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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i've tried both of those. The top link doesn't have a trial and the bottom link only outputs audio with no video. either that or it uses a rrare codec
  2. there are coronas in scotland but i've never seen anybody drink them
  3. Does anyone know how to convert a .3gp file from a videophone into a .mpg file playable by windows. i tried this recently but only the audio came through and the picture didn't.
  4. augment: do you know how much helium we would have to extract to make even a measurable change in the moons gravity? i beleive it would be equivalent to the mass of a mountain range. we could probably extract every atom of helium from the moon and still not be able to detect a difference.
  5. i'm in the process of convincing my dad to get one. not really for me, too expensive, but i could probably get to borrow it now and again when i get the money for one i'll buy one.
  6. its the same thing when they dropped nuclear from NMRI when it started being used in medicine. people thought anything with the word nuclear in it was bad.
  7. if its a sufficiently advanced technological civilization then it should have no trouble with either. the digital signals make it more obvious that we are sentient though.
  8. insane_alien

    Gray Goo

    why don't we just make it so nanorobots can't operate outside a certain perimiter. eg. a room or > a set distance from a transmitter.
  9. if you eat enough of anything it'll kill you. don't see why lemons should be different.
  10. the equivalence point is not always at pH 7 for example if you are titration ethanoic acid(vinegar) against sodium hydroxide you have to take into account that the salt formed (sodium ethanoate) is alkaline. so the equivalence point will be alkaline(pH >7). there are other redox reactions where the pH doesn't change all that much as well.
  11. science can be extremely boring at times. like titrations. after you've done a couple they become the most tedious thing in the world. well, almost. big brother is far more tedious. but on the whole science is interesting. if our a scientist you get to do things that non-scientists have no idea that they could be done. the reports are boring but you gotta get them done. just put on some music take a bag of crisps and sit down and write it. you could also offset the boredom with interesting things outside your job/school/uni, like skydiving. a bit pricy but its great fun.
  12. why not just don a suit and tie helium baloons to it. its the same thing. really.
  13. but it also attracts a lot of crazies who'll bring the quality of the content down. the amount of crazies we get just now is more than enough.
  14. because that blackhole would be part of the universe by definition.
  15. i got a nice fake lottery e-mail today. it actually looked semi genuine. but i have played the lottery once in my life and that was 2 years ago. even then i never gave out my address or e-mail or anything like that. also i don't believe a lottery would work out of a yahoo email account.
  16. tan^6 means nothing. tan^6 of what ?
  17. yes. its just a stream of light. its got lots of fancy colours and patterns but it is still light.
  18. my sex ed came from the graffiti in the toilets. no-one taught me not to have sex but i didn't until i was almost 17. yes i had urges and opportunities came up but i thought 'why? i'm not in love with that girl, it would just spoil my firsst if i had sex with her now. Who cares about abstinence as long as we've got contraception.
  19. so ehh whats a fractional photon? and why haven't i seen something about this on the astronomy websites i visit. surely if these fractional photons exist somebody would have sent up a satellite to look for them.
  20. unless you want a cheap night out
  21. meh, i coul do it faster andget the other cars away:D
  22. lots of jobs in chemical engineering which is what i'm studying. but my friend in aerospace said that it's pretty good but lots of work.
  23. food slows the absorbtion of the alcohol into the bloodstream.you only get drunk when the alcohol is in your blood. i had a few pints over lunch today(an hour ago) and i'm just starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. it was a very big lunch
  24. there is no waste. its merely take energy that is already there hanging around and transforming it into something useful.
  25. not enough time for them to shift through boxes of magnetic bracelets and weight loss pills.
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