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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. could it be that since Na is lighter than K the reaction procedes a little bit quicker?
  2. H2SO4 is used in pretty much every car battery (lead/acid batteries)
  3. yes but you could use it to break it up into more managable chunks i.e something you can lift with much less acid. and its pretty much silent and an excuse to make an acid facory in your garage.
  4. well if you could bend light around the object and make it go on its origional course on the other side then it could be done. there light getting bent would take longer than unaffected light so (with the aid of instrumentation) the object could still be detected.
  5. could you not just get some concentrated acid and dissolve it?
  6. you could shove a blob of blue tac on the axle and start the motor and see how fast it can spin before it gets pulled apart.
  7. its just that all te fridge pumps i've seen use a liquid refrigerant and would be damaged by pumping gases. i got an idea for an initial drop to ~1kPa using chemical reactions so i'll see how it goes.
  8. probably because our DNA is HUMUNGOUS compared with E.Coli DNA. Also since its more complex smaller changes result in bigger differences. probably got something to do with nongenetic development as well
  9. meta-physical things are nothing to do with science even though whoever made up the term used "physical" in it. these things have no observable effects and therefore don't matter. occams razor castrates the metaphysical quite nicely
  10. it won't be zero emission as you'll have to use some other source of energy (probably a combustion reaction) to create the heat
  11. 3x + 2y= ahh! simple! hehe
  12. i think its because the strange quarks are more massive than your garden variety up and down quarks
  13. <table><tr><td> <img src="http://www.math.mcgill.ca/~dsavitt/GTM/lickorish.jpg" width=120 height=182 alt=""></td><td> <p>If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be W.B.R. Lickorish's <b><i>An Introduction to Knot Theory</i></b>.</p> <p> I am an introduction to mathematical Knot Theory; the theory of knots and links of simple closed curves in three-dimensional space. I consist of a selection of topics which graduate students have found to be a successful introduction to the field. Three distinct techniques are employed; Geometric Topology Manoeuvres, Combinatorics, and Algebraic Topology. </p> <p>Which Springer GTM would <i>you</i> be? <a href="http://www.math.mcgill.ca/~dsavitt/GTM.html">The Springer GTM Test</a></p> </td></tr></table>
  14. A day without fusion is like a day without sunshine. A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems. 'If this sign is blue, you're going too fast.' < --written in blue The Benoit/Blamey Theory of Thermo-Sock-Dynamics: Why bother to do laundry, when the inevitable loss of a sock will just increase entropy and contribute to the eventual heat death of the universe anyway? The most important part of a microbiologist's job is not letting the little things get to him. for more try http://www.coolsig.com
  15. i like what if questions because they are interesting. but from a scientific point of veiw i can't really be bothered with them.
  16. i got an email from the "natinal lotery" saying i had £4 septillion. i wasn't aware there was that much money in the world. and i never put a ticket on so i couldn't have one anything.
  17. " In this house we OBEY THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS!!!!" - homer simpson
  18. the chamber i'm using is a big-ish (20 dm^3) with a thick perspex window that i put in. heating the air inside won't achieve the low pressures i'm looking for. i've managed to get the internal pressure of the box up to around 7 bar (using a high pressure water jet with no leaks so it should be able to withstand a vacuum. (i tried using the water compressor to evacuate the box but it didn't work and damaged the compressor.
  19. i got a 10x/100x/1000x microscope for about £50 and have used it to see blood and skin cells very easily. not sure how big these are in relation to the other cells as i usually use it for observing crystaline structures now.
  20. would the pump be able to handle gases? also, do you have any idea of how big the pressure drop is?
  21. Analytical is a must.
  22. i stated it in the OP so the absolute pressure is >1kPa
  23. fire breaks down wood.
  24. thats a lot of words to say flubabadubadub.
  25. the whole idea of a dirty bomb is to disperse an extremely radioactive material of a wide area. as the particle will be airborne for a while these can be inhaled where they will cause a lot of genetic damage leading to cancers/radiation sickness/death. the isotope might render an area uninhabitable for many generations. i don't think you are fully aware of how radiation actually affects the human body.
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