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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i've connected myself to the 230VAC mains in britain by accident, more than is probably good for me, and haven't noticed any longterm effects appart from a scar where i cut my hand on the screwdriver i was using.
  2. warn us before you put a picture like that in a post.
  3. exactly its where the defence mechanisms have gone wrong and if natural selection was still dominant in our society (medicine has almost completely negated it) then these people with faulty defence mechanisms would die out and leave us with good mechanisms. E.G. caveman's brain swells up due to over active defence mechanism, he dies, genes for faulty defence mechanism are not passed on. now adays, modern mans brain swells up, goes to hospital and undergoes a course of drugs and/or operations, lives, genes can be passed on.
  4. if they are computer savvy then they could delete the history. try installing a key logger so you can check any websites they type in. as long as you hide it well then it will not be a problem.
  5. if the placebo effect is there then fair do's its probably worth it if its curing your cancer or something like that. but if it isn't or someone bought it to try and cure their cold or something then he is being a bit of a con.
  6. oops i think i got some words mixed up. i knew what i meant in my head anyway.
  7. if i seen that at night i'd grab a shotgun and prepare for an invasion of zombies
  8. also as things become more rigid the tend to get more brittle while getting stronger. i've seen something on T.V. where they puta huge weight on some ice cooled by LN2 more than the block of ice at -10 degrees could stand. then when they took the weight of and hit it lightly with a hammer thing shattered into tiny peices. they also done it with a fresh block of ice in LN2 that didn't get any weight put on it.
  9. Good point. /me goes off to invent one, or at least try to.
  10. what about the quark stars sometimes called "strange" stars. try googling them.
  11. if it was something like $15 or even $150 i could kind of imagine some gullible people buying it. but not at the prices he's selling them for. i want to talk o someone who actually bought one. try to talk some sense into them. or slap them back to reality
  12. this has probably been done before but i can't find it. Could you make a wireless mouse (the type with the balls inside) so that when you move the mouse the movement of the axles inside generates enough power to operate he mouse and mabye enough extra to turn a little light on.
  13. $1,500 - $1,700 its on the orders page. I couldn't have read that right. i've checked 3 times and i still can't believe its that high! Thats more than my car is worth! MYGOD people are dumb to buy that!
  14. i always wonder why they are in the popular science section and not the comedy or humour sections.
  15. yes acids form hydronium(sp?) which is H3O+ which is a hydrogen ion attached by a dative bond to the water molecule but for the purposes of explaining it including the hydronium would only serve to complicate the thng more than necessary
  16. not really no. water is split like this: 2H20 <---> 2H+ + 2OH- then a voltage is applied to electrolys the dissolved ions into 2H+ + 2OH- ---> 2H2 + O2 as far as i know there are no catalyst for the first reaction but i will look into it.
  17. yeah just take a wild guess that seems to be about right. no calculations.
  18. or if he makes it extract too much energy he can suffocate people by not allowing them to breathe.
  19. ROFLMAO!!! that site has made my day i'll be laughing about that for years to come. HAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahahahahah!
  20. it think all we have to do at the moment to get useable fusion power is get a stable vortex of plasma in the reactor. is that right? we have tokamaks that can produce power(but not enough to break even) for a short period.
  21. can anyone here speak weidgie(the glasgow version of english)? i wonder if that makes me bilingual?
  22. no he means that the energy you use to split water (you might as well just keep it liquid its more efficient for storage) will overwhelm any energy you get from burning the hydrogen. if you use oxygen from the air to burn hydrogen then the combustion will be more inefficent than burning the hydrogen with the oxygen produced. the air is not pure O2 so you need to cram in more to burn the hydrogen.
  23. we know about interstellar and intergalactic plasmas. heck we even have a good idea about their densities so we can factor them out quite well. us.2u - it ain't your theory, its been around since hubble thatswhy we have the 'hubble' limit which is the farthest distance we can see with a telescope of any kind be it optical, radio or gamma
  24. All the things you can find on the internet that are perverse have been practiced for thousands of years. pre-internet it was hushed up and only a small group of people would know about the activities for fear of being found out. now we have the internet they can have websites about wat they are doing and people who have never known about such practices can find out about them and possible start practicing them with their partner. dunno about it bering good for the mind or anything like that.
  25. i'm not going to even talk about this. i could wear out my keyboard just writing insults about bush... i'll shut up now.
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