Koch Snowflake. And not just cause it sounds like really cold genitalia, i think it looks cool. i remember trying to draw it as far as possible when i was younger and didn't understand the mathematical principles behind it. now, i'm older and don't understand the mathematical principles behind it.
I'd stick with C++ (already have) and BTW you may just find out that robotics is easier than games(unless its the old favourite PONG! , or tetris). try searching google for a free tutorial on pointers. should help you out.
C++ is faster than java but harder to learn. or at least thats my experience.
i don't see how the computer error came about. it couldn't have merely been someone with the same name as me because there are only 8 other living people in the whole country with the same name as me. about 30 if you include England , Wales and Ireland. and i know them all. none of them has the same first name either. i'm the only one with stephen for a first name.
i not so much only hear voices as drop into the story so its like watching a movie. every character has their own voice and accent.
when i'm reading SFN i still imagine up different voices for everybody
and when i'm reading a science book its my voice.
closest thing to a dissection i've done is gutting a rabbit with intent to eat it.
turns out it was pregnant. either that or it had 7 kidneys. it was tasty.
just cause were taking more than 50 years to make a viable fusion process isn't a failure of science. Its a hard problem to get a fusing plasma travelling round a toroid stably. heck just look at a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellarator .
There is also the problem of plasmas at millions of kelvin and million amp currents. its not simple like you seem to think of it as.
The thing is i can't. i have like £5000 total.
BTW YT i know what you mean. any newspapers you would suggest. I'm thinking Daily record (i think its only in scotland) or something. I don't want to give it to "the sun" cos its just trash.
So basically go make a scene. Thats more my style anyway. i think i'll do that. if they still don't agree i'll give them all the flu or whatever the hell is wrong with me just now.
Although azures suggestion is tempting...
yes but not noticably the effect would probably be less than the width of a proton per meter.
Heres my views on the question.
Technically, yes ribs act as a diffraction grating for x-rays.
practically, no because the effect is immeasurable over the distances yet covered by man in the universe.
They do cause some diffraction although it will be insignificant at the distances encountered in a hospital. you could maybe measure it ove a light year.
yeah Azure i'm going to phone them tomorrow(the call centre sucks) and try and sort it out. i posted here because i want to know what the hells going to happen . i know nothing about finances except "put more money into your bank than you take out of it"
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