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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. 1 mole of photons would be involved in the reaction yes. but the conversion would be only a small fraction say around 1% of the photons would actually strike a molecule and of those maybe 2% would strike it at the right angle. so my guesstimate is around 0.02% probably wrong though
  2. some nutter tried to sell me Xenon enriched water as a cure all once. doubt the guy had a full set of marbles as i was coming out of the chemistry building at my university.
  3. if something was vibrating near the panes resonance frequency even a relatively quiet sound could build up enough energy to break the pane. done an experiment on this once. broke a wine glass from 20 m
  4. i think if you run away to the hills to live as hermit you'll regret it. we can cope.
  5. addiction is far closer than disease. its like saying that being fat is a disease. what you described in your last post is the same as all drug addictions. the addict wants to achieve the same high as he got the first time but as s/he takes more drugs a tolerance is built up so s/he takes more and more each time. the effects are pretty much the same.
  6. 3 grams?!? thats 1.5 mol of H2! which is around 33.6 litres at STP! thats a hell of a lot.
  7. for most eye problems this would not work as the rods and cones do not work like muscles. there are focusing exercises to stregnthen the muscles that control the shape of the lens in your eyes but this only works for a specific problem.
  8. why would iron and nickel dissolve in magma? as far as i know molten rock(magma) is neither acidic or alkaline. i assume you mean that they melt and then mix in with the magma. this can happen on a small scale but when you then take it to VERY large scales things get a bit more complicated and funny stuff starts to happen. like the metals sinking to the core (yes it probably would take years and years, probably centuries to millenia) and forming a nice big lump.
  9. i think he means "will venus cool down enough and its surface conditions change sufficiently to be able to support life(probably refering to us humans)" just a guess
  10. just study and you'll pick it up even if you think you aren't. or do what i do, get drunk and watch the discovery channel. NOTE: OK maybe you shouldn't get drunk as your only 15 so errr... yeah...
  11. cider and wine. that gets me extremely drunk extremely quickly.
  12. could have been the thermal expansion combined with some vibrations at the right frequency.
  13. i believe mercury and venus have a higher percentage of iron than the earth. iron isn't the most abundant element on earth anyway. the iron/nickel core is solid because of the extreme pressures and not oxidised because 1. its too hot for the oxides to form in appreaciable amounts(we can use temperature only to smelt iron. the carbon is so we can extract the iron at a reasonable temperature where some things are solid.) 2. an iron/nickel alloy is resistant to rusting. i believe that there is a stainless steel that is an iron/nickel alloy. 3. there isn't a lot of free oxygen that deep in the earth. as it is a light element most of it has worked its way to the surface/ near surface.
  14. i'll look into it but this open office is just as good.
  15. you ccould place it in a vacuum although the hard drive wouldn't work then
  16. thanx your a life saver
  17. Are there any freeware alternatives to Microsoft office that are at least comparable. My copy of Microsoft Office has suddenly decided its an illegal copy after a year of use.
  18. wouldn't object recognition come from knowledge and memory or am i off on a tangent here.
  19. When a catalyst is poisoned it usually means something has strongly bonded to the surface/active sites and therefore the reactants cannot be adsorbed and therefore the desired reaction cannot be catalysed. Poisoning materials usually include heavy metals like lead
  20. err yeah of course it could help the world. 1. a virus is essentially an unpowered nanorobot. 2. we could make a virus from scratch to attack various bacteria/cells(cancer cells if you want an example.) 3. we could make virii to attack other virii. 4. we could make benificial virii(fix genetic defects) 5. some stuff that i haven't thought about yet.
  21. the dot is supposed to be the nucleus/atom/sphere of a radioactive material and the triangle thingys are supposed to be rays. at least this is what my physics teacher told us
  22. err isn't vit C ascorbic acid and not citric acid. just seeing as i did a titration today with ascorbic acid and the header said Vit C Titration.
  23. dunno it was kind of just a random colation of stuff i've picked up while channel surfing and surfing.
  24. make a trebuchet out of k'nex
  25. yeah
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