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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. general relativity takes into account a non-flat local space-time manifold. basically, general relativity should be used when in a gravitational field. if there is no gravitational field then general relativity reduces to special relativity. special relativity is called special simply because it is a special case of general relativity. general relativity is called such because it can be applied generally.
  2. appart from bein a phenomenon at least partially due to magnetic fields, none.
  3. i thought they had recently come very close to solving the elevated temperatures about the photosphere by analysing the magnetic fields at that level? i think its called magnetic reconnection. and the fully ionized helium reduces the radiative cooling of the gases. we don't have a complete understanding sure, but we do know something about it.
  4. yes, but the primary goal is strength to weight ratio as you want your spacecraft as light as physically possible.
  5. no we didn't. we seen birds flying, we had gliders etc. the only novelty the wright brothers brought to the table was a powersource that could drive the plane forward enough to lift the plane AND the power source.
  6. proof? why jesus? why not vishnu? what about the flying spaghetti monster? yoda? just because you believe god needs to be involved in everything doesn't make it true. reality trumps belief ALWAYS.
  7. i wonder how long until a satellite wanders into the path of one of these beams and gets turned into a big puffy could. it would make quite the lightshow, especially if we could see infrared.
  8. actually you can calculate the electronegativity, but its usefulness is limited if you don't even have access to a periodic table. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronegativity
  9. whats the problem, he merely said that you answered your own question as to why it belongs in speculations. he wasn't rude condecending or disdainful about it.
  10. well, there are advantages to it, control over breathing would allow you to dive in water perhaps to escape a predator or to get food. as early human followed the coastlines there isn't any reason to suspect what came before us followed the coast to using it as a supply of food. also, breathing has a bit of holding capacity. if you could control your heart to the extent we can control our breathing then you could kill yourself by stopping your heart for a few seconds.
  11. the acid reacts with the backing soda to make carbon dioxide. this is the fizzing.
  12. thetree got it. my point was the job already exists. it isn't new.
  13. whats wrong with the existing explanation of sunspots? and this should belong in speculations
  14. this really does just sound like the personal assistant business rather than something new. you might want to look into what they charge. although i suspect you are looking at a different area of the market than they are usually involved with(buisnessmen and celebrities and so on, rich folk) so you may want to adjust pricing accordingly.
  15. if we educate our selfs from you we might just become more retarded. f-off.
  16. 1/ go register at the website 2/ buy a licence 3/ download.
  17. huh? do you mean we don't know how fast gravity goes? well, we've made some measurements. as far as we can tell it goes the speed of light.
  18. because if someone goes an burns themselves or loses a finger there is a chance that they will try to blame us for supplying the info to do it. we do not particularly like getting sued. plus, it always pays to be safe. we are not going to tell some numpty that clearly doesn't know which shoe goes on which foot how to make dangerous substances.
  19. why would gravity be required to move faster than the speed of light?
  20. i recently watched it. bugger me that was terrible. worst movie i've ever watched. got pretty damn close to walking out of the cinema but then i remembered how crap the weather was and how cozy my seat was. anyway, why it was terrible. deus ex machina was used FAR too often. even for a film like this. everything goes right JUST in the nick of time for the protagonists. i accept that it has to be used to keep the audience on the edge of their seats and heck, i'll even enjoy it the first few times but repition makes it boring, there are other cinema tricks you could be doing, or even just regurgitating. at the end after the culmination of events one big wave and BAM everything is nice and calm again. bull f***ing s**t what happened with the yellowstone eruption, thats going to block out the sun for a while, i doubt the other supervolcanoes were quiet as well. and aftrica surviving the flood because it was raised by 3000ft? aye sure. that'll be why the crashed into everest at 28000ft eh? come on, give your audience SOME credit. and what about their crap choice of construction site for the ships? lets build it in a rocky valley where the wave will be concentrated. a nice flat space would have been better. and why build ships, they seemed to have a nice cosy mountain hideaway should have just built a deeper one. that movie wasn't worth the film it was printed on. explosions were kinda cool though. but movies need more than explosions.
  21. its not so much experimentation but simply recording alleles of various species. there are far far far more than there could be if they had been constrained so much 4000 years ago. not to mention the complications arising from inbreeding that would have undoubtedly occured.
  22. appeal to tradition fallacy. just because one method has been used for longer doesn't mean its right. bloodletting was used in medicinemuch longer than modern medicines have been available. if you had cancer would you want some leeches or chemo? science advances, religion is static. its a little more complicated than that, you need to be comparing two species and it will give you an estimate of how long it has been since there was a common ancestor. its not completely accurate as there is a random element to evolution but it is usually set against the fossil record as well.
  23. if an atom decays in a molecule, it will remain bound. the daughter product however will be an ion. this will change the propertied of the molecule and likely cause it to break appart somewhat.
  24. like the bigger ones except just under half a centimeter across. the basics are going to be the same as a larger rocket, all that is different it that it is at a scale where it is difficult to maintain combustion. i suggest you go read up on normal thrusters, milling and latheing techniques and how they work. wikipedia or howstuffworks.com will suffice.
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