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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i just bought the premade ones to launch my r/c plane since i don't have a suitable runway for take off and i can't throw it fast enough. i could use a slingshot of sorts or try making a steam catapult like on aircraft carriers, but... fire. they are more than adequate just shove 4 under the wings and another one just under the tail and it can get it up to 45 mph in about 5.5 m
  2. Well when we switch over to fusion power it won't be much of a problem we'll have oodles of power with very little cost and we'll be breaking up water anyway to get deuterium to fuel the reactors unless we find a suitable method for p-p fusion. so the unusable hydrogen can go to fueling our cars etc.
  3. i've never found a real use for mine unless its one of those awkward situations when no one is saying anything. a random fact about genetalia usually gets some conversation going.
  4. 1. Incredibly easily amused (I like shiny things) 2. My ingenious wit 3. My intelligence 4. I can make friends with people quickly 5. Perpetually happy (well unless something serious has happened like a death in the family) 6. I can manipulate people subtly if need be(insert evil grin and laugh here) 7. My ability to rant about small things(this gave rise to a .mp3 file called "The 36 rants" i meant to post it on the net but never got round to it. its basically 36 hours of me ranting about things. i recorded them while waiting on busses, the number came around because the bus is the No. 36) 8. That i can't think of anything else...
  5. what we have just now works 99.99% of the time and we are working on the other 0.01% thats good enough for me as long as we're working on learning what we don't know.
  6. Atmospheric effects and the strain from bond angle deformation are probably the biggest challenges for making it besides the actual construction. you could possibly do it in space, which provides a vacuum so it doesn't get smashed apart and there are no gravitaional effects to make it structurally impossible(nothing to do with density but problems like why you cant have a 1000mile high tower of steel the width of a matchstick.) Example: try making a (hollow) ball of tinfoil about the size of the earth. thats about the equivalent wall thickness to volume ratio.
  7. the first 6 words of the wiki article tell me its bull. YDOAPS's previous ehh misdirections are probably the reason why he took a whole paragraph.
  8. I just finished a project on the production of ethanol from various biomasses. the most effective way to go just now appears to be smaller units on farms than bigger factories. ideally you could have domestic units to extract fuel from grass cuttings and the like but gardens are neither common enough or large enough(on average) to produce the required volume of ethanol.
  9. i was kinda wasted when i wrote that one. yeah... lets forget it exists ok?
  10. Well i've never introduced myself to anyone by talking about the rise and fall of the roman empire or the great fire of London or the pyramids. but i first got talking to my current girlfriend during a conversation about chemistry. so from a personal viewpoint id say science is a better taling point. then again... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/295165
  11. i play C&C on my laptop as well as some similar games. nothing too graphics intense
  12. tried and failed which is why i tried here. anyways, the problem is solved now.
  13. Current methods of cancer treatment work on on single principle. They hit your body with some lethal cocktail of radiation or chemicals and hope that it kills the cancer faster than it kills you.
  14. you could always buy the standard rocket motors in the hobby shops. i mean i'm going to take it your not really a professional rocketeer and building a huge ass rocket thats supposed to go 30 odd miles up the way.
  15. If we set up some large(and i mean huge) geothermal power stations that draw energy from he magma chamber could we lower the temperature enough to partially solidify the magma and hence stop the eruption(lots of power for fancy stuff like supercolliders as well as the usual) or do we not use that much energy
  16. heh this is why i only really us my laptop for typing and as a back up. my PC is easily upgradeable. spealing of which i need a new mobo and some more memory.
  17. s'ok i've been known to completely miss the point more than a few times.
  18. i'm somewhat ambidextrous my left hand can do most of the things my right hand can do and ven a few things it can't and vice versa. although i was origionally right handed my left hand is actually neater than my right hand at writing although i seem to only be able to right in reverse(like in a mirror)
  19. If you are anywhere other than britain, i don't know. I'm not familiar with the healthcare systems. here in britain, i'd go to a GP(general practitioner). ask your parents, or a teacher if you prefer, or someone from the same country as you on this forum.
  20. not exactly the safest way to fill a balloon is it? it could go like the hindenburg but a lot quicker and with a bang.
  21. Well if it was me i'd have went and got it checked out maybe a week after i first noticed it, if not sooner.
  22. Seems a bit controlling for my tastes. I mean i don't want to be told what to eat (even if i have "an extensive menu") and i mean if they control what you eat(maybe not total control but definately some degree of control) they likely control other aspects of your life like what you watch on tv, what you use your computer for etc. it would be too easy for the government to take full control of our lives and it would probably only take a few corrupt individuals for it to happen.
  23. umm not sure how the healthcare system works in the USA. but i mean if your finding it hard to breath thats sort of serious cause if you can't, you die.
  24. Go to a doctor! now!! chances are its nothing serious but still go see a doctor. if your parents won't make an appointment go do it yourself.
  25. its never too late to learn. so ehh what parts of science do you want to learn about there will be someone about who'll be happy to help you whatever the subject.
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