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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. menr - Mums Exterminating New Rascals that sucked, too late now.
  2. heh my sleep patterns go to this naturally in 1-2 weeks if i don't control when i wake up(alarm clock or otherwise). then it'll cycle round again. I never died though. i don't think his death(if the story is true) had anything to do with his sleep patterns, assuming he got the same amount of sleep just at different times.
  3. back when i was addicted it was the most amazing thing in the world but now its just too simple. i see people taking an hour to do one puzzle that takes me 3 mins. the logic is too easy. i want a challenge again. i wonder if there is 4D-sudoku, probably turn out just as easy though.
  4. Question: what mammal has a long neck? proper answer: giraffe Answer: 1st, tool 2nd, fish, 3rd, germany. yup so meaningful that one. lots of intricate patterns that really refer to the question and the nature of the universe
  5. Hello my name is Insane_Alien and i'm a SFN-aholic. You here the word "creation" and can immediately recall 237 logical flaws that rule out creationism.
  6. looks like we might be getting a city called new new orleans. seriously whos bright idea was it to put a costal city below the waterline. i couldn't replace it with my hometown(village) because if it was below the waterline i would have moved pretty quickly to a higher place.
  7. i got started, addicted and finally bored of sudoku before it got big over here. One of my friends is convinced that it didn't exist until a few years ago.
  8. hmm ~ doesn't work for me either but ` does. the one at the top left next to the 1.
  9. Wouldn't that cause alot more problems than it solves?
  10. Its a possibility... maybe the tanks could be used to provide high speed wind tunnel tests. i mean if they are underground we can have insanely high pressures. Although we are talking huge volumes here even when they are compressed to liquids. besides it would only act as a buffer since emissions seem to be increasing exponentially. the gases could be slowly released after we have changed over to hydrogen fuel cells or something. Then the tanks could maybe store water or something.
  11. fjpdnhl - Farmers Jumping Posts, Drinking Non Hairy Lemonade.
  12. http://www.google.com
  13. politicians don't understand how fudged up a system can get from a tiny disturbance. They don't have very much foresight in this and don't believe the expert because they can't see any of the effects. when the effects are glaringly obvious and its too late anyway then they will try and do something.
  14. Herpguy, good posts if few in number so far. hope you keep with us.
  15. yeah photons are affected by gravity. its due to curved spacetime and the shortest possible path being a curve.
  16. yeah look up the MSDS before you even think of making some of those. there is a lot of places where something could go wrong and you end up severely burned/dead/dissolved/melted etc. get my meaning.
  17. a little extract from that last website. The colour isn't the same and it doesn't look the same. no wonder, it crashed into a fudging building.
  18. "Gadzooks, its not gravity that holds us down but Jesus"
  19. As the water evapourates it takes away heat energy so it stays slightly below room temp. also you will be warmer than usual so there will be an increased flow of heat out of you. the body picks this up as getting cooled.
  20. yeah thats basically it. if there was no dark matter(if it exists) in a few lightyears of the black hole and never was any. the black hole would still be a black hole despite having no dark matter contained in it.
  21. Yeah that happens. do you know how many bacteria are in your average cubic centimeter of soil?
  22. bdsoka - Bovarian Diving and Skating Organisation for Kleptomaniac Aardvarks
  23. gfds - Global Farting and Darts Society
  24. No. Animals + humans = no chance of a viable embryo = no pregnancy in either species.
  25. njds - nuclear juice destroys sausages
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