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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. Oh nobody is denying that we could recover Kr-85 from reprocessing facilities, that isn't the issue. The issue is: why bother? even a simple setup like this is going to cost millions of dollars globally (largely in the qualification and validation stages) as you'd have to install them at EVERY reprocessing site in the world. now, is it worth it for 36 cases where it is impossible to directly link (or even indirectly link) the deaths to Kr-85? I'd say no. Lets say we have a body lying on the table in the morgue. The patient died of lung cancer. How would you be able to tell if this cancer was caused by Kr-85? Why not smoking (either first hand or second hand)? Why not some C-14 in his own body? Why not the chest X-ray he had 20 years ago when he had an infection? ALL of those example I gave you there would be considered the likely causitive agent BEFORE Kr-85. And really, the only way atmospheric Kr-85 could kill is by cancer. There is never going to be a radiation poisoning death from it, never going to be an asphyxiation death from it and so on. So really, you're wanting to look at carcinogens. Why not spend the money developing carcinogen free cigarettes? It's going to have a MUCH more massive effect than trapping Kr-85. If you were a pilot would you worry about the fact that the yoke had a scuff on it if the plane was about to hit a mountain side? because really, thats the difference in impact we are talking about here.
  2. crap, and the reason is that the earth would implode if it were true. rock just doesn't have the strength or rigidness required to hold up. It would also go against all plausible theories of planet formation.
  3. I'm not sure i understand the question, are you talking about lift to drag ratios?
  4. you could always use OpenFOAM to simulate it if you don't want to go the prototype route.
  5. nope. like most thing in science. we have a very specific definition of coincidence. basically, it's an event that occurs in conjuction with another event but is completely unrelated to that event. for instance, lets say we have a frog sitting on the dashboard of a car. as the car is accelerating, the frog jumps off exactly as it passes 20 mph. This would be coincidental as there is nothing to make the frog jump at 20mph and not some other arbitrary speed. now, if you rigged a device to nudge the frog into jumping as you passed 20mph, or the vibrations at 20mph encouraged the frog to jump then it would not be coincidence. most times you need a lot of repeated experimentation to say whether it is a coincidence or not.
  6. what about the carbon dioxide he's breathing out? this is causing an indeterminate amount of flooding on some low rising pacific islands cause the mass relocation of thousands of people. If you've every worked in a business or engineering, you'll have heard of pareto analysis. basically, a little work on the major causes will give you a larger effect than a lot of work on the minor causes. when your driveshaft is tearing its self free you don't spend millions of money developing new materials to make stronger bolts when you can spend less money getting it properly aligned. same thing here, we have a problem (death) and many causes (radiation, disease, hunger etc.) why spend millions to save 6 people out of every billion when you could save 100's of people for only a few thousand. worrying about Kr-85 at this moment in time would be utterly pointless when there are much bigger and more pressing problems. I suspect that by the time Kr-85 becomes the major health problem that it's half life would long ago have taken care of the problem.
  7. I calculated it (approximately) once. IIRC it came out at something like 30 km tall. Of course that can be split to multiple smaller columns. but still.
  8. only if you have an awful lot of patience or are willing to build an extremely large distillation facility. distillation loses effectiveness very rapidly as boiling points converge.
  9. i seriously doubt that there are any deaths that could be directly attributed to Kr-85. a signal of 6 parts per billion will be swamped by other environmental factors. 1.2Bq/per meter cubed is pretty harmless. I'd be fine with being exposed to that level of radiation all my life. but wait! humans are FAR more radioactive than that naturally from carbon-14, potassium-40 and other radioisotopes which have nothing to do with nuclear power. if you were to put a human in a room with 1.2Bq/m^3 krypton (and air) then the human is going to be far and away the largest source of radiation. and this is discounting other exposures (both natural and artificial) to radiation. you may be able to get a statistical number but that doesn't mean it is a REAL number. statistically, there could be somebody standing on the back of an elephant shouting "I love pygmy marmosets!" in portuguese but I seriously doubt its happening right now.
  10. it will mean that certain theories about the fundemental nature of the universe can be discarded and other ones can be investigated further. beyond that, no body can say for sure.
  11. turbines can now exceed ideal thermal efficiency? when did we break thermodynamics and what has replaced it? this is exceedingly important in my job.
  12. you assume different accelerations so of course it show different accelerations. this is very circular.
  13. yep/ essentially. too tired for the maths, i'kk do it at the weekend if i remember. well, its not so much a spinning ball as each ion of the solar wind is on its own hyperbolic escape trajectory. but yes, what little rotational velocity it has gets less the further you go out. momentum is conserved.
  14. By being able to detect the direction of the magnetic field, they can ensure that the keep a straight line (well, not exactly straight but following a curve around the pole. The ability to travel in a straight line is of immense use when travelling large distances. Also, it is reasonable to suggest that there would be magnetic landmarks which could also aid navigation. basically, they navigate the same way you would if you had a compass (but no map). set a bearing and go for it. yes we do. just because you haven't bothered to research it doesn't mean its not there.
  15. but you cannot see the core, you see the photosphere which is what we measure rotation with.
  16. what makes you think we aren't? erosion and plants do a damn good job of hiding them, things the moon doesn't have.
  17. yep, the star expands. conservation of angular momentum and increased surface area explain the effects.
  18. they use the average radius of the planet/moon/object. some features will be above and others below. this is because it is hard to find the absolute lowest(or highest) point but relatively trivial to find the average.
  19. not easily or cheaply. i suppose you could just not go to the restaurant and dry and diagnose any withdrawal symptoms that may or may not appear. but then, you may just really really like the food itself. plenty of people like spicy food (my boss puts something called 'Dave's Insanity Sauce' on everything he eats. Including fruit.) and eat it every day. maybe you've just found something you really like.
  20. minimum would be zero, the sun would be capable of blocking the light from a burning jupiter.
  21. well, if you magically made jupiter capable of fusion, there would be a very sudden and intense outward pressure from the expanding hot plasma at the core. this pressure would be unbalanced as jupiter is currently close to hydrostatic equilibrium. if we are assuming that jupiter is supposed to be bright enough to shine then the columb barrier would need to be lowered by a fair amount so very suddenly you have a large amount of fusible matter that is getting very hot. also, for the first while the increased heat is only going to accelerate the rate of fusion. it will essentially be a bomb. this is believed to happen in protostars as well which blow of an outer layer when fusion ignites. in the case of jupiter, the gravity is low enough that the layer it blows off would be most of it.
  22. its not going to be a firewall restricting site, it will be web filtering software. this can work in a variety of ways, most likely it has a blacklist of domains to be blocked and it intercepts all the traffic and stops the stuff that is on the list. it can also have word filters where it scans sites to see if they contain inappropriate content(this often leads to problems in an academic environment though, it can read "sextant" as 'adult content' and so on.) There are probably more advanced heuristics though. We won't tell you how to bypass this as that is breaking the rules of the network which you very likely signed up to at some point and you could get in a lot of trouble for circumventing them especially if it is to download illegal content. remember, it's not your network so don't abuse it.
  23. wouldn't that be a discrete signal as it can only be 2^16 different levels (assuming a bit depth of 16) continuous signal would be more what you get from a microphone or antenna, an analogue signal.
  24. If they did not rotate then they would collapse in only a few billion years.
  25. what do all those events have to do with 11/11/11 none of them occured today.
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