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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. wow you messed up the Welcome Human Vs. Concrete wall: Concrete wall suddenly turns red and sticky with a few lumps of bone.
  2. it already has been used for capturing space dust.
  3. Ed: Personally i would class that as life, simple life but still life. if it can mutate to be slightly more efficient or do a different job and still reproduce then i would definately call it life.
  4. I have a ferrari. only its about 2 inches long and has no engine.
  5. don't you know that those pesky mayans left out a ':' the world will end at 20:12. but they didn't specify a date. could be tonight.
  6. yeah i know. but i couldn't think of a better way to word it. I'm not s o good at the whole english thing even though its the only language i know. i was always better at maths and science
  7. heheh. thank god its back. just hook it to my veins!!!
  8. nope its pretty much just as fragile as glass. yes a block the size of a human could support a car but if you chucked a brick at it it would shatter into thousands of tiny pieces
  9. only by seconds
  10. he's 14 and has graity a bit muddled. i was simplifing a little tiny bit.
  11. isn't that part of a .rar archive. i have several of those files but they are most definately NOT media files.
  12. E=mc^2 or more relevantly m=E/c^2
  13. its caused by mass not heat or spin.
  14. why do i get the strange feeling that whatever azure creates will completely pwn everybody elses.
  15. Police haven't seen my chems. i've only got some common acids(HNO3, H2SO4 and HCL) a couple of bases(NaOH and CaCO3) and various metals(Fe, Al, Mg, Cu, Zn) plus double the standard contents of a chemistry set. nothing very dangerous but still in individual plastic tubs incase of the unlikely event of the containers rupturing. D'you think i should maybe get my storage checked out by someone i mean it isn't exactly the most dangerous of stuff.
  16. i'm a geek for god games. funny how i only lust for power in computer games and careers.
  17. I find Blueprints and CAD very similar except if you rotate them, with CAD you see the otherside of the model but with blueprints you see the other side of the paper(nothing)
  18. Thats a rip off of the Loch Ness Monster. Damn americans copying everybody else. WE HAD THE MONSTERS FIRST!
  19. psychokinesis(telekinesis) would be so cool. pity its a whole load of bull as far as it goes with us. Maybe some alien species could do it by manipulating electric fields or something.
  20. OMFG i want that game so bad! WoW! Thanx Sash i owe you one.
  21. I have almost no short term memory but it always crops up sometime in the next week or so. I can sit through a lecture and come out of it and not remember a single word said but a week later(usually less) i'll be able to do the work no problem.
  22. my chemical supplies(few though they are at the moment)are in a twice padlocked steel box that used to be a largish container for handgrenades in WWII. i got it off my grandpa when i was really interested in the armed forces and was seriously considering joining the RAF but i failed the medical. so i study chemical engineering now. In hindsight i'm actually glad i failed the medical. so anyway this box also has excessive chains around it so nobodys getting into that without the key(s).
  23. its all moot in the end. why not just enjoy life now.
  24. well put ashenell. Things take time Cal. we can't just push a key on a computer and have the theory of evertything pop out in a matter of seconds.
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