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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. the north needle of a compass is acually ATTRACTED to the north pole of the magnetic field. the needle is a small magnet and the side we call north is actually a south pole. It is called the north needle because it is the side that always points towards(attracted to) north. its a common mistake that people make.
  2. however long it takes for light to cross the electron. the force is transmitted by particles that travel at the speed of light, hence, the force travels at the speed of light.
  3. ...and the stregnth of the other magnet.
  4. still not the same as skydiving. the real thing is soooo much more fun.
  5. Top 10 things not to do while in wake surgery (doctor) 10. say "oops" 9. say "Nurse, hand me the icecream scoop and wafer" 8. try to have sex with the patient 7. urinate in the sink 6. drop an instrument and pick it up and clean it by wiping it on your jeans. 5. talk about the last operation, which was unsuccessful 4. half way through ask the nurse "whats this squishy bit?" 3. answer to his/her reply "is it important?" 2. whip out a chainsaw. 1. faint at the first sight of blood Next: Top 10 things not to say when your the first person to land on mars. P.S. wake surgery is where the patient is concious throughout the procedure. usually minor operations or brain ops where they need to make sure that they're not prodding the wrong place.
  6. I would go for that. although personally i am sick of the debate, the amount of people i see ignoring the mountains of evidence to follow a book that was turned into a propaganda message by the roman empire.
  7. yeah slate will work under water(in a sink at anyrate i just tried) the slate i have, i got for free! theres an abandoned house not far from where i live and most of the slates have fallen off. i just picked one up. you could get them at a brickies quite cheap probably.
  8. Ahh thats given me an idea for an example. david blane survived without food for 40 days(?). 40*24*3600=3456000 seconds 3456000*100=345600000 joules =345 MJ now, this isn't the total chemical energy that he had seeing as he still wasn't dead and you could extract more energy by burning him(who else would want to see that?). but its a rough estimate.
  9. Wow. Don't you think this just adds to his credibility? here is a guy who cannot do simple ratios but has allegedly created a mathematical program that can predict anything in the entire universe. its so obvious that he must be a mathematical genius.no wonder he ignores our questions. all these people on the forums with degrees in mathematics or a field that is mathematics heavy, what the hell do we know.
  10. Joules is a measure of the amount of energy, not really a capacity. the only way to really work this out with any accuracy(short of burning a body to determine the energy released by calorimetry) is to take the energy of all the mass and go from there. lets say we have an 80kg human. the maximum energy that can be released is if there was a total mass conversion. E=mc^2 (we'll assume momentum is zero) E= 80*9*10^16 =7200000000000000000 J =7.2 EJ(exa-joules)
  11. not really a fair question. Science is a methodology to understand the universe around us and evolution is a very small (although on its own extremely vast field) product of this methodology. neither runs anything. evolution is a description of a mechanism and science is a method to determine that description. and so do other animals with the respective body parts and brain complexity. 1. how many other sentient species do you know of? 2. This DOES happen, animals will stop eating and become unresponsive when they are depressed. effectively suicide by starvation or letting a predator kill you.
  12. ummm where exactly did you get a single one right? i can't quite seem to find a prediction that you've made that is correct.
  13. personally, i pick(ed) chemEng i'm doing the Meng as well. contrary to what sophster said, there are good job prospects both within and without the field. although to get a job within the field just now you would probably have to get a job abroad. the skills you get from the chem eng course can be applied to a hell of a lot of other things in buisness apparently. tell you when i start the buisness class(ugh) later this year. although if you like physics better, i'd say go for it.
  14. insane_alien


    it was a sort of crappy booklet thing that didn't really explain things too well but it got the basics across and you can use the help to get the more advanced things. as for the three week thing, i missed the first 4 weeks of class(nobody informed me as to where the class actually was and the directory sucks ass and didn't list the class) so i stayed up late trying to get it right. its not too difficult
  15. insane_alien


    it can be done, it was a part of one of my uni classes and it took 3 weeks to get familiar with it. have you ever used BASIC? if so you'll be fine.
  16. busted fan, over heating. the heat sink might be loose or needing a reapplication of thermal paste as well(if its new enough to need a heatsink).
  17. Amod apparently. obviously not the brightest of crayons in the box. This is the first time i've ever been interested enough in football to get the results of a match.
  18. If you extracted it at 40 watts, then yes.(or at least fed the enery through at 40 watts). how long depends on the size of the person. i have no idea how much energy(assuming chemical energy) is in the human body. but the time in seconds would be (Energy retrieved in joules)/40 i'd say the 40 watt bulb would stay lit for a long time since the body idles at around 100 watts.
  19. ooo wrong again brazil won 2:0
  20. technically, yes. but the difference would be practably imperceptible.
  21. well, expanding gasses drop in temperature extremely rapidly. the moon has an atmospheric pressure of zero(practically), the pressure of the fireball is probably a few tens of atmospheres, its a few thousand K, its gonna expand FAST and hence cool to the point where the emissions are invisible. and any emissions in the visible spectrum will be to spread out and dim to be visible from earth.
  22. actually... with a bit of research(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_side_bus) FSB clocks of 1.25GHz are possible. so
  23. i still think a slate is better, you can rub out a small patch of what you don't want. you can also get different colours.
  24. you know what i use if i don't have a handy piece of paper or a computer, a slate. no batteries, can be used an infinite amount of times, stones can be used as a stylus, it can be used to prop up a wobbly table, etc. etc.
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