I'm thinking about attepmting to construct my own vacuum pump to conduct various "experiments" and maybe some sciency stuff. i tried a vacuum cleaner pump and then 2 in series but the vacuum produced was pretty crap only dropped 10kPa i'm looking to make something that can produce a vacuum of >1kPa Whats the best method to go about this.
its because WoWIII is the work of the devil and eatsaway at precious CPU resources. but seriously, have you turned off the sound in WoW? i don't mean turned the volume down but actually turned it off. if you have you could always try that brandspanking new invention called a stereo.
i always get colds. this year i've had 3 already and i've just caught a fourth. although i've never caught the flu. i've been around it a lot but never caught it. I always assumed it was just that my immune system waas better at fighting the flu than the common cold.
my lecturers at uni teach us to do the calculations with as many digits as are displayed on the calculator and only to round at the end. better accuracy that way.
Newton also done a lot on calculus. AFAIK Newton and Leibniz developed calculus simultaneously without any correspondance, hence we have Newtonian and Leibniz notaion.
have you tried http://www.google.com ? i'm quite sure you could find all the equations you need. On a side note i did problems like these loads of time in high school physics.
we don't actually know what dark matter is yet so we cannot describe the chemistry of them. but i would assume that what ever the stuff is it would be inert since it doesn't interact
TI-83 plus rules(although i lost it on the day of my advanced higher maths exam(equivalent of first year in university) so had to get by with a basic calculator. still got a B.
messing with neuro transmitters is a bad idea, even when you know what your doing. We don't fully understand the functions of the brain yet so its a bit dodgy to mess with its communication systems. You never know what you might mess up. Personally, I believe that the only way to beat it is willpower as with any other addiction.
the human ear can hear to around 20kHz at its peak(this value lowers as we get older due to the sensors in your cochlea(sp? its the inner ear thingy that looks like a snail shell) dying(don't worry you'll die of old age before they all die). on my last hearing test i could hear up to 19.8kHz
a bike last me a good 5 years before it falls apart from abuse (my road has a lot of unavoidable potholes especially when your going at about 40mph downhill)
complete BS every time there is an earthquake, even a minor one, with a hundered seismiographs(probably less) placed over the earth you can get all the evidence you need to debunk this.
its easy enough to be fairly sozzled by 7PM. sadly this has happened to me, although we were carrying on from the night before. i was drunk for around 43 hours that time. my liver doesn't like me any more.
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