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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. see we don't just give away answers but this is a really easy one. i will tll you the reaction but you must make up the reasons. its the top one. the reaction releases energy because the water molecule is of lower potential energy than the seperate molecules of H2 and O2. just look at what happens when you ignite H2. it gives off a lot of energy.
  2. i remember someone in my chemistry class spilt some phenolphthalien on his hand and didn't notice. he then wiped his mouth with his hand and ingested some of the phenolphthalien and he didn't even make it to the toilet. bad for him funny as hell for the rest of us. poor guy. i think he works in a mcdonalds now.
  3. EDTA calculations of this sort are so simple. 1:1 stoichiometry
  4. i suppose. but i was way out of whack when i returned to a night/day cycle. couldn't think straight at all.
  5. we can slow things down to 10^-40 ms-1 its just that it's really hard to measure at such a slow speed. the errors get very large. but we can use something very light. say an electron and we can measure the wavelegnth of that even when its going at relativistic speeds. what is mass? good question. no-one knows. some think its the higgs field(not quite sure what this is) and others think its strings etc. etc.
  6. why has this even gone to court? at the first oppurtunity i'm getting off this damn rock and going to mars. might find a rock that has more intelligence than all the ID'ists and creationists combined.
  7. The fructose intolerance could be brought on by a chemical imbalance. said imbalnce could hypothetically be caused by stress. i'm no expert on this so don't take my word for it. if you get the person to destress for a while (3 weeks should do it) you could get them retested for the fructose intolerance and if they are tolerant of fructose then it is a chemical imbalance brought on by stress and they should just chill.
  8. Does anyone know of any free software that works like AutoCAD. I'm doing a class on it in university and could use the extra practise. i would prefer one that has a commandline interface as well as a graphical interface. thanks in advance. i have tried google but i have only found extremely limited software(30 days before it locks you out)
  9. - Jdurg -Evo 1. Jdurg probably knew that(if he didn't i'll eat my hat) 2. where the hell did Jdurg say it formed in her mouth. the precipitate would form in the arteries and veins which would then cause blockages and strokes in the brain. 3. it probably would be.
  10. too many impurities to be made into a diamond. you would just get a really small pile of ash from a larger pile of ash. diamonds are all carbon
  11. a calorie is the energy required to heat 1 GRAM of water by 1*C. for a kilogram it would be a kilocalorie. try google. extraction of this heat energy to provide electricity isn't feasible so don't even think about it. why don't you use SI units(joules in this case) then everybody will know what you are talking about wherever they come from
  12. wait for the technology to be produced first
  13. polysilanes are very unstable due the larger size of a silicon atom and will spontaneously combust in air. useless factoid but there you go.
  14. fusion is exothermic yes but the energy usually goes to pushing other atoms away and lowering the pressure. in the Hbombs only around 2% of the hydrogen fused
  15. i timed it once and my body appears to switch to a 27 hour cycle when i have no darkness
  16. but taking a good dump is the best part of the morning
  17. you should be taught the principles behind the filling of the orbitals soon. they are usefull for representsing bonds without aa diagram
  18. maybe some magnesium hydride is formed in a side reaction. this would form hydrogen gas at the anode
  19. err you don't charge a fuel cell. why not just google.
  20. LEO-GER ? never heard that one. i use OIL-RIG oxidation is loss - reduction is gain
  21. hydrogen atoms exist in water as hydronium H3O+ by attaching to a lone pair of electrons on a water molecule. this is why hydrogen ions don't leave water
  22. yes but the fluid is already under pressure from the atmosphere unless you are talking about gauge pressure in which the atmosphere is defined as 0
  23. 90 w00t
  24. i think is well over a billion letters for DNA
  25. i made some primary standards on wednesday. too easy. silver nitrate is the primary standard for NaCl and NaCl is the primary standard for AgNO3.
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