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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. wouldn't work then. the chromosones would be all messed up and i would be surprised if the sperm could actually survive.
  2. relative to what? If your going to argue about relativity you better start playing by its rules. anyway how would you be able to determine that it was you who was travelling at near C. it could be that the universe is travelling that is travelling at near C and you just put on some breaks so to speak. or you could have sped up and went even closer to C. any of these situation are valid for relativity but i would like the back up of a more physics minded person.
  3. Its funny how those who claim to have an open mind and be enlightened are usually the most closeminded and blind.
  4. i'm all alone. it seems my name is pretty unique. My first name is common in english speaking countries and rare where my last name is common. and vice versa.
  5. Sounds a lot like genocide. and how are we oppressing you? we don't even know you.
  6. you could build a electrochemical cell to power a photon emmiter.
  7. can you feel a bullet hitting you as it travels away from you? Thats a pretty close analogy since the eyes detect the photon(bullet) hitting the receptor cells in your eyes. the only real difference is that the bullet would kill you. The beam of light does not itself emit light and nor does it reflect light. therefore we can not observe it unless that light enters our eyes or any other instrument we may may be using to detect photons.
  8. the phospahtes would be the same remember allotropes are different structures in the elemental form.
  9. The chances are that that is not molten metal. remember a plane carrying thousands of gallons of flammable jet fuel just crashed into the side of the building and spilt the fuel every where. the fuel burns. the fuel flows. it can do both at once. it is falling jet fuel. or falling burning objects.
  10. your not wrong but it can be assumed an open system since the atmosphere is hugely vaster than the volume of the water vapour.
  11. multivitamins don't really affect a person with a well balanced diet as they will get all the vitamins from the food they eat the key is "well balanced". the herbal stuff is mostly placebo although there are a few things around that do have verified active ingredients although the effect is still small because of the small dosages and they don't usually do anything useful just a bit of slight mood altering or reducing a headache.
  12. what i see there is a red hot peice of metal coming out of a smoking hole. if there was fuel around that part(paper, cooling oil from some bit of machinery, plastics, aviation fuel) this could keep the metal glowing red hot for a considerable period of time. the surrounding rubble would only keep it insulated and allowing it to reach ~ 1000C where things start to glow. remember, glowing red hot doesn't mean it was molten, ever. <edit> nice sidestep around my comments about the thermite.
  13. i just memorized them by atomic number. nothing really interesting or easy. i just did it.
  14. its all about making them feel very very relaxed and not care so much about what they're told to do it. basically switching them onto autopilot. i gave hypnosis a try once. i can get people to raise their arms up without them noticing but thats about it.
  15. you know that could have been a welded joint that melted due to the fire. looks too clean to be thermite. thermite usually just melts everything into a nice big squidgy blob. have your ever seen a bit of steel cut with thermite? the cut is messy.
  16. turn off the lights when you leave a room. keep the doors shut to prevent heat loss(if you live in a cold country)
  17. in theory i suppose you could do that although the diagram shown is a bit *ahem* innacurate in all likelyhood. it would also take millions of years.
  18. its possible to run an ion engine on anything because it is ejected as a plasma. Xenon is picked because it won't erode the engine parts as much as other gases. the fact that is has a high atomic mass also helps. this means it will stay in the engine longer during the acceleration phase and we can get more momentum out of it. Radon in theory would be better but its radioactive. you could also use a heavy metal like lead but it can build up on the insides of the engine and cause blockages. Xenon just works out to have the most advantages over disadvantages.
  19. you haven't really grasped the meaning of relativity have you? ther is NO absolute stationary reference of the universe. and from our point of view the galaxy is stationary. however if you are looking from say the andromeda galaxy the andromeda galaxy is stationary and the milkyway is moving. anyway whats wrong with having a moving reference. its perfectly valid. also from our point of view we are at the center of the universe. most galaxies are redshifted(the andromeda is actually blue shifted and will impact in a few hundred billion years.) this would also be true where ever you are in the universe. no matter where you were it would appear that you were at the centre.
  20. Yeah lets go for it.
  21. well yeah, but there are only a few species of that size and shape. i was generalizing for simplicity.
  22. yes it is dependant on proximity. this close to the sun there are a goodish number of xrays and other ionizing radiations pouring off the sun. this close a large number of water molecultes will be ionized but further away the effect would be less. as for the comets the ice is somewhat shielded by itself and the vapour cloud around it.
  23. as an addition to what sisyphus said, fish are cold blooded because they would spend too much energy trying to keep themselves warm and not be able to cool themselves down. this is all because water is better at heat conduction than air. also phase change cooling isn't really possible.
  24. silk, 2 is the definite scale. see http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/feb98/888729125.Ch.r.html if its not 2 then i've got to get me the new edition of my chemistry books. i think the scale came about because it allowed greater accuracy without fractions. and it was before decimilization so it wasn't based on a power of 10 scale.
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