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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. scilearner this page describes it quite well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary we've told you before about doing your own research first.
  2. this is probably one of those things that nobody has really bothered to get accurate data for(you'd be surprised at how many and how big the gaps are). its going to be directly proportional to the surface area of clorophyl containing leaves. so try to find plants with lots of surface area on the green leaves. its also probably going to be proportional to the amount of clorophyl in the plant cells so have a look and see if you can find data on the amount of clorophyl a plant has.
  3. it'll remove the bone too if you put some elbow grease into it.
  4. 1/ gone. 2/google it. hell even wikipedia isn't too bad on this.
  5. 22/7 is insufficient for most applications. 22/7 id only suitable if its fine to use 3.14 as pi. 3.14159 is a better approximation than 22/7 did you even read my post?
  6. only because its one of the few things capable of dissolving itself.
  7. water is not an ionic substance.
  8. roosh, ummm what? can you rephrase that so it makes sense?
  9. seeing as paper, particularly tissue paper, isn't very strong you're going to get this happening with all tissues. infact, it iwll happen when any two objects are dragged past each other to a lesser or greater extent. what its made of only determines how much material breaks away. so, either you put up with a bit of dust or you start using tissues made of tungsten mesh. which will you choose?
  10. bit late aren't you?
  11. look, without fire you ARE extremely limited in the things you can do off the bat. however, you AREN'T limited to nothing at all. you can do some slight refinements and these refineents will open up other paths you can take to allow you to make more refinements and so on. not only that but fire IS possible in a reducing atmosphere. all you need is a source of oxidiser and seeing as there is life, there should be enough around probably in the form of biomatter.
  12. when you're using 22/7 as an approximation of pi then there isn't much need to store the variable as a double. most programming languages have some form of math library that will far exceed that apporximation. alternatively, you could get the program to calculate pi to an arbitrary number of digits before performing the calculation, but a precomputed value for pi would be the most efficient.
  13. i feel a little sick after seeing that. i certainly won't be buying books like that for my future kids.
  14. its just called .NET its not actually anything to do with web pages.
  15. did you ever think that, as a childrens book, it might not have anything to do with politics?
  16. you should look up 'relativity of simultaneity'
  17. maybe i'm out of touch with my nations politics here(i only pay attention when its time to vote) but since when was the US political system and NASA involved in the UK general election? offtopic much?
  18. the momentum of a photon is given by plancks constant divided by the wavelength (? been a while may be wrong on this). this is tiny. really tiny. but if you had a relatively powerful laser, say 100kW you could probably get some gasses moving, but really, the fact that lasers heat things up is testament to their momentum.
  19. a two-second lag would be extremely severe. typically lag is measured in 1000ths of a second(milliseconds) and can be quite noticeable if it is above 100ms
  20. ahem, just pointing out that the UK is not just england.
  21. thats a question on the order of 'if a tree falls in the wood and noone is around to hear it does it mae a noise?'.
  22. no. quite a while before that
  23. i'd agree with the statements up intil "opposite of homo sapiens" i'm quite human and would like to remain so. but really i just chose the name because it sounded pretty cool and i suppose the fact that it originally came about when playing a space based MMORPG had an influence on it. i just liked it a lot so i reused it here. however, i wholeheartedly and vehemently reject the tree's idea of me think of it as "cute" at any stage past, present or future of my life. if i wanted "cute" i would have went for something like "fluffykins" or something. i don't really do "cute".
  24. quantum mechanics explains it quite well with virtual photons although it can be explained classically as well but can be prone to problems. basically the field(any field) is just the volume and geometry of influence of its source, be that an electro magnet or whatever. the field is populated by a sea of 'virtual' photons that exchange momentum between the source and the object being influenced.
  25. there are already modular powerstation scale stirling engines in use. again, not really alterative, but mainstream.
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