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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. anyone who tinks that bunging a few spices into a shot glass make the 'best' medicine: 1/ doesn't understand what a medicine is. 2/ isn't qualified to comment on it.
  2. cheers. i would have been surprised if this never happened, but it seemed to be quite had to locate it with all the bumf about exxon valdez and the recent bp platform and so on. probably just used the wrong key words.
  3. insane_alien

    2 = 1?

    a+a=a is only a correct equation if you throw out the rules of maths. starting from something that is false can lead you to any answer you want. of course a could always be zero then its fine. but 2(0) is still zero.
  4. well the thing is, the H2O2 would never reach your blood stream. it decomposes too quickly. the saliva you produce will destroy all traces. if that doesn't cut it then the stomach acids would. a popular experiment for showing the decomposition is to put a droplet of blood and some H2O2 together and the decomposition happens very quickly.
  5. it doesn't instantly transfer anything. it takes time to travel. as to genecks, how do you supoose we scan for gold? also, you can't transport substances, you'd need another gold atom to put the information into once it got here.
  6. then why do you laugh at the way i think a game should be played? don't be a hypocrit
  7. more to the point, where is ANY evidence outside of myth and legend which is, thanks to our impressive imaginations, full of stuff that never existed. Legends and religions are full of lots of other bumf that cannot be attributed to aliens or superior technology. If they can make that up fine then why can't they have made up people living in the sky. After all, the constellations are often anthropomophised, such as orion the hunter. So people in the sky is hardly a unique thing. And then there is the whole man on the moon thing because of a coincidence of geology. whyc not assume that all the little points of light aren't similar to the big smudge. Humans have rampant imaginations you can't just write that off and jump to aliens when we enjoy fiction so much that even today in more educated times the fiction section of shops and libraries is still much larger. NOW can we get back to whether contact is good or not and leave this crap about aliens maybe being depicted in ancient cultural pictures that are more often than not prone to misinterpretation?
  8. on the first time you play through the game, yes to all 4. AFTER you've completed the game normally, nothing wrong at all. I find that cheats can enhance the game if used properly. However, just using them because you cannot figure out how to complete a level is wrong.
  9. i'm in the positive(even if you factor in what i owe in student loans.). i'm also known to be pretty liberal with my spending. I usually get the first round in when i go to the pubs with my mates and pay more than my share for taxi's and the like. BUTI do keep my spending belowmy income most of the time. Not out of careful planning but simply because even with all the crap i spend money on it usually doesn't turn out to be as much as you'd think it would. Maybe it's because I'm Scottish, some unconcious skinflint circuitry that keeps tabs of how much i'm spending and stops it when it gets too much.
  10. well, the big thing about tractors is that they have a lot of torque. 7.5 BHP is plenty of power to do something useful but the torque available might not beall that useful(although there are ways around this, it will require extensive modifications.
  11. water and crude are not entirely immicible. there will be a significant fraction of water in the oil due to surfactant molecules present in crude. You also have to have a water separation process on all refinieries that take in crude oil and the water content is the primary cause of corrosion in crude oil piping. but that was not what I was reffering to. What I was reffering to is that oceans are hardly pure water. There is a lot of crap(both figuratively AND literally) that would get mixed in with the oil and need to be removed. This stuff will range from microrganisms that will digest and degrade the oil to larger animal and plant material. put simply, bubbling crude oil through an ocean doesn't do anything favourable to processing the crude into fuel. I haven't even touched upon evapouration yet either. All the 'useful' fractions used in petroleum, diesel, kerosene, etc. are volatile. They'll evapourate leaving the heavier tars which need to be cracked. Heavy crudes typically aren't worth as much because they need more processing. The fact remains that you need to spend a not insignificant amount of resources to get a poor quality oil. It will not be worth it.
  12. So, i was thinking about the oil spill they've got offsore on the states and i started thinking: Surely its possible for an oil resovoir to spring a leak under natural circumstances. for instance, a fault line, erosion(not to sure how much of an effect this has on the sea floor). Okay, I'll admit i'm not to sure on the mechanism, but I do know that oilwells can experience geological activity and there are a couple of exploited resovoirs which are on fault lines. So, are there any known natural oil spills? As in not a direct or indirect result of human activity. no pipes drilling or tanks involved.
  13. well, you need to know how fast the ball decelerates when it hits the scale. the faster it decelerates the heavier it will appear to be.
  14. no it doesn't mean no nuclear accidents will occur BUT it does mean that you can't blow it up by fiddling with the settings or taking out the support systems. as for the terrorist threat, well containment structure are bomb proof. no really, very bomb proof. it would take one hell of a blast to get through that. not something thats going to go unnoticed(a car bomb won't do it, even a good sized truck). also this pretty much makes it plane proof as well. all this because of structures to keep stuff in. and anyway, even if they do breach the outer contaiment structure(which would be a feat and a half in itself) they'd still need a secondary blast/impact of greater magnitude to breach the core.
  15. looks like it could be a rock to me. chances are, only the artist will ever know what it is, could be a rock could be a spacecraft, could be an attempt to cover up a blemish. there are many many many far more plausible explanations thant 'ZOMG ALIENS!!!one!!!' but anyway the point is moot as it says nothing on whether aliens are goodies or badies.
  16. well, no. if you've graduated from a good university then you have prrof that your skills are up to a certain standard. your genitals just suggest that there is the possibility your better than someone with the other type, but its not necessarily true and hasn't been tested. if you had two applicants for a job and one submitted a CV showing they were a world leading expert in the field, top uni, published papers etc. and then another applicant who goes 'i have dangly bits! hire me! i'm obviously the best!' which do you think would get hired?
  17. its not free money. you have to expend resources to go get it, and then you'd need to process it before you coulds sell it because it will have all sort of contaminants in it that it wouldn't have if it was straight out the well. it just wouldn't be worth it. it'd be expensive to recover and you wouldn't be able to sell it anywhere near the usual prices.
  18. the center of gravity should remain the same unless the craft deforms significantly or there is a change to the mass distribution.
  19. neither was anyone else. but that doesn't mean it's impossible to determine what was there.
  20. modern day reptiles are cold blooded, things were different millions of years ago.
  21. you might also want to look into backing up source code i nthe future rather than just the compiled programs. perhaps soemthing like dropbox, i use it to back up a lot of things including source code.
  22. thats fine in space, but when you are operating on a planetary surface it becomes more difficult especially during spin up and spin down.
  23. well that depends on how its getting annigilated doesn't it. i mean, sure i could hit a block of antimatter with a matter sledge hammer and make a BIG mess very quickly but alternatively i could feed the antimatter in very very slowly a few picograms per second or so and take years to annihilate 1kg of matter.
  24. Tnad, i honestly couldn't give a crap who they are or what they do. you did not include any science. you just quoted them (so really, its arguement from authority fallacy). also, from googling them as you suggested, none of them appear to be qualified in a relevant field to say that man made actions aren't causing climate change. you didn't talk about ANY science, no experiments, no theoretical works nothing.
  25. Klay, what you have is a chamber on the ed of the boom that can rotate freely. so whe you spi eough that the combined force of gravity and centripetal acceleration equal 1 g the floor would appear to those inside to be level but to anyone outside it'll be at an angle.
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