Just got back from my cousins in England. They only had 18.8kbps dialup. Oh how i missed broadband. it seems faster now than it every has before. no need to wait a full minute for my posts to get put up or the full hour for any picture intensive sites to show up.
No we see some phenomena in the theory of "special" relativity that we don't see in the dopeler effect. for example, an outside observer can see that the idea is stupendously stupid(and fast) but in the frame of the person that the idea is coming towards its all the other smart ideas that appear stupendously stupid.
I got that right now. try doing lots o exercise in the mornings like wake up an hour before you usually do then go running for an hour. it doesn't work at nights and people start looking at you funn if your running along the street at 3.am
i'm not to bothered about socks. if i've got socks in my drawer in the morning(or on my floor) i'll put them on but if i don't i'll just go without. no difference really.
the mole is extremely useful in chemistry and chemical engineering. If we didn't us the mole we would use a similar sized number but the mole works so well with gas laws and the such. avagadros number is a constant that is why it is unitless.
yeah or you could hit it with a hammer like swansont said. basically anything tho crush the crystals. i prefer grinding because you get a series of lights cause you break a lot of crystals at once.
OK i'm back i've had several(7) pints of cider and it still doesn't make any more sense its just i can't read some the words. (note this is written by someone who is sober and has had the slurred speech and excessive repetition edited out)
Temperatures vary dramatically in "ice ages" for part of the time britain was home to lions and hippos(skeletons found under that square in London the name escapes me) other times it was wooly mammoths. all within a few thousand years.
its for the whole world. the reason its built in Norway is that is is a "safe" country and has permafrost. the permafrost keeps the seeds viable and its not likely to be a target of a nuclear war.
(My f key seems to be sticky please excuse any lack of f's)Units don't matter to much or a unification theory. its just that you will have lots of strange numbers instead of nice numbers. but the whole theory will still work.
for example, measuring the distances between galaxies in S.I. units(meters) in the strictist sense isn't practical for astronomers since the numbers are large and horrible so they use lightyears and parsecs in their measurements and calculations. also when measuring tiny scales angstroms are used. these can both be replaced with exameters and nanometers with little problems. units are arbitrary anyway.
WTF? Are you on drugs. that made no sense to me at all. Of course it could be my end that has the problem(most likely). i'll go get drunk and look at it again.
I read that it was only a back-up incase all the other vaults around the world were unusable anyways. chances are it'll never be used, at least i hope so.
why must the partile be the size of the universe to influence every particle in the universe? Also the the electromagnetic force works by photons and we suspect that gravity might work in a similar way with gravitons.
we knew this already since Galileo calculated the speed of light (albeit inaccurately) well before einstein was born. Yes his work was based on the work of others but he expanded it in ways the authors of the origional work never conceived of. Quite a pointless post since we've had loads of nuts claiming einstein stole his theories from someone else so we know quite a bit about the history of relativity.
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