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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i'm going to have to take a while to think this through properly i think i get the general idea though. i get back to you on this.
  2. reminds me of a guy on an other forum who claimed he had proof that H2O2 was more stable than water and that water "spontaneously decomposed into H2O2". he never gave us any actual proofs though
  3. i don't really mind which system i work with. theres also a system that uses 3600 divisions for a circle and another with 1200. i cannot remember the names at this time but i can work with any of the systems for geometry and physics but prefer radians as it just seems right.
  4. i think i might implement a gender with "chromosones" just the two types though Y will be male and X female (its easier to sort out the behaviours than with XX and XY). by the way i'm taking it as dominant genes are passed on and recessive genes are not, is this right?
  5. well i had an idea to give each gene a variable for dominance like dominant=1 ; //gene is dominant dominant=0 ; //gene is recessive but the problem is if i get a dominant gene that does one thing and a dominant gene that is incompatible with the first gene(these are rare but cause program crashes) multiple instances of a gene aren't much of a problem but can lead to the robot "dying" if it is a rotation function as it can't aim as well to get food but generally its ok. whats co-dominant?
  6. what has D-ribose got to do with a "spinal cord" of DNA? and aren't D-ribose polymers RNA? the structured water refered to in the website also leads me to doubts in mentions it as ice but our bodies (and that of all animals and most plants except in hibernation cycles) is too warm for ice to form or if it is most animals/plants have developed a sort of antifreeze. if anything liquid water is more important. i also don't see how it can be intelligent. as for iceformation "influenced" by classical music and heavy music, I tried this cos i had a few hours spare time and was very bored. I froze some water with some mozart playing and then i froze some more water with some napalm death turned up very loud. guess what, the ice looked EXACTLY THE SAME even under a microscope so idon't know what this is about. by the way i just checked up on this, physisists(sp? that looks like too many s's) and chemists both come out with identical shapes for both atoms and molecules. (chemists don't really concern themselves with sub atomics other than electrons and protons and neutrons since the quarks and gluons and all that don't affect the chemical reaction which is on a huge scale compared to quantum mechanics)
  7. i wouldn't try it if i were you after a week you start feeling crap. (i tried something similar) after a week i stopped cos i felt really bad and went back to my normal diet (which is VERY varied cos i don't like eating the samething twice in a fortnight apart from toast and spaghetti bolognese)
  8. i agree that he is not incredibly stupid. I think he is stupendously stupid! anybody who has seen a few party balloons of pure H2 would at least do it outside if at all. (i wonder why his house didn't ignite if it structurally survived the explosion). i'm not expecting any pictures though. a bit offtopic but still related, did any of you people hear about that guy in arkansas (or however you spell it i'm not an american) who blew up his mobile home by looking for water in the fuel tank with a cigarette lighter?
  9. yeah MeV is mega(million) electronVolts(the amount of energy an electron gets from a pd of 1 volt) this is made into mass by the E=mc^2 equation. its only useful for small masses cos once you get past the small molecules (about 10 atoms) the numbaers become HUGE
  10. I suspect that a lot of hydrogen had leaked out otherwise with 300 gallons of hydrogen his house would be obliterated in fiery shrapnel and i've just realized that my computers calculator program is gone so i've screwed something up again. least i've got some DVD-RW's for data back up.
  11. Prove that it is not a misapplication then. (by the way fantasy is spelt F-A-N-T-A-S-Y)
  12. Ba(H2O)6(<--subscript)OH or something like that i just made it up from the name a complexometric positive ion (the barium and water ligands) and the hydroxide negative ion.
  13. i was assuming that at the high temperatures it would be a plasma where the nucleus (sp? it just looks wrong but for the life of me i can't think why just now) and electrons were seperated. It never occured to me that the electrons would hit the nuclei. Anyway the radiation wouldn't increase unless there is a direct effect on the nucleus that turns it into something else which is either fission or fusion.
  14. My school let me use the 5mol l^-1 H2SO4 that they buy it in to make my own solutions of "safer" *cough*... *cough* sulphuric acid (the name of H2SO4 for those non chemistry types) for my project. But then again i was in the senior year and doing the advanced higher (kind of like the first year in uni but without the big labs and stuff since its in a highschool) so all the retards and neds(chav's , townies, whatever) had either left or were in lower classes. they actually let me use it unsupervised *grins evilly*
  15. who was saying it was pseudoscience there is actually a slight possibility! i remember some mathematician worked it out but its a tiny possibilty roughly the same as another big bang starting off in you porridge at breakfast.
  16. You're probably right but my mind is open enough to give it a shot (now you can't accuse me of having a closed mind just like other pseudoscientists do )
  17. yeah the transfering of genes is how we simulate a virus we have the type of reproduction where the robt just spawns another like when a cell splits(whatever that process is called) with a few mutations sometimes. but we want the option for two (or more) robots get together transfer some information(mating i suppose you could call it) to make an offspring that is a mixture of the two plus a few random mutations as in the spawning method. maybe some kind of egg thats fertilized outside the body like fish. I don't know yet.
  18. Radio activity isn't normally affected by heat but if the temperature is such that the nuclei are actually hitting each other then its a nuclear reaction (most probably fusion) for a heavy element such as uranium this would take more energy than it makes. a stable isotope would also have to fuse before becoming radioactive. but maybe if you could prevent fusion then it could be possible by having the nucleons vibrate enough to escape the strong force(which would be a HUGELY MASSIVE temperature)
  19. I seen one hybrid where the engine was just idling to produce electricity but would step up a few notches if more power was required than what the batteries required. The engine wasn't connected to the wheels in any way. A bit like diesel-electric trains.
  20. you got a couple thousand quid(slang for pounds sterling)?
  21. its all to do with probabilities such as there is a very slight possibility that you are of the opposite sex but just never noticed before.
  22. Imagine this: You are in a space ship in space(obviously) you can detect motion in every single point of reference(stars, galaxies etc.) measured from your space ship they are all moving with a velocity x ms^-1. are you moving or is the rest of the universe moving? (disclaimer: i am ignoring expansion for the purposes of this thought experiment and this is here to see if nicholas actually reads the whole thing)
  23. if it uses a method of transmission of the data that has been designed to not interfere with the planes systems than it shouldn't interfere. but if its through a mobile i think it might interfere.
  24. Actually the erroneous coding(from random values generated by the program in "reproduction") tends to work itself out since the robot offspring that recieve it don't tend to live long enough to be able to reproduce or in some rare cases are sterile (the instruction telling it how to reproduce got screwed up). Much like in real evolution which is what i am looking for. Its not exact and sometimes the crap gene gets passed on and can screw the whole thing up where everything dies. Thanks for the help.
  25. typo? or maybe its a mixture of CO(carbon monoxide) and H2(hydrogen)
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