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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. its more that they have low concentrations of salt.its there, but undetectable to taste. its a slow process but its been happening for millions of years.
  2. still not enough.
  3. no, it does cover how species originate. what it does NOT cover is the origin of life. one of the assumptions of the theory of evolution is that life exists.
  4. well, there's a lot of sodium and a lot of chlorine in the universe. sodium and chlorine react easily and form a stable compound. salts pretty common just because there's a lot of it.
  5. a 1 watt beam of light can cut through THIN metal. This is because the heat cannot be conducted away fast enough by the metal. a tank on the otherhand is essentially a solid block of metal. Heat conduction away from the point of contact is significant and will prevent the metal getting hot enough to melt. A tank would be able to withstand sustained bursts from a 200W laser. This is why in order to be weaponised the military are looking for 100kW lasers. To be a useful weapon it needs to be destructive AND quick. if its not quick then defending against it is easy, just move.
  6. Depends. Depends on the dose, depends on the person. A higher dose makes addiction more likely. For instance, if you behaved like tony montana in scarface and snorted a literla heap of cocaine (assuming you survived) then it is likely you would develop an addiction) if it was a trace amount (such as the traces often found on paper money) then chances could be zero. Also, some people get addicted to things easier than others. This can be for a variety of reasons such as a genetic susceptibilty, perhaps leading to more receptors for a particular drug or something. Or even just personality, soem people can get addicted to things even if there isn't an actual chemical reason for it. Which brings up another complicating factor, what type of addiction? Addiction can be because of a physical dependancy(whether inherent or developed later). this is the kind of addiction that crops up with drugs, they cause physiological and neurological changes that make the user feel terrible if they don't get the drug into their system. Addiction can also manifest through behaviours. Nothing is actually making them want to do it other than habit. This is more associated with things like sucking your thumb into adult hood, picking your nose and biting nails. There is no addictive substance, there is nothing but habitual behaviour. But you can still experience withdrawal when forced to stop for whatever reason.
  7. no, that would not create perpetual motion. it would quickly stop due to resistance and the extraction of energy from the system.
  8. if you put a proportional amount of salt into a glas it will all dissolve(although the anti-caking agents used in table salt usually hang around.) basically, the salt is dissolved by the water from rocks. this is then washed into the oceans and seas where it accumulates because it does not evapourate. the salt in the ocean will not settle out because it is completely dissolved. the only way for the salt to settle out is if it gets far more concentrated, usually be removing the water by evapouration. This is happening in some parts of the world such as the dead sea where the salt concentration has reached saturation so whenever water evapourates from the dead sea some salt is left behind. This is also one method of producing salt for human consumption or other use although most of it is still mined from ancient buried deposits formed from dried up seabeds (ancient seas that underwent the same process the dead sea is undergoing now).
  9. wow, that was just offensive and wrong on every level. all i said was that you were being unreasonable towards inow, and pretty much everyone on the forums knows i don't get along too well with inow, we just don't see eye to eye on a lot of things.
  10. its a misconception that the big bang theory is actually about the origin of the universe. all the big bang theory says is that the universe used to be really really tiny and then got really big really quickly. it says nothing of its ultimate origin
  11. not all europeans, middle easterners or asians speak english. SOME do, but not all. a large number of people living in your country speak spanish, hence a spanish option. just like canadians have a large french speaking population. if you don't like spanish then just select the option for english and move along. oh, and don't try to make inow out to be the asshole here.
  12. because a large portion of the united states populace speaks spanish. the same can't be said for the rest.
  13. why would it kill your elctrical work? if anything electronics would run better
  14. free speech covers opinion, not abuse. and by bullying, you are infringing upon the rights of others(quite severely). obviously you have never been the on the recieving end of bullying.
  15. except mating requires consent from both parties. the fact that people are drugged means informed consent cannot be given.
  16. well, its both. the train will pass by 400 times in a station minute and say 800 times in a train minute. depending on what minute you are using as a reference you'd have to translate that into a perios of time for the other observer.
  17. i'm a channel operator, but not a forum moderator. i can kick and ban in IRC but not in the forum.
  18. i say that immediately assuming something is the work of god is not science and dressing it up to look liek science makes it pseudo science. and yes it does imply that his science is bad, it should, thats exactly what i intended it to say because he is clearly biased on the issue if he is saying it is a 'divine action' ie, the work of a super natural thing. in otherwords, complete bull.
  19. you might have some problems with how the structure survive the extreme cooling. buildings tend to be made of lots of materials with different thermal expansion coefficients. you might find something breaks from the stresses created.
  20. you know why so few have tried it? because its bloody bleach. and a potent oxidiser to boot. there is absolutely nothing to be gained from ingesting it.
  21. dunno, but i went from sober to unable to stand after a single vodka and coke. there must have been something up with it(i never went to hospital about it as i was fine when i came out of it the next day.
  22. no, thats just going to make you likely to get banned from the forum too. if you want a thread moved, ask a moderator. as to your ban, it was either scruffy, azurephoenix or mooeypoo who banned you. talk to them. okay, found out which ban was yours and removed it. won't be doing it again so behave .
  23. i hope you realise there is a massive difference between a new fetish and unknowingly drugging someone and then having sex with them while they are semi-concious. the latter is rape by the way in case you couldn't figure it out and it is a problem. hell, even i've had a spiked drink in a club(thankfully my friends realised that i was not enough of a lightweight to be acting like i was after only 1 drink and took me home). its more common than you'd think. so no, this is not some new sexuality, this is rape with chemical restraints instead of physical restraints.
  24. yes, thats it exactly. you won't suddenly see a fish give birth to a frog or something crazy like that. a good place to look is to the history of dog breeding. dogs only exist because of us human imposing extra selective pressures on wolves. or horticulture is another example. the only difference between those and 'natural' evolution is the source of the selection pressure. for instance, it is usefl for a prey animal to be faster, so the faster individuals will survive better and breed more.leading to less slower ones. this might have physical manifestations as well such as longer legs to allow for faster running. again it's tiny minute changes that just build up over the generations.
  25. well, 'macro' evolution is just the logical consequence of 'micro' evolution (i put them in quotes because the distinction does not exist, they are all the same) many small changes can add up to massive changes over time. this said, it seems you think that there have always been humans of some kind, this is not the case. animals resembling humans have only been around for a few million years. if you could trace your family tree back a few tens of millions of years you'd find some shrew like creatures, go even further back and you'll find some fish. go even further back than that an you'll find some single celled organisms. all changes in evolution are gradual generation to generation changes.
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