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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. Tycho, remember that it didn't just burn up. it hit the ground and a lot of energy would be directly transfered into said ground and released a bit slower so the change in temperature is a lot slower and the energy emitted by the earth makes up for it. I like the idea of detonating nukes close (but not on) to the surface to heat up one side of the asteroid so it partially vapourises causing a rocket like effect and nudging the asteroid off course. then again, i also say we should start mining the asteroids so that theirs no big ones left to hit us.
  2. well you could get fill the blimp get a spring balance and connect it up to your blimp and then drag it along and see how much force it requires for a certain speed. it should be somewhat accurate. if you really need to you could make a data plot and work out a rough equation for its drag with respect to velocity.
  3. adaware SE personal. http://www.lavasoft.com FREE!
  4. you could always store consumables on the outside of the craft as long as they won't become radioactive if they are for human consumption.
  5. yeah aluminium burns readily in standard conditions(apart from temperature unless atomised) when the temp gets above about 500C. also jet fuel can burn hotter under the right conditions. the surrounding building would act like insulationand you have a good supply of air fom directly underneath the fire(stairwells) so the temperature would probably exceed 1000C at the center by a few hundered degrees. and the steel doesn't need to melt to cause collapse. its just needs to get a bit squidgy
  6. 5 words. all english. no the book probably wouldn't be that great a help because 1. its not done the same way as the code at the back 2. i added something that isn't mentioned in the book.
  7. amod 1 right answer among a multitude of wrong answers hardly means that you are right.
  8. heh 0.173s average. not bad. must be all the tea i drink.
  9. its moths that get me. spiders, ants grasshoppers, flies, bees, wasps, butterflies they're all cool but if a moth comes within 2 meters of me i'l scream like a little girl. it can be quite embarassing at times.
  10. on my wanderings through the intar web i found this cool flash to help you visualise 10 dimensions in our universe. it sorta makes sense. http://www.tenthdimension.com/flash2.php Caution: may cause explosion of brain and reduce you to a gibbering vegetable.
  11. isn't the moon the primary cause of the tides with the sun only providing a small fraction of the effect. the moon would still be there.
  12. CPL: its actuall potassium and leftover heat from the earths formation. the heat isn't what keeps the core spinning. its angular momentum at its finest.
  13. maybe we should get one for SFN: Caution: May cause thought. I really hate the obvious ones. if someone doesn't have enough common sense to know these already then they need to be shot(exceptions are; babies, mentally disabled and ehhh... nope thats it.)
  14. YT, the asteroid belt will be expanding and becoming even more diffuse than it already is. the distances between the asteroids are more than capable of allowing a fair sized planet like earth through the belt. we would probably be fine.
  15. woah that thing still exists?
  16. if its over 60*C you need better cooling(or to clean the dust out) if its under, its fine.
  17. the whole 'sex for fun' in animals is that they are having sex for reasons other than reproduction. i mean if a male has sex with a pregnant female, its obviously not going to lead to an offspring(asides the one already their) or anal sex among animals (i think the bonobos do that).
  18. http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article1346411.ece google. the chances of a hit are more than 1:65 million a year. theres been several major hits in the past 5 million years.
  19. just cause we didn't know about the threat does not mean that it did not exist.
  20. mooey, have you looked up recently? space is damn big and whole planets appear as nothing more than a tiny spot. imagine a rock a billionth the size of a planet, not visible to the naked eye but still big enough to wipe out all life on earth and then some. telescopes can only search a tiny tiny fraction at a time as well.
  21. we observe other species to find out stuff about ourselfs, our behaviours etc. why wouldn't an advanced alien race do te same?
  22. i thought the nitrates came from nitrogen in the air that was forced to react by the spark plug. or am i just blathering?
  23. looks like it was italy VIVA ITALIA
  24. key word being ALMOST sayonara. your slipping.
  25. something to do with the ratios of oxygen isotopes trapped in ice i believe. not quite sure why this ratio has to do with temperature but i'm pretty sure they must have a good idea of what they are doing.
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