well, seeing as 999999/1000000 drugs(probably more) are organic molecules i'd say that organic chemistry would play a damn big role in medicine. in a course like biochem you are learning a very specific part of organic chemistry. how a few(still a lot) of organic molecules react within a cellular structure. this is organic chemistry but just at a different level.
i think that if you taught kids in sex ed by just telling them the facts instead of goin "OMGz0R tHis is TEH EVILz0r5!!!!0ne!!1" then kids might not be as compelled to do it as early as possible. my sex education at school was basically 'don't do it ever, even when your a grown up'
although if you follow rocketmans advice remember that it is LASER. its an acronym for Light Amplified Stimulated Emittion of Radiation. no z's in there.
the adaptor is fine. but the soldering method requires opening up the laptop. its basically what they would do if you put it in for servicing.
if you don't know what your doing. get it serviced. there are places that will do that. i'm not sure how much it will be.
tycho, i may be wrong(probably am), but the electrons could add energy to the laser light by relativistic effects. if the electron beam can reflect the laser light to some extent(this happens doesn't it?) then the electrons will transfer momentum to the photons resulting in a higher frequency and energy. blue-shifting in effect. the same could be done by firing a laser at a mirror coming at you near c. mirror would probably hurt more though.
i know that ringworlds and dysonspheres aren't stable. but i was thinking something like the bussard ramjets in the ringworld sequels.if the need for them is great enough then they will build in control systems to keep it stable.
i got to agree with sayo on this one. ringworlds and dyson spheres would be far more favourable to an expanding civilization.and besides i'm sure there are far more interesting planets out there. maybe when they start picking up some of our radio broadcasts they might decide to come and investigate.
1. i don't think you can buy one and the losses would mean the light would be totall absorbed after only a few hundered bounces. the light would not be visible in any case(you don't see lasers unless you put something for it to scatter off of , or put your eye in its path NOT a smart idea if you like seeing) you could make one.
yeah i know. but one of the issues was storage of the hydrogen. its one more hurdle thats coming down. I'm pro nuclear for the production of hydrogen. we just need to get fusion figured out.
its pretty accurate. natural selection cannot operate on a species unless it exists in the first place. this is not from a biological POV but simply a logical POV.
Natural selection is the process where bad genes will cause a disadvantage to the creature and because of this will die before passing the genes along.
it needs to have lived before it can die and natural seletion occur.
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