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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i've ate 3.14159 apple pies in celebration.
  2. magnetic fields and electric fields work differently although they are related. maybe a phyzorcist should answer this one.
  3. while its not illegal it is generally frowned upon. i'm not bothered as long as the kiddies don't get completely legless and are supervised by adults(sober adults)
  4. not really.there would be no measurably external field since the charge is still evenly dispersed throughout the ice.
  5. good if your a beginner to web design. but if your experienced at web programming you'll probably make a decent site anyway.
  6. plastic surgery just look unnatural and wrong. i'd rather have a wife with wrinkles and saggy breasts than a overstretched face and two big lumps of silicon on the front of her. not to mention the various scars
  7. nerd. looks fade and sex gets better.
  8. it'll probably work out in the end. seems alright.
  9. oo she had a drink, what is the world coming to. i've been having a glass of wine with my dinner everyday since i was 5(under supervision of parents of course)
  10. you don't really need a condenser for that. just boil it. you don't need the water vapour that comes off. Wish united nuclear delivered to the UK some of that stuff looks good.
  11. why not just use a tube connected to a tap? or do you only have a well?
  12. not really. anything would have an effect but it wouldn't be very noticable until its a good fraction of the mass of the moon.
  13. i've seen a lot of american shows that only offer content to american internet users. penn & teller for one.
  14. i've been to south africa for a week. went to see a friend.
  15. yeah i started before you posted. sry bout that
  16. no limestone is a base. it would neutralize the sulphuric acid to calcium sulphate, water and carbon dioxide.
  17. its a kind of chocolate. i'll get a photo of one next time i see them (not very common anymore)
  18. yes. but the effect is pretty negligble unless you put something increadibly massive under the table, say mars for instance.
  19. can you be more specific and understandable?
  20. A star after supernova (after the fusion stops) is still about about 99% hydrogen. its only a very small volume of the core(relatively, for the sun its about the size of the earth i believe) has the right conditions for fusion.
  21. Yeah thats what i was trying to say. damn my non-linguistic brain to the firey fathoms of hell! (ok i'll admit i used a thesaurus for that)
  22. insane_alien


    could be factored out assuming you know the exact shape of the gravitaional field of the measuring device. and the observer of course.
  23. yeah i know. i've synthed tnt a few times in the lab. never any great quantities about 60 grams total.
  24. Well at least we know KFC can't blow himself up with TNT.
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