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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i know that you can't see the fusion directly but you can see the energy it gives off after it is reemitted at the surface. octane numbers are usless when refering to fusion. fusion is a nuclear process while octane numbers refer to the combustion of alkanes. young stars do have a fusion limit but it is because of the density(or lack thereof) and temperature that constrains it, not heavier atoms although these do play a role in the last stages of the stars life.
  2. fusing hydrogen on a stellar scale is amazingly obvious. just look up into the night sky and you'll see hydrogen fusing all over the place even without a telescope.
  3. Ok. i'm close at an absolute pressure of ~15kPa. would putting another pump in series help reduce this or do i need to do something else.
  4. what sort of pressures are you using. i was under the impression that carbon doesn't have a liquid state achievable with current technology since it is solid all the way up to ~3000K by which point all the water would have boiled off
  5. 1. Electrolysis 2. Carbon isn't a metal. It's a non metal. It also doesn't melt at 2000*C Nor does it melt at all at standard pressure. It sublimes(goes straight to a gas) 3. if the metal is molten then its more likely to react with both hydrogen and oxygen and cause a reaction between the hydrogen and oxygen. try separating the electrodes and shoving a test tube over the negative electrode. 4.not a clue. too tired just now. 5.nope as long as the electrode conducts. 6.whats the question. for some reason i can't work out what you want to know.
  6. i got a nice lump of scar tissue round my arm from a burn just now. Its starting to fade a bit but its still a lovely shade of red-purple just now.
  7. electron affinity is the addition of electrons.
  8. meh, as long as the body hasn't decayed too much and its in the will i wouldn't have a problem with it.
  9. sounds more like a homework question to me. the answr is b because a cool(er) object will lose heat slower than a hot(ter) object
  10. I would agree that the high is very over-rated although i was exposed to it accidentally when a valve broke.
  11. Age doesn't matter. Its how much you know. Try browsing through the boards here and asking questions about what you don't understand. Or search them up on google. You'd be surprised at how much you can learn in a short time if you enjoy the subject.
  12. mm i had this happen a few years ago. i ended up resetting my comp to factory settings. apparently it is a virus that causes it.
  13. i love fiction. although i do read a lot of non fiction books. i read fiction slower because i usually end up lost in my own little daydream that branches off from the story. much better thatn tv
  14. i think he means classically and not taking relativity into account. in which case the answer would be zero.
  15. hemel hempstead? isn't that the place where that oil depot just blew up the other day. maybe they tried a bigger version! lol j/k
  16. should be fine. i got my webcam hooked up to my telescope the same way. just need some clear sky now.
  17. or start distilling it. should take out the impurities
  18. I live in scotland and have being doing both since i was 17(different age here). it isn't as painful as you might think. if you close your eyes the only way you now the needle is in is whe you feel the tube getting warm. go for it. it makes a cheap night out.
  19. 14. one balloon filled with pure H2 the other 2:1 H2:O2. nice fireball. 15. chippan fire in a thimble. 16. Van de Graff generator and a big line of people on polystyrene insulators. 17. cycling reaction(can't remember the composition but it keep changing colours in a pattern for hours)
  20. the liquid exists in equilibrium with is gaseous state with the equilibrium extremely to the liquid side. the vapour pressure is caused by the few atoms/molecules of the liquid that gain enough energy by random collisions to vapourise. this therefore creates a small pressure instead of a true vacuum.
  21. no. the net gravitational force is zero yes, but there is a lot more mass "above" you which is enough to cancel out what is "below" you.
  22. 15000 rpm seems a bit excessive. i think 3400 rpm is enough.
  23. meh. mokeles sideburns are bigger.
  24. ok the window is fixed just need to find a pump now.
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