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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. an(x)f^(n+1)(x) more or less. it would probably be easier if i was allowed to tell you the function butit falls under the confidentiality agreement.
  2. they also predicted many events after 2012 so thinking that they thought that meant the end of the world is a bit ridiculous.
  3. oh i know they are functions of x, thats not a problem. its the fact that they are also functions of the the (n+1)th derivative that is causing me issues here.
  4. not quite, i was just using them to represent the rest of the equation.it changes slightly each time you differentiate.
  5. yes, i remember that but it doesn't really apply to what i'm meaning. i'll try again to get the point across f'(x)=a*f''(x) f''(x)=b*f'''(x) f'''(x)=c*f''''(x) f''''(x)=d*f'''''(x) f'''''(x)=... and so on ad infinitum
  6. right, the differential comes out such that dy/dx = a*d^2y/dx^2 where a is the rest of the whole equations its a bit more complicated than that but thats pretty much what mathematica says and its what maxima says too.
  7. Okay, so i've manager to lump a mathematical model into the one mega equation but i've come up against a slight problem, getting the derivative(not essential but makes my work a lot easier). see, the first derivative is a function of the second derivative which is a function of the third which is a function of the fourth which is... you get the picture. as i have a program that can go through them automatically, i got the 1000th derivative and it was still a function of the 1001th derivative. now, i did encounter such stuff in my math classes, but only there. i've never had to deal with one in real life never mind this one thats so complex. how is it you deal with these things again? google only seems to return eejits who fail to understand what the second derivative test is.
  8. well seeing as poor countries typically can't afford better construction materials they don't really have much of a choice in the matter.
  9. eight minutes sounds better than 8 minutes 19 seconds. its really only the popsci shows that call it 8 minutes. some even use " just over 8 minutes" seriously is it that big a deal? anyone who might actually need to use that information for something important would already know this. and for a truely accurate answer you'd include the variation between perihelion and aphelion
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphoria_%28software%29 it's also a game animation engine
  11. well, the big warning bell thats going off is that its powered by fossil fuels yet 'has no emissions'. its true that using a fuel cell can be more efficient than a good old open flame, but it's still going to produce CO2. and it is hardly a nocel idea. fuelcell microgeneration has been a proposed solution for quite a while now. from the information available, i think bust. they're trying to keep it somewhat covered up probably to drum up interest. i wouldn't be too surprised if this was a pump and dump scam.
  12. you can actually tell the moon is rotating from earth, as the orbit is not perfectly circular, and the rate of rotation is constant(the torque required to change the rotational velocity of the moon this much this quicklywould be MASSIVE) you get libration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libration you can test this too with just an el cheapo brand telescope and a camera and a month of clear skies. heck, even just a camera with a decent optical zoom on it should work fine.
  13. of course you like euphoria, thats pretty much the definition of it, a great sense oh elation and wellbeing. kind of hard not to like it. or are you talking about something else and expecting us all to be psychic about it?
  14. ah yeah, worse because they're better. i keep forgetting how weird gemological ratings are. it needs to be contaminated, but it has to be precisely the right sort and level of contamination.
  15. not really. if you are still alive right now, then i'm pretty sure you've got the hang of breathing right. and as long as you have a nutritionally balanced diet you'll get all the antioxidants you need and then some.
  16. you really haven't ever been outside have you?
  17. well, a quick wiki shows that the internal one is involuntarily controlled and that the exterior one is under partial voluntary control. so both would have a role toplay in continence. normally, the interior one but when your really needing to let one loose, the exterior one comes into play.
  18. do you promise? look, the earth goes around the sun every year, this is infact the definition of a year. so, by just hanging around on earth, you will get around to the other side of the sun in 6 months. if you can't understand this or even believe in the existance of the sun, well i'm not sure there is much i, or anyone else, can do to help you. i showed you a photograph of the sun, i also proposed how you can test it yourself to prove that it is repeatable.
  19. well, seeing as its night time here, i can't actually get you a picture of the sun from my location, and i start work before dawn and i likley won't finish till after sunset. so your going to have to take it on faith(since you like that so much) that the sun is infact a real thing. have you ever been outside your basement?
  20. you haven't brought any proof despite us asking for it quite often. you have yet to show us anything. including intelligence levels that'd pass a turing test. http://www.watblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/dawn.jpg < proof
  21. the big bright thing during the day isn't clear enough for you? i have plenty of answers to lots of things. its pretty easy. i just hang around on the earth. the earth goes there anyway. every body does it twice a year. didn't you know this? seeing as you seem to have never seen the sun, why don't you just go outside during the day. not false at all.
  22. right first off, you don't need an oxygen generator or millions of plants in you home, nor do you need oxygenated water. your stomach makes for a very poor aquatic lung as anyone who has drowned could tell you, or not cause they're dead. there is plenty of oxygen in this fantastic substance known as air. as long as you house has a bit of ventilation like its required to by law, you won't die. and yes, your body likes oxygen to live. now. oxygen is a reactive chemical. so, as you breathe it and it gets circulated around your body, it oxidises a lot of things. now, the important part here is that appart from oxidising the things it is supposed to be oxidizing to keep you alive, it also oxidises some things that would rather be unoxidised. the role of antioxidants is that they get oxidised before the things that shouldn't be oxidised and after the things that should be oxidised. thats pretty much it. you can think of anti-oxidants as a sacrificial anode(google if you don't know) for your body
  23. so is getting round the otherside. personally i do this every 6 months
  24. still don't see the relevance
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