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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. a tunnel into the center of a pink death star.
  2. i was always partial to heptagonal cats
  3. no problem. but if its a thread about facts we might as well get them right
  4. well white is supposed to be served chilled and red at room temp for a very good reason. rosa should be served slightly chilled but i'm not sure if there is a proper temp cos i don't drink rosa too often. i usually drink white or red with preference on the red.
  5. it is pretty hard to make a decision in the nominations. there are just so many good people out there
  6. Was it white or red or rosa. i can see white working(maybe) but i doubt red or rosa would work.
  7. the most annoying myth ever has to be that a theory "is only a theory" and i doesn't meant that it applies all the time. while technically this is true most creationists assume that the rules in a theory can be transgressed with ease as often as desired.
  8. physics gets the einstein bashers and cubists chemists get the k3wls and homoepathy freaks. biologists get the creationists and darwin bashers. i've even seen a few people who claim that bacteria are a huge conspiracy to cover up poions being put in the water by aliens from alpha centauri although not in this forum.
  9. I recently terrorised a homeopathy forum with my knowledge of chemistry. didn't have to go above basic molarities to do it either. eventually banned me for "Spreading false facts about the sublime science of homeopathy" hee hee.
  10. Pangloss next word seagull.
  11. click on this link . hehe
  12. 1.IMM 2.Ecoli 3.Herpguy 4.Yourdadonapogos[tick] 5.AzurePhoenix 6.Not sure
  13. We could always use our ultimate weapon... AzurePhoenix. Although there is the risk that she will assume power after wiping out all the leaders of the world and enslave everybody to do her bidding anyway. ... at least she won't be anti-science.
  14. Yeti, Next word: hairy
  15. carbohydrates are flammable too. how else could you start a fire with sugar.
  16. yeah that does look like its getting pulled in by a black hole.
  17. He said everybodys intestines added together not one persons.
  18. food, nex word, spaghetti
  19. OMG stealth sucked! well its almost 2 am so i think i might try and get some sleep before i post the numerous blunders.
  20. Small: quarks and antiquarks form a particle called a meson. this happens cause there are different types of quarks.
  21. why was he sleeping with a sheep? wait i don't wanna know.
  22. Chemists of the world UNITE!
  23. i wish i could glow green... alas i only glow blue.
  24. I'm just about to sit down and watch stealth. I'm expecting this to suck so bad its funny(the whole reason i got it) i'll report back in either a few hours or tomorrow morning.
  25. the sugar just started to crystalize when the tea waas near freezing. the spoon just acted like a seed crystal.
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