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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. 5000ft of water tends to bring up a few issues with pouring concrete.
  2. that would be why it was posted in the homework help section to begin with.
  3. like we said, it had announced its intentions of running the blockade. also, it would be stupid to cross into israeli national waters at the furthest possible point from your desitination. had they been allowed to continue, they would have arranged a run that spent as little time as possible between the breach and reaching shore. this is where the IDF would have had insufficient time had they not preempted them. it is possible they were bluffing, but then they still aren't innocent because of all the things in the world to bluff, a competent military is not one of them.
  4. well, of course its diameter changed as it formed. but seeing as collisions with significant bodies of rock are now a relatively rare occurance, the diameter doesn't change.
  5. not much at any scale you could build without the use of enough explosives to attract the attention of your local government.
  6. there have been all too many examples of 'aid' ships being used to smuggle weapons in. in light of that, it does seem reasonable to request that any aid being delivered is subject to search(and does it really matter if it ends up where it is intended anyay)
  7. well, neutrinos also do not interact via the electromagnetic force. they do however interact via the weak force which is how we detect them. dark matter appears not to interact via the weak force hence the difficulty in detecting it as we are left with gravity as the only approach.
  8. well, now, seeing as i don't even understand the applications i think i can safely say i'm never going to get it without a serious career change and getting a doctorate in mathematics.
  9. widdekind, darkmatter would pass through normal matter as if it wasn't there since from what we can tell, it doesn't interact via the electromagnetic force(possibly not even the weak or strong forces either). this means it will happily go through normal matter only exherting a tiny gravitational tug. it will not build up in craters.
  10. i think thats pervfectly conclusive and we can dispense with the false notion that the 'protestors' were merely defending themselves.
  11. john, seeing as the IDF may have to deal with more heavily armed terrorists(note: i am not calling the people on board the turkish vessel terrorists), it is understandable that they have better weapons. however, it has been mentioned before that the IDF boarding the vessel were using a non-lethal primary weapon with a deadly weapon only for worst-case scenario, which this unfortunately turned out to be the case. i'm not going to pass comment on who started it because it doesn't matter in the long run, both sides escalated the conflict and only one side was going to win once that started.
  12. esoteric algebra-like structures of course.
  13. not quite, from what i'm hearing on the news here(bbc) is that the protestors had already announced their intentions to run the blockade. which would mean the IDF were merely preventing it being a problem by the time the ship got to the blockade. also, sticks and metal pipes are not purely defensive weapons. if you think that then you should come to scotland for a bit. you can't go a week without hearing about someone attacked by muggers weilding metal pipes, knifes and/or swords(i kid you not). a pipe makes a very effective offensive weapon. also, from the videos you see the idf being beaten as they decend on to the ship(note that the IDF are not firing on the protestors as they decend). you seem to be making it out that it was some innocent people on a ship having a good old singsong when suddenly in bursts some israeli commandos who start shooting them for no good reason. it is not like that at all. i'm sure if they had not resisted in such a hostile manner, the IDF would have carried out a search of the ship and let them proceed if it was found that the ship were not transporting anything more than humanitarian aid.
  14. i wonder if there are any real world applications where this could at least potentially be useful.
  15. jeezo ajb, i've even got some university level math under my belt and i haven't got a clue what you just said
  16. the really high up depends on a lot of the simpler stuff, so in order to express some of the more advanced ideas in everdya language and no technical jargon, you'd have to go through everything to get there. there is even a fair chance that it would take several years. using 'jargon' you can get through it much more quickly as all the background is in the definition of that bit of jargon which if you don't understand, then your probably not in line to understand the main idea yet.
  17. only up to the limits of the strong nuclear force. however, the energy expended in getting the quarks that far appart means that you've put in enough energy for a quark anti-quark pair to form leading to you having no free neutron.
  18. people sweat. water evapourating in non-100% humidity conditions will be colder than the ambient air temperature to to the latent heat of phase change. sometimes much colder.
  19. yes, but only with other quarks, you can't get a quark on its own but they can come in bundles of 2 as well as three.
  20. that picture above is highly exaggerated if you scaled the earth down to the size of a pool ball, the earth would be the smoother of the two. even with all the water and atmosphere removed.
  21. the dewpoint will get closer to the air temperature as the humidity rises, these are not independant variables as you seem to have assumed. due to the fact that this basement is full of hot sweaty people jumping around the humidity inside will nearly always(except in the most extreme of conditions) be greater than that outside so ventilation should always help. if you are in humid environment, then an investment in some mats for the players to play on would be your best bet. its cheaper than the air conditioning you'd need.
  22. delta g is the change in gibbs free energy delta h is the change in enthalpy delta s is the change in entropy T is the absolute temperature. the equation won't actually help you as it says nothing of external conditions, internal conditions or the amount of sweat evapourating from 30 odd table tennis players.
  23. or you can take away the humidity by having adequate ventilation.
  24. no. evolution works over generations of a species, not on an individual.
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