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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. there should be an option to set the scans as a background process. i don't have mcafee(or any virus scanner for that matter) so i'm not sure where this option would be located.
  2. michel, you can't have two times at once. the vertical axis is time. you could have the earth emit two signals at different times if you wanted, but all the diagram will show is that the signals arrice i nthe order they were transmitted.
  3. high bandwidth does not mean low latency. a truck full of harddrives barreling down the motorway hasa high bandwidth, but also an extremely high latency.
  4. the particles are in a lower energy state when they are bound to each other than when they are seperate. so when the bind to each other they lose energy. if we use E=mc^2 (an use the rest frame for the particles) this loss of energy can be observed as a loss of mass.
  5. well, i have requested that you explain what you're saying several times before as it is pretty difficult to make sense out of it. i suspect that there is something lost in translation but that doesn't explain all of it
  6. becase life is dependant on redox reactions. in order for these to happen, it must have a plentiful supply of oxidizer (most likely from food) to be able to utilize a reducing atmosphere. just like we have a plentiful supply of reducer from our food that lets us use our oxidising atmosphere.
  7. you mean like a cathode ray tube? and wireless transmission of electricity used radiowaves, not electrons.
  8. khaled, no one knows what the hell you're saying
  9. fixed. for the exceptionally dense, the parts in bold, i added.
  10. only in an isolated system, a balloon is not an isolated system. this is muddled. gas can and will still escape underwater. also, many gasses can diffuse through apparently solid materials. such as helium through steel.
  11. khaled, is there a language barrier here or something? it seems like english isn't your first language.
  12. 1/ it is gone. if all its energy is in the form of potential energy in the atom then there is no photon. you cannot have a photon of zero energy. 2/ that has nothing to do with the question. yes a lot of photons come from the sun, but we have things on earth that produce photons. you're looking at one right now.
  13. water is hard to split up, you cannot chnge this. it takes the same amount of energy no matter the electrolyte. that just reduces resistance losses. both those sites are known hoaxes and have some very bad science on them
  14. not that i've noticed and its a 500W inverter simply becaue i couldn't find ones closer to what i actuall needed.
  15. you may not have suggested it but it's what you're using and in your first post you definitely implied it was better than using say 3.14159265. despite it being significantly worse. then you bring in some new X variable and fail to explain what it represents or even why it is useful.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverter_%28electrical%29 bam these are easily available and have been for ages.
  17. it is actually. someone junked it because it 'didn't work' 2 minutes of soldering later and i got cheap solar. if you average it out i use 105W of leccy, the solar panel give a max of 400W so it more than covers it.
  18. physics is speeding along quite nicely. and with the LHC up and running its expected to accelerate even more. just because it is not as publicised as some developments in other fields doesn't mean they're all standing around scratching their bums(okay, well they do all do that, but only when they're waiting for the experiment to run). as to the questions posted, 1/size is iffy when you get down to the subatomic level, other than that though, neutrino. 2/ the visible universes size is well documented, the full size(if it is different) depends a lot on the geometery of space time on a large scale which is very difficult to measure. 3/physics doesn't ask why, but there are theories on how it occured from quantum gravity but more evidence needs to be gathered first.
  19. a solar panel i found down the scrappies(scrapyard) and some car batteries. as long as i don't have a 24hour session on the xbox it makes enough to power my room continuously. heating isn't an issue due to too good insulation and a southfacing window, infact i usually have my window open to cool the place down.
  20. you can't view that in the uk
  21. marton, have you ever taken a chemistry class?
  22. seeing as my room(not the whole house unfortunately) doesn't consume energy i didn't feel the need as every hour is earth hour in here. and no, its not heatd through the walls, my room is typically 5-10*C warmer than the rest of the house due to the electronics and how many people are usually in here.
  23. and then some. that would probably bump us up to a type III civilization. on the otherhand, hydrogen can potentially be a good form of energy storage.
  24. i'd imagine it depends on the algortihm used to generate the image. if you have one that calculates a pixel independant of the surrounding pixels then it is trivial, just feed it the proper seed and coordinates and it should pop out. as the pixels start to depend on the surrounding pixels then this will become more complex. with these you'd need to run it it until that desired pixel is generated. and i suppose you could get even more complex ones where it applies an iterative approach, then you may need to generate the picture several times over to find out the value. i'm not sure if there can be a generic solution that is efficient.
  25. what substituteing another variable for r and not even explaining what it is? and you're still using a horrible approximation for pi.
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