actually the hard drive works by magnetising or demagnatizing a tiny tiny portion o the harddrive. i it is magnetized(in any way) it reads as a one if it isn't its 0
This isn't true and since its a homework question i won't tell you the right answer but iwill tell you that this is wrong. neutral wavelegnth, where the hell did that come from.
I was thinking that the old people maybe introduced a genetic plague or some sort of virus that gets to the DNA and messes it up. Blaine said that it was much worse than a nuclear war(any he would probably have been erased by EMP's anyways) and that the thinnies were a result of the deteriation of the tower. have you read to the end yet so i know whether to put a spoiler over what i want to ask next. I hate it when the end gets spoiled so i ain't going to spoil it for anyone else.
i think jupiter is at a kind of "sweet spot" the photos don't need to be darkened(like the moon or earth) and the photos don't need to be lightened or have very long exposure times (like uranus, neptune and pluto.)
sunspot is talking crap again. anway... either the camera image is reverse or the spot is on the err... "southern"hemisphere of the planet. i you work out north and south by the rotation o the planet.
don't eat a lot of sugar cause if your all jittery when sitting a 2 hour exam it will be hell. eat a cereal or something that lets out energy slowly. this gives you the ability to be awake enough to concentrate but not hyper.
No they could have access to broadband its just that they don't use the internet too much. i wasn't trying to imply that the whole of england didn't have broadband.
Wow. looks like fahrenheit 451 might be prophecy. In my highschool we done an analysis on the book "Train Spotting" by Irvine Welsh. Seriously good book but it would be banned from american schools going by those links. it has : violence, drug abuse(heroin mostly), sex, death, profanity, crime, graphic imagery etc. etc. you really only have to read the first page to see how much of it there is.
The electron has a full charge and acts that way. the reason the ion is relatively unreactive is that th valence shell is an octet of electrons which is inherently stable. the ion WILL react and is not inert.
Is there anyway i can configure what programs automatically load at startup?
I got this realy bigass program that loads at startup and eats all my memory and cpu.while i want to keep this program i want to be able to choose when i start it up.
Seventh is good. We could make this scientific by hypothesising about the technology found in Lud and what actually happened to the "Old People" also whether an A.I. could be killed by illogic.
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