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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. well that all depends on the force the hand exherts on the object and the mass off the object.
  2. actually, that is terrible. that means you can't even run a single house for a single day based on one lightning strike. do you see why you cannot do anything useful? you're never going to make up the cost of building whatever it is you use to capture the energy and most of the time you'll need to run of external sources anyway. and you are still getting power/energy mixed up 1 kW DOES NOT EQUAL 1 kJ 1 kW * 1 second = 1kJ but that point is moot as a lightning strike lasts nowhere near 1 second.
  3. one billion kW(note the small k) is NOT 1 billion kJ. when looking to harness this energy, you need to get the average energy over time. and this is 500MJ * the number of strikes per second.
  4. yes, it is one billion kilowatts, but have you ever seen a lightning strike that has taken a whole hour to complete? you might notice that in the next sentence on the wiki page that the terawatt power only lasts 30 millionths of a second. also, to calculate the energy you multiply by the time, not divide. your units don't work out, kW/h does not equal kWh The important part is the energy of the strike, not its power. and wikipedia lists the energy as 500MJ or 138.9kWh
  5. how do you get 280,000kW/hour? that doesn't make sense. also, kW/h doesn't equal kWh you seem to mixing up energy an power and god knows what else. in another thread(can't remember which) i done the proper calculation and you do not get feasible amounts of energy at all. EDIT: just checked that thread and seen that it seems to be specific to the thread. globally there are around 44 strikes per second, we'll round that up to 100 to make the numbers easier (and add weight to how infeasible this is) and wikipedia also says there is about 500MJ a strike, but we;ll double this to 1GJ to make the maths easier. so we have 100GW of lightning for THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE EARTH. this is enough to take maybe 15-25 large power stations off line but require blanketing the earth in lightning capture towers and assumes they are 100% efficient and then you still have the rest of the power stations. needed to supply our electricity. but hey, lightning isn't evenly distributed, so lets say you want to build one in a place where lightning is extremely frequent. Kifuka gets 158strikes per km^2 per year. using the numbers above this translates into 158GJ/km^2 per year or 5.01kW per square kilometer. thats essentially an average US house. so for the US you'd need 250 million square kilometers(1.7 time the land area of earth or almost half the total surface area of earth) of prime lightning space to power the domestic requirements of the US. as all this prime lightning space doesn't in fact exist, powering the US would be impossible. hell, powering the UK would be impossible unless you went with my optimistic values and harnessed all lightning everywhere with near 100% efficiency. 5.01 kW from a square kilometer is absolutely terrible. especially as i'm being generous so the real value is more than likely half that if not less. you could achieve the same power output from only a few square meters of solar panels and for much cheaper too.
  6. insane_alien


    empty RAM is wasted RAM
  7. at the equator g is less(further from the center of mass) and at the poles it is more(closer to the center of mass) being near large mountain ranges can also affect the reading. its not a large difference but it is there.
  8. not until you've been here for a couple of weeks. we have these rules for a reason.
  9. Thanks to the internet you don't have to. There is plenty of material online that will bring you up to speed.
  10. ice has more than zero friction. what happens with ice is that there is a thin layer of water on top of it. water works pretty well as a lubricant hence low friction.
  11. you have to remember that the government works (or at least should) for the people. if they make decisions unpopular with the people then they will not get re-elected.
  12. well, you want the players to be able to lift it don't you? i mean seeing as they tend to fall over and hurt themselves from the light breeze generated by someone running past them, even 5 kilos may be pushing it. of course, it could have a lighter filler material inside it rather than being hollow.
  13. this is an international forum. barack obama may be the president of the US, but thats only 4% of the world.
  14. probably best to get one of oour resident experts to do that. i only have a hazy understanding of it.
  15. oh god no. you want to present as little cross section to the water as possible. your body should be straight and feet first, even bend your feet so they're pointing down. of course you want to adopt this position as late as possible so you're just hitting the water as you get into that position. the g-forces will still be high enough to break something, but you might live if you get ot a hospital quickly.
  16. god does not have to be there. with dark matter we see the effects very very clearly. SOMETHING is there we don't know what, until we do we give it the label dark matter and dark energy
  17. actually, science works the other way round. you typically start with an observation that doesn't fit with any known theories and then you investigate the hell out of it, construct models that do allow for it and still fit everything else and then test the hell out of that model to make sure it actually fits reality. if it does not fit reality then it is wrong. a shrinking earth would require some effects that simply aren't seen at all. therefore it is wrong. no amount of extra support helps when there are contradictions with reality. although, if you isolated the earth from the universe, it would eventually show a reduction in size from thermal contraction. but we are talking more than the age of the universe for it to measurable. the radioactive decay within the earth keeps it nice and warm, which incidently is the cause of the convection currents that give rise to plate tectonics.
  18. if it were magnetic fields(especially ones that large) we would have detected them. hell, compasses would detect them. you'd also see vast currents in ionized interstellare medim and you'd also have galaxies being attracted to each other as well and galaxies flipping over and all sorts of craziness that we just don't see. also, what you have there is not a theory, it is a hypothesis. a theory actually has evidence for it.
  19. yes, i am aware of that, my point being that i'd ask for what reason before deciding whether to be cooperative or remain silent and give him more work to do. if the reason was something good, such as the example above where a sniffer dog was indicating me despite me not carrying any drugs, then i'd cooperate fully(this is of course assuming i'm innocent which should be the case). if the reason is something crap, random searches would be one, then i'll not be cooperative.
  20. ahem, you seem not to have read the part about the probable cause where i mentioned, i'd only consent if the officer did have what seemd to be a good reason. infact, this has actually happened to me. what happened was a police sniffer dog seemed interested in the contents of my bag(there were no drugs in it, only a box of tools which also contained a stanley knife). what happened was the police officer gave me the choice of consenting to be searched for drugs or taken down to the police station and searched there. i consented for him to search my bag there and then(the sniffer dog was only interested in the bag, not me.). i even told him about the stanley knife in the toolbox when he asked me if there was anything sharp i nthe bag. so, what happened was he searched the bag, found nothing but what i told him was in there and asked me if i knew where any traces could have come from and i said "no"(i honestly didn't, the bag had been sitting in my cupboard for some weeks although it was sitting on the ground at the trainstation, it is possible that it could have been sitting on the remenants of a joint but it certainly wasn't from me or my house). after a few more questions(mostly about why i had the knife) which i answered truthfully, i was allowed to go on my way. nothing further happened. if i had been taken to the station i would have been detained for far far longer than i was and would have been late. like i said, if i think they have a good reason for stopping me, i will cooperate. if i think they are abusing their powers, i will not.
  21. the astorphysics definition is the one you're looking for.
  22. when docking with the ISS the vessel is typically traveling at the same speed as the ISS so the relative velocities are tiny, at time of docking it is only a few centimeters per second, often slower. and you don't have atmospheric drag to consider. docking withthe ISS is much much simpler.
  23. free energy is bull. it cannot work. these are faked
  24. so no hard data then... right... remember that there are a number of different meanings to the word evolve. it is called differentiation, it does not result in a change in volume. ehhh, not really, current best fit is that most of the water came after the bulk of the planet formed a crust in the form of comets. makes sense since before the earth formed a crust it was hot enough to boil the water off into space. also explained by thermal convection currents within the earth which don't require massive volume change. for shrinkage to produce the movement seen, it would need to be considerable, very very noticable. there's nothing but selective pressures stopping larger animals developing now. selective pressures are not what they used to be nor what they will be in the future. aquatic animals are largely gravity agnostic.
  25. surely it is also your right to voluntarily waive those rights. put simply, if you feel the situation could be quickly resolved by allowing a police officer to perform a search of your car then you are allowed to do that. it is also your right to complicate matters by kicking up a stink as well. personally, i'd have no problem with a police officer searching my person or car or house as long as they have what i'd consider a reasonable reason for it. i'm not too fussed and i don't have anything to hide.
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