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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i can't stand buzzwords. they just complicate things. i mean, WTF does 'synergy' mean.
  2. yes its commonly called 'common sense'
  3. infrared will not strip electrons away. UV and above cando it but infrared merely causes the atom to wiggle about abit.
  4. oh i suppose you think the sun is made of iron as well. what about the vast clouds of hydrogen in space that can be seen exherting a gravitational pull?
  5. i was browsing around and came across this http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/can-you-trust.html it basically says that if microsoft and intel and all that start using this software/hardware then they will have full access and control over you PC. if they don't like a file on your PC then they can just delete it. if they don't like what your putting out on the internet then they can cut you off and tell other computers to not open files made on your PC. Wouldn't this be extremely illegal and an infringement of rights?
  6. have you checked in your bottom drawer. i always find stuff in there despit only ever opening it to try and find stuff.
  7. she should have used a contraceptive or made sure whoever slept with her wore a contraceptive. condoms are cheap. abortions and cloning are not.
  8. so, you're looking for someone to pull out some maths that explains something that you think is brand spanking newand nobody has seen before? If it works you should be able to do it numerous times making recordings of EVERYThING apply some statistical mathematics to it and beable to derive an equation from the results.
  9. yeah it wouldn't be hard to knock the little tube in the spirit level off horizontal by a few fractions of a degree. small enough so its not noticed and big enough to allow something to roll. just thought, if its level how can they say its rolling uphill?
  10. its called a spirit level and umm i'm not sure how it rolled up hill if the spirit level showed it was flat
  11. try it in a vacuum. i bet you 100 (insert colloquialism for your currency here) it won't work then. my hypothesis is that all the effects seen are a result of the thermal set up by the hot iron.
  12. i prefer the electric brae which is near me. cars appear to roll uphill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_Brae its damn freaky untill you figure out its an optical illusion looking at the pub YT linked to you have to wonder if it would look right after a considerable number of pints from there
  13. loose connection where you stick the power cord in. possible solution: lotsa jiggling effects: will probably get worse with time. if its under warranty get it fixed, if not learn how to solder or how to apply duct tape to electrical equipment.
  14. My (old)monitor ar SOLD missing a few pins. they were the unnecessary pins so it didn't matter. are you sure the pins broke off or did you just not notice it before.
  15. most satellite use custom OS's, software and hardware. it would not be easy to hack one and impossible for a virus to infect it unless a hacker on the ground had access to the OS and software used. besides, most of the functions accessible from the ground are relay functions with manouvering operations on an isolated system.
  16. i'd say an extreme form of attention seeking, paranoia and a superiority complex could possibly result in the formation of a crackpot. acid trips are probably involved in more than a few cases. Edit: i just thought, they usually have a problem with authority thinking that everything they say is false but in trying to get everyone over to their side, they would become an authority and hence hate themselves.wonder what would happen if a crackpot actually turned out to be right for once. damn thats scary.
  17. insane_alien


    because the doctors do checks before prescribing the drug that there will be a minimal risk of any adverse effects. if you weren't prescribed it then do not take it.
  18. have you tried uploading the pictures to somewhere like imageshack and then linking there?
  19. insane_alien


    and why do you want to take this particular amphetamine? adverse effects are:Palpitations, tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, Overstimulation, restlessness, dizziness, insomnia, euphoria, dysphoria, tremor, headache, exacerbation of tics, Tourette's syndrome and psychotic episodes, Dryness of mouth, unpleasant taste, diarrhea, constipation, other gastrointestinal disturbances. Anorexia and weight loss may occur. and finally impotence. i do NOT recommend taking this drug it is perscribed for a reason. there is a chance you could have a reaction to it and die.
  20. there is none. its length contraction not length elongation. and he also said that it can never reach c.
  21. why do you associate movement with wind?an object moving in a vacuum feels no wind
  22. i really don't see how that simulates lightspeed travel. The only effects i can see happening are heating (and possibly vapourization) of the plate and electromagnetic pressure. nothing to do with motion.
  23. where did i say we could move anything at c? really? can you cite a source explain how this simulates an impossible event? if this is what you meant in the first place why didn't you ask that? oh and google is such a wonderful tool link of the gods
  24. a 30 km sky dive? that would be AWESOME thats like 6 times higher than i've jumped from. unless you mean 30000ft then its only twice as high but still awesome. you'll need oxygen cylinders for the jump though.
  25. hmmm, i thought velocity was more of a condition and acceleration being an action. if you fire something off relative to another obect at an extremely high velocity then its not going to just disintigrate because that would mean every object in the universe should have disintegrated by now.
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