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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. you won't get enough electricity from the turbine to electrolyse the necessary hydrogen. the water system may as well be closed loop. but extra electricity would have to come from outside and heat would have to be rejected from somewhere.
  2. read the links, the offsets are to account for the different baselines used in each of the models. the offsets make the data work from the same zero point which is what you want if you are going to compare them. stop posting before your think. or try actually thinking in the first place.
  3. complete rubbish i'm afraid. 1/ its not a large molecule. positively puny against a protein or a polymer. 2/ burning it would destroy any narcotic effect. the purpose of lighting a joint is to produce heat to vapourise THC in the cannabis near the area that is burning. this then enters your lungs and goes into your blood stream. burning it just results in CO2 and water. also, there are otherways of getting high off of thc that do not involve fire at all. ingestion or using a vapouriser. if your idea was correct then neither of these would be possible.
  4. plants like mild vibration. soundwaves provide this. it has bog all to do with emotion.
  5. Mr, skeptic, are you trying to argue that because it is not the BEST incendiary that it is not an incendiary? chucking white phosphorus on civilians FOR WHATEVER REASON is a war crime. nuff said. you are being ridiculous.
  6. well, most ovens use IR radiation for heating food, shorter wavelength than microwaves and visible light CAN heat stuff, you just need to shove enough of it onto the thing you want to heat up. a microwave is what, 1kW on an area maybe 100cm^2 light is 1kW on 10000cm^2 not counting reflection. microwaves fire more energy into it than natural lighting does. you could use it but why bother,.
  7. just make sure to dilute them heavily and it'll be fine.
  8. walking on walls isn't going to get done without one of those hydraulic exoskeletons, or at the very very least some ankle supports. thats a lot of torque your ankles would have to supply.
  9. IIRC a few have tested worse than placebos, although that is very likely just down to chance as there have only been a few.
  10. i think sisyphus was reffering to the water. although... water could diffuse into the glass and diffuse back out later allowing for the glass to act as a homeopathic repository. not that it'll affect anything though.
  11. hey fashfiji, i seen you came on the IRC a short time ago, just to let you know people do use it, you just have to wait more than a minute usually. i only chacked the window about 5 seconds after you decided to give up. if you just open it in a new tab/window and leave it for a while, someone will turn up eventually.
  12. forufes, in reposnse to your reason for editing, you cannot post fully in caps because it is against forum etiquette, so we made it impossible.
  13. are you ever going to post anything useful?
  14. what was meant was that nothing you have said matches up with reality. if it doesn't then it is worthless in the field of science
  15. severely doubt that. you have yet to provide anything of substance.
  16. why don't you give it a hot yourself this time and we'll show you how to build on it eh? you need to give us something for us to help you.
  17. I realise thice coould be taken as necromancing, but i'm searchig for an old thread around the same age as this and i came across this. the trashcan sized heat exchanger was so you would have a bigger area to transfer the heat. it has already been shown that to get the heat through 10cm of hose, the outside needs to be several times hotter than the surface of the sun which is problematic to say the least.
  18. actually, a quick whowas on bob shows that it has been the same ip address since december 24th. the record doesn't show any further back than that.
  19. louis, no titus bode law is just wrong. it doesn't predict the orbits that accurately and completely fails for neptune and kuiper belt objects. heck, pluto has nearly 100% error. its an example of curve fitting. a failed example.
  20. simply put, the body cannot measure O2 content in the blood. and CO2 is a better indicator of how much oxygen the body currently requires, high CO2 usually means your are being more active and should breathe more. as to the evolutionary conditions, how many places on earth have low oxygen in the atmosphere appart from high altitude where it is impossible to live without dieing of cold? we've never developed the need to develop the ability to sense oxygen levels in our blood. the ability to do so would come at a cost of energy(meaning we would need to eat more) so since those without it would do just as well as those with it, the evolutionary pressures are against developing a biological oxygen sensor.
  21. The brainstem measures CO2 because its easy. It just has to monitor blood pH levels. Monitoring O2 would be more difficult and hence more expensive from an energy point of view and not likely to evolve since there are few areas on earth where we are likely to be in places lacking CO2 and being low in oxygen. so the brain measures CO2 and controls the level by varying the speed you breathe at. too much oxygen can also be fatal. counterintuitively, oxygen is actually toxic anything above 60kPa partial pressure of oxygen will eventually kill you. unlikely to be encountered unless you are a diver.
  22. i'm pretty sure he has the answer to his question now. check the dates.
  23. hypocapnia(lower than normal CO2 levels in the blood) can be fatal. for one it can actually cause you to stop breathing unless you do it conciously. this is because the part of the brain that controls your breathing(although you aren't concious of it) controls the rate by monitoringthe CO2 level in your blood. if its low your breathing will slow down, if it's high then your breahting will speed up. if its zero you'll forget to breathe. not to mention it will cause cramps, pins and needles, tetany, low calcium in the blood, alkalosis, nerve and muscle excitability. so no, in a perfect world carbon dioxide would still exist.
  24. 21% oxygen in air, 17% and you'd be having quite a bit of trouble
  25. yep, your body is reacting the oxygen from inhalation with various carbohydrates and proteins(to a lesser extent) to create energy. this results in CO2 and water, both of which are released upon exhalation(although some of the water goes to sweat and urine). esentially its a combustion reaction without the fire. plants will store the carbon in the form of carbohydrates when they capture it from air.
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