UV light can burn those silly people who spend too long lounging in the sun.
I have and infrared spotlight typ thing made out of L.E.D.'s but if you put your hand in it it doesn't feel hot. its a high frequency IR lamp like what comes out your remote control.
i've never seen anything like that on my tonsils. dude just go to a doctor and ask him about it. whats wrong with meat anyway? i eat meat, i'm healthy, wheres the disadvantage? most things are good for you its just the excesses that kill you.
if you cook meat properly then you won't get food poisoning.
look at the sun its hydrogen/helium it is sustaining a nuclear reaction therefore it is at critical mass.
thats how we make the bombs bigger today we have the fission device but that is only the igniter for the fusion reaction which can level cities with the amount of hydrogen in a party balloon(if it was filled with hydrogen instead of helium)
How can you belive that simple organisms can't mutate? look at the flu virus!
why do you think there is a different vaccine for the same virus every year?
reason: the old virus mutated into this new one.
mutagens and radiation can cause cancer and usually non beneficient mutations because the mutate so much of the genetic code at once and randomly.
think taking a car then replaceing the engine with a wheel the wheels with seats and the seats with suspension springs. is it going to work? i think not.
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just thinking about the bowshock that the solar wind makes as the sun moves through the galaxy and i thought, if you make a dyson sphere then the solar wind is blocked and the galactic wind(is there a better name for it?) would eventually start hitting the sphere. Would this be serious or is it not worth bothering about?
the cpu doesn't make a computer smarter it just increases the speed at which it processes the program.
if its a dumb A.I. program then a fast processor will make it able to do dumb things faster.
the tripods could have died out and another tetrapod evolved and dominated the wourld. but in theory yes.
You can make yourself a tripod just cut off a limb.
Why don't you put some on your wifes face(if you have a wife) while she is asleep and see her reaction in the morning. cruel practical joke but i think she would eventually see the funny side.
Gold fish can see the flashes from your remote control. did you know you can convert your webcam to pick up infared only? try this its quite cool http://homepage.ntlworld.com/geoff.johnson2/IR/
i've read (forget the source) that the raindrops start to condense around bits of dust (some from space apparently) and they get bounced about by air currents merging and growing bigger then once the air curents cannot support their weight any more they start to fall still merging with others in the cloud.
The water vapour can rise due to thermals in much the same way as a glider pilot will use thermals.
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