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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. nah just keep thinking of it as a gap that can move. it won't matter and the equations still come out the same
  2. I am the 1337 haxxor i will make your toaster eat you and yo momma.
  3. i propose an experiment. we isolate cansouth and a few other people(shin bits, zarkov etc.) from the world and... well thats it really
  4. i would hope that the extremely large majority of floridians are responsible enough to NOT use this law as much as possible. i would be against the slaughter of thousands of people no matter what nationality.
  5. the air can't hold as much water vapour when it violently decompresses the water vapour momentarily condenses into a mist.
  6. i hate it when people(sorry creationists) use that argument
  7. oh yeah now i remember
  8. 2-3 years older than me although i can talk with random people at the bus stop who are around 70+
  9. most bond angles are the same in most cases for certain structures. all you have to do is make a model with those bond angles and you'll end up with the rough shape of the molecule
  10. that 'd be a fun call Me: OMG THERE BLINKING SO MUCH! DO SOMETHING BEFORE THE EVIL HACKERS BLINK US TO DEATH! Police: Are you on drugs? Me: BUT THE BLINKING!!! ITS HORRIBLE!!! Police: there are men in white coats coming to your house. They can help you.
  11. you could use tachyons. they haven't been proven to exist(and probably can't be proven) they are theorized to behave like particle but can only travel above c. they can be slowed down to almost c.
  12. if the wireless network has a decent range(most don't) and some crappy security(most have good security) then it is completely possible
  13. i'm not sure about gibbs energy(chem teacher just said "nevermind as long as you use it") when enthalpy goes down(a negative value for dH) you get heat out so its exothermic. the opposite is endothermic. the entropy is ... well i'm sure someone can explain it in more detail than i could
  14. already it unbalanced
  15. "shorty's day just got worse"
  16. when we develop a fusion reactor that can produce a net energy gain and run for several years without need of (much) maintenance then all the problems are solved. you don't even nedd to stop them for refueling as it can be done continuosly.
  17. yes well if civilization collapses and the gps satelites fall from the sky the little box ain't going to do you much good. but i always have something that can be used as a compass nearby (usually my watch)
  18. if you could measure every single parameter of a neutrion(radius(if it has one), mass, velocity,position, shape, coordinate map, etc.) to infinite accuracy then the amount of information would be infinite. this ignores the planck legnth heisenberg uncertaintity principle and probably some others that have/have not been discovered
  19. marmite is roxxor
  20. you blink thousands of times a day so your brain ends up ignoriing the flicker when you blink. if you are determined to notice it then you will and it will seem like you blink lots more than you did. i think that even thinking about it can cause the urge to blink more.
  21. if you were bombarded by a suficient amount of ions it could kill you
  22. enthalpy entropy and gibbs free energy are all related by i use d instead of delta here(need to learn latex) dG=dH-TdS where dG = change in gibbs free energy(J) dH = change in enthalpy(J) T = temperature(kelvin) dS = change in entropy(J)
  23. watch, OS map and maybe some binoculars.
  24. depends what information you want. you could theoretically get an infinite amount of data from something like a neutrino but you would need more particles than there are in the universe to store it(even with winrar)
  25. insane_alien


    icicles make such great weapons
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