What s the question. i can't decipher it this early?
Heres the answer to what i think the question is.
1.enthalpy change of a reaction is not affected by temperature, although the equilibrium might be.
2. Enthalpy change is not related to the mass of solution in anyway so it has no effect.
So where does the energy come from if not the reaction of carbon and oxygen? all carbon allotropes burn in oxygen with the release of energy. it is well established fact. if you have pure carbon and pure oxygen in a container and ignite the carbon with a spark you get lots of energy out in the form of heat and light. more than can be explained by the spark. Although science shouldn't make any assumptions, we also wouldn't get anywhere by assuming everything that has already been proven to be completely false since we would have to do every experiment in the history of the universe in a lifetime.
But aren't some of the current influenza virii decended from that one and still hanging around the cities. influenza is a relatively new virus as in <300 years since we have encountered it. also medicine and hygene have improved now so the chances of surviving flu(if you even catch it in the first place) are very high unless you are old, already seriously ill, or very young. even then there is a good chance that you will pull through.
neutrinos have mass photons do not.
photons however do have momentum according to the equation p=h/wavelegnth
just because momentum can be derived by m*v doesn't mean that it is the only way it can have momentum.
wow you have to give your own reveiw of your website. must be desperate.
care to show us the equations so we have something to discuss? otherwise you will be ignored by all but the crackpots.
I'll assume you meant HBr instead of HCl. it would be 2-bromopropane as the electrophile (H since it is delta +) will attach to the carbon with the most hydrogens on it.
Some 1-Bromopropane would be formed but it would be an significantly low proportion. search of regiospecific chemistry for more detailed explanations
or do like me and wrap a bit of bare wire round my wrist and plug it into the the mains ground(make sure its not live people, i don't want sued for you being a moron and sticking he wire in the wrong hole)
1. you watching starwars and when yoda pops onto the screen the name that comes to mind first isn't yoda but AzurePhoenix. (just happened to me and inspired this thread)
hmm... maybe the plates were picking up impurities(not unlike how a catalytic converter can be poisoned) and the reversed polarity electrolysed the impurities off. i would still suggest a new battery.
EDIT: actually woelens response seems more probable. didn't see his post there
Me and my girlfriend are boycotting valentines day this year. neither of us are into the whole "everybody has to be romantic on this particular day" thing. its kind of spread out through the year for us. we like it that way.
when i want to be lazy i read at around 200wpm when i'm relaxed its 435 words per minute and when i really push myself i can do 500wpm. i'm usually just relexed when reading.
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