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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. question 1/ have you googled? question 2/ have you googled?
  2. if they don't find anything new then that is a discovery in itself and it means we can discount a LOT of competing theories as more than a few predict that the LHC should find something new. if it doesn't find anything then these theories are wrong and can be scrapped.
  3. so... you propose to used lots and lots of power generating acharge in the earths surface just so you can harness a few lightning strikes? not going to be profitable at all, or even give a net energy output. lightning just doesn't contain that much energy.
  4. just because einstein said it doesn't make it right.
  5. time is a dimension, it doesn't have a speed if it does, then other dimensions must also have a speed. what do you think the speed of forward is? or the speed of left? or the speed of down?
  6. if you can find a quick way to analyse a metric assload of data for a tiny tiny signal i'm sure CERN would be happy to hear it. you'll need to wait a year or so until human parsable results appear. the computers while completely kickass and god like still take a LOOONNNNGGGGG time to churn throught the massive quantities of data generated each time a group of particles collides. and then you have to sift through the procesed data for events that are actually interesting rather than the boring old already discovered types. and then you have to make sure there's enough of the interesting bits to ensure that its really there and not just a coincidence. science isn't like CSI's 10-second DNA analysis, the real stuff takes time.
  7. well, boiling water is highly turbulent, so the cold water would quickly be dispersed, heated up to a homogenous temperature and start boiling again. of course, this depends on the volumes, if you have a thimble of boiling water and you unleash a firehose on it then the boiling water isn't going to stand a chance.
  8. one april fool that has gone unnoticed for centuries, the ridiculous middle-endian date format. the originators didn't suspect that it would gain widespread use except in a few specialised circumstances
  9. that cannot be used as a heat sink for a heat engine. nor even a heat pump. the ambiet conditions are the only place available to dump heat regardless of how col an internal part of the system can get.
  10. i'd hardly call a hydrogen - Fluorine reaction unsubstantial
  11. no, the photons themselves travel at c withing a medium always. they just get absorbed a lot by the material so the average velocity appears lower. in truth, the photons are travelling at c or they exist as potential energy in an atom/bond. but when they are photons they travel at c
  12. metro 2033 pretty awesome roaming around the russian subway and having to conserve every bullet you get.
  13. they don't even exist here in the UK(there isn't one at my uni or any of the others in the city). sounds like a club for overachievers to attend and pretend that they are actually leading worthwhile lives when the people who are actuall going to put the stuff to use are getting on with it.
  14. the concentration is the number of mols per unit volume right? well, pure water is 55 mol/L simple. its fractional composition is 1 if you care. but there really is no reason why a pure substance can't have a concentration at all, its just equivalent to its molar density.
  15. huh? i don't think you get what i said at all. when we use poisons to help us it usually involves killing something that has infected us. such as microbes nad parasites. the only reason these poisons work in this regard is that it takes a much lower dose to kill the invader than the host(us). as whales do not, to my knowledge, enter our body(at all) and cause disease then why would we need to kill them off when they're infesting us? as to whether the poison is useful to us or not depends on the actual poison itself. there are many that have bugger all beneficial effects. i suspect that your view on this is skewed by the reporting, its reported on far more often about ones that do have beneficial effects than those that don't. this occurs for a variety of reasons including, -the ones that are useful are well, useful, hence worthy of report -the ones that are useful may be surprising(particularly important in newspapers) -the ones that aren't useful aren't really special in any way.
  16. lot of people have noticed it. the only reason it works is because your bigger than the things you want to kill, so it kills them before it'll kill you.(although penicillin would kill me first, i'm highly allergic to it)
  17. chances are very high that that they are significantly safer. for one they are just vaporisers so the chemicals it contains are known quantities unlike with tobacco smoke which contains an unholy mess of tars, carcinogens and other nasties. not that it actually makes nicotine addiction any better as nicotine itself does throw up a number of problems and hasn't be adequately researched in a pure form.
  18. i think you misunderstand me. global warming is a very significant problem for the human race and 2 degrees average surface temperature change is actually huge and will cause a lot of environmental change in a hort period of time which means a bunch of species are going to snuff it. when i said that an tiny fraction of the earth was warming i was reffering to the very very thin layer that get its temperature from the sun, this isn't responsible for much gravity and none of the magnetic field so doesn't actually matter to what the OP was talking about at all.
  19. ummm, thats the point to an extent.
  20. not going to be too efficient as not only will it eat power just to work, its going to be very prone to slippage.
  21. we could see the remenants of the explosion.
  22. ah i was getting my cars mixed up, i thought you were talking about the tesla(or whatever the hell it is, i'm not really up on my cars particularly US cars) which is a BEV, i didn't think you were talking about a hybrid
  23. i'd go so far as to propose that the internet benefits even those who don't use it. think of how many internet campaigns there have been on site such as facebook. at the very least this will raise public awareness of issues and in the best cases actually get stuff done. and thats just one website. the research links available for students and researchers(and the handy index that is google) can speed up searching literature by several orders of magnitude without pulling long shifts at the library(well, you'll still have to pull long shifts reading the stuff, but less searching). then there are the more direct approaches. folding@home it would take several decades to do what has been done on that the conventional way. the benefits haven't surfaced for the end user yet but stuff is being done, several research papers have already been published and more are likely to follow. not to mention the LHC would be impossible without the internet. even with it we will struggle to deal with the vast amount of data this thing will pump out even though the raw data passes through a number of filters to throw out the junk before its stored anywhere. the internet is a bloody useful tool whether to do with research, or society in general and i haven't even touched on the economic aspects. the internet helps everyone even if they aren't directly connected. fundemental human right? no its not that. we survived perfectly fine before it and there were no mass uprisings that our human rights were violated by its lack of existance. to claim otherwise is naiive and childish. immensely important tool yes. fundemental right, no. not saying people should be denied access for arbitrary reasons right enough, just saying its not up there with right to life and all that.
  24. its also good for towing stuff as well and driving on ice. sometimes you WANT it to be in a lower or higher gear than it usually would be. basically you get more control and efficiency for less. then again there are some morons who haven't figured it out(i'm looking at you USA)
  25. why change? its been working well so far and the cost of a retool is going to be massive(in terms of people being confused organics like usual alone) switch AD/BC to CE/BCE (although AC/DC would be my choice but thats not going to cut it with non-metalheads.)
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