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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. ah yes he's still comparing the earth to a tree. yeah, this'll go on thill the mods finally get bored of him again and kick him off.
  2. i'm getting 404 galore if its anything like the last time he was here it's completely unfounded crap.
  3. doubtful. when you get to vacuums you notice just how leaky everything is.
  4. of course there is protein in grass, everything living contains protein.
  5. pretty sure it would have been less than a pound. especially since it was concealed in the groinal area. the only way your going to get more than that there without anyone noticing is if you have a big drooping belly that you can tuck it under.
  6. and how do you propose the intestine decides between the two? the good and the bad ones are pretty similar. but a healty diet contains some. but, if you block ethanol you'll end up blocking a whole lot of otherthings as the molecules is so small. Vitamins: A C D E K The B vits have stuff like nitrogen and sulphur in them but are mostl carbohydrate. not all carbohydrates have calories, only those that can be metabolized have calories. vitamins can be both carbohydrates and be metabolised(otherwise we wouldn't need them) and therefore have calories. interestingly enough, a good way to limit glucose metabolism would be to use... glucose L-Glucose that is. your body is incapable of metabolising it. of course, the problem still does not lie with what is being absorbed by the gut but the eating habits of the owners of the gut.
  7. exactly look at that, 10kW a tonne. that means for a decent sized station you need 1000000 tonnes of waste. thats more waste than we actually produce. and even then thats fresh waste to produce the same power with 10 year old waste you need 1000000 tonnes. we simply don't produce enough waste for this to be viable even on a materials basis discounting shielding which will need to be excessive.
  8. this is incredibly retarded. you need carbohydrates. some vitamins are cabohydrates as well fatty acids are beneficial and essential your body can produce all you need but two of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_fatty_acid amino acids are also essential. as well as cholesterol a bit. but the things you are blocking ARE desired nutrients i hardly think regular IV drips and hosptial visits is a good auality of life. no, they wouldn't. you are missing the key factor here. dosage. yes too much is bad, but the solution is not to cut it out entirely. the solution is to moderate it. too much water is bad, too much oxygen is bad, should we modify our bodies so these are not absorbed either? your idea is ridiculous, unhealthy and would be unimaginably costly.
  9. i never said it would be easy. but heavily modifying the intestine is going to lead to many many costly health problems that would likely require more resources than the obesity in the first place. it merely replaces one problem with another, worse, problem. its a bit like saying the best way to ensure your house doesn't go on fire is to build it out of ice. sure, its not going to go on fire anytime soon but maintaining the house just got a whole lot trickier as well as numerous other issues.
  10. because a reduction in entropy can be favourable provided there is a suffient energy potential. although it is important to not that the entropy reduction is a local effect. for it to happen entropy must increase elsewhere.
  11. or how about just training yourself to eat healthier? modifying the body unless there is a physiological reason isn't the answer.
  12. and then there is the lifetime of the isotopes. the short lived ones don't hang around long enough for constant power production and the long lived ones would need tonnes per milliwatt. there are a few medium life times that are suitible but still not a very good way of doing it. eitherway, to generate a reasonable amount of power you'll need to shield against an unreasonable amount of radiation. and then there are scale issues and fuel production issues and disposal issues and maintenance issues. if you just dump it all down a mineshaft and hope to generate power off it then its going to go horribly horribly wrong.
  13. pioneer did you read this thread at all?
  14. no, it's not. i can tell you from experience.
  15. so, where did you copy and paste that from? it has more coherence than the stuff you type on your own.
  16. yes. fatty acids, alcohol(s), other sugars, aminoacids, protein fragments, vitamins, etc. etc.
  17. no, not enough pressure at ground level and insufficient concentrations of carbon.
  18. no. you need sugars. if you have adapted the intestine so that it doesn't allow sugars to pass then you have a big problem. and anyway, no matter how fat a person is, they have a limited amount of it, what happens when it runs out? and then you have the problems involved with the actual blocking of glucose specifically. if you block that then you're going to block a whole lot of other molecules to. and even then if you do block glucose and just glucose then what abou all the other sugars, fats, etc that can still make you fat. why not just go for the simpler 'put the fork down chubby!' method of not eating so much in the first place.
  19. and it will also result in that person needing to get glucose through an IV for the rest of their lives. on the other hand it will cure obesity as it'll kill them without extensive medical care for the remainder of their lives. i think you've managed to come up with something more costly than the 'just let them get fat and continue trating them in hospitals' option.
  20. i suppose if you have a sensitive enough measurement device and a low noise environment(not going to happen in real life, but theoretically) you could find their position on the surface of earth by measuring the distortion from the base-line.
  21. it is easy to make diamonds from coal. thye just wouldn't be worth much as industrial diamonds are cheap. it's only diamonds used in jewelery that are expensive and artificially at that. its possible (and economically viable) to produce artificial diamonds of better quality than those used in jewelery. gold from urine is a bit silly. there needs to be gold in it first to make extraction possible and gold is biologically inert so unlikely to disolve into something capable of being excreted as urine. your solid excretions on the other hand well, then you stnad a reasonable chance of finding some. especially if you've ate something with gold flake on it
  22. no, the instant it is formed it is travelling at c. it is incapable of travelling at any other speed.
  23. you could always drive something with a manual transmission. or you know, learn how to operate the car you're driving. i've had a problem with the engine racing without any of the electronic wizardry inside more expensive and modern cars anyway, the throttle valve got stuck. simple mechanical problem. did i crash? no did i bring it safely to a stop? yes what magic did i use? the brake(and clutch). EDIT: sorry got carried away and forgot to put my point in. When i was learning(not so long ago) to drive. i was taught what to do in situations where something goes wrong with the car. nothing complex or fancy, just stuff that happens to be a common way for something to go wrong. 1/burst tire 2/engine cuts out 3/loss if power steering 4/engine races 5/loss of steering 6/loss of brakes maybe i'm biased here but i thought that would have been a pretty standard lesson. if you can't handle something going wrong then you shouldn't be behind the wheel. fair enough the list covered isn't exhaustive but covering those gets you techniques for the major ones and they can be applied to other modes of failure leaving you prepared to stop the car safely incase of a breakdown.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passivation what happens is that you form a thin layer(pretty much just a few molecules deep) on the surface of the metal that prevents oxygen getting to the metal and corroding it.
  25. Somehow I doubt that this will sway those who don't believe in evolution. If they don't accept any of the rest of the mountain of evidence then another boulder of evidence isn't going to do anything.
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