and you have it in mol per litre.
  11. insane_alien


    dunno what forum you've been visiting. the maturity levels here are often lower than a drunken 4 year olds. i'm 18 btw 19 in a month and a bit.
  12. M/500 is 1 mol per 500 litres
  13. if the MSDS says do not let the chemical contact your bare skin then make sure you DO NOT let the chemical contact your bare skin. (i know this but it happens almost every time) strobe lighting and sharp things that spin at the right speed are very very dangerous when mixed i don't care ho much alcohol youve consumed YOU CAN'T FLY
  14. /me opens a bottle of redwine. w00tage lets drink to resveratol. until we find out it causes cancer or something like that
  15. marriage is just cohabitation with a bit of paper. not much of a difference when you look at the basics of it.
  16. nevermore, i heard them all. a long time ago.
  17. Now, this is only coming from an engineer in training but... why are you only analysing australia? it is FAR from a closed system. even the Earth as a whole isn't a closed system but we can measure the inputs and outputs to some accuracy so we can factor them in. but to do it for a small(relatively) area of earth is just insane. there is no way you can keep track of all the factors to deduce if there is an energy imbalance. you have not got sufficient background in climate science and therefore cannot comment on anything. the effect does not need to manifest as temperature increases and you have discarded pretty much every data point that you think disagrees (urban heat islands ARE part of the energy increase you don't have a couple of terawatts of heat given off without some effect on the climate. you have also not linked to the origional source data. only to your blog which frankly i will not visit due to the innacuracies you present here. post a DIRECT link to your sources or none at all. if you presented links to a blog in a scientific journal application then you would be laughed at so don't do it here because we're not so nice when we lose patience. you claim to be a statisticiam but your skewing the data. remind me never to get you to work for me when im an engineer. i'll handle it myself, i know whats relevant and important.
  18. it gets boring and repetitive after the umpteenth listen. not to say i wasn't addicted for a few months a while ago
  19. link to some independant and scientific sources or forever be dismissed as a crock. you only link to your blog. we have no assurances of its scientific accuracy and you seemed surprised when edtharan said global warming increased the energy in a system. i conclude from that last that you have no idea what effects global warming can have and therefore no way in which to accurately interpret the data. besides your only looking at one tiny tiny variable amongst a whole mishmash of variables. have you looked at the occurences of storms, rainfall, changes in ocean currents, changes of salinity in the oceans? how about humidity, evapouration rates, cloud formation, wind speeds? these are all affected by increased energy in the system.
  20. I think we have concluded that the lasers are going to be more impractical than the fluid loop so heat transfer via radiation isn't worth considering due to convection and conduction. Note of uselessness: w00t my post count is the same as the year i was born in!
  21. ahh indium tin oxide. why didn't you say so. there are multiple meanings for nearly every abbreviation so please state what you mean fully for the first time.
  22. gcol, ordinary glass with all its impurities, yes. it will block a large amount of IR but pure silica and fused quartz will transmit it.
  23. Rocketman: yes it could be done but lasers get hot and don't have the highest of efficiency i thought of it earlier but i done some research and filed it under possible but impractical(although this entire thread should be filed under the same heading)
  24. closest thing i've found is the italian trade organization
  25. probably yes. i think they might be like frogs though feel pain when chucked into boiling water but if brought to he boil slowly enough then they wouldn't notice.
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