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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. they all appear to be man made excavations. either quarries or opencast mines.
  2. quoth the server 404 fix the link also, it is not that improbable that a square crater could be formed give the right underground conditions. i imagine an impact on fairly eroded limestone with a thinish soild covering could form a square crater as they tend to form blocks. an impact could pulverise one or two and leave the surrounding block relatively intact.
  3. you can't fight something that hasn't already manifest. you can take measures to prevent it, but that is not the same thing at all as fighting it. you can prevent electrical fires by properly insulating wiring. but if there is an electrical fire, trying to insulate already burning electronics is not going a useful measure at all.
  4. the cylinder is rotating. surely you've been on one of those rides (usually called wall of death or something) where you stand at the wall of a cylinder, it gets spun up and they drop the floor but you remain fixed to the wall thanks to the centrifuge effect.
  5. because thats what they called it. maybe it reminded the guy of some sort of seed dispenser and so he called it that and the name just stuck. this stuff happens.
  6. if it does equations without any extra key strokes then that means you need extra keystrokes to type normally. word works fine on its own. but i preffer openoffice for typing up equations. much easier for me.
  7. yeah, because thats helpful you want to ask a question, post it here. also, leaving it a little late aren't you?
  8. we canand do still eat foods that were not cut and cultivated. our jaws work perfectly well at it. maybe not as good at meats as most dedicated carnivores, but we've never been dedicated carnivores in our species history. most apes and monkies have similar styles of jaw bone and you don't see them getting the silverware out now do you?
  9. while teas do contain various nutrients and are generally good for you, they are not useful in fighting cancers ot illnesses. yes, the extra vitamins and such are useful, but you'd get more from a piece of fruit. they are not a magical cure all.
  10. you can't use Ek=0.5mv^2 above about 0.1c as newtonian mechanics becomes far too inaccurate. better to use einsteinian mechanics. and objects appear to gain mass, not lose it.
  11. because there isn't anything more visually stimulating than your own hi-def, 3-D, fully explorable and interactive imagination.
  12. rigid means it won't deform. solids however can deform. exampes of deformable solids, rubber tyres, paperclips bending, silly putty, plastic bottles, spring, elastic bands, etc. these are all solid, but not rigid.
  13. no. to put a geostationary satellite up there you need to provide a massive horizontal component to its velocity. 3.07km/s to be precise although it would be going much faster during its ascent probably around 9km/s but depends on the trajectory. a simple vertical ascent will not produce the necessary velocity. to deorbit it, the thrust is applied in the opposite direction from its motion, not downwards.
  14. there's more to relativity than the speed of propagation of gravity (it has actually been measured though by other means, you don't need anything to disappear) the big tests for relativity were the bending of light around objects and the precession of mercury. newtonian gravity completely failed to predict these things but not only did GR predict them, it predicted them accurately. it didn't get its status because it was an interesting idea, it got it because it worked consistently and precisely. even when new tests were thought up it passed. and it is still being tested. i believe the latest of such tests is Gravity Probe B which currently has the smoothest balls ever and is going round the earth right now. it is trying to detect what is known as the 'frame dragging effect' general relativity predicts this, but even with the entire earth the effect is pretty small so wee need the most accurate instrumentation available. so far it has confirmed the geodetic effect(another prediction of einsteins) but more data is needed before scientists will say they might have got a good reading for frame dragging. although a scientists 'maybe' is about the same as a normal persons 'yep, its there alright' with string 'theory' there isn't a whole lot we can do to test it just now. at the moment it is a nice little mathematical theory(and a lot of mathematical uses have been found for it) but as a model of reality, well, we just don't have anything to test it with. the LHC might provide some useful insight when they finally ramp it up to full power but it likely won't be enough for confirmation, merely a 'hmm we should build a bigger one to make sure we saw that.' that will bring about another bout of crazies claiming its going to end the world
  15. clicking sound could either be something brushing up against the fan or the harddrive dying. likely the former(if its the latter you'll find out in a week depending on whether the thing still boots) as for sluggishness, this can be caused by a multitude of things, fragmented filesystem, malware, adware, viruses, or seeing as we're dealing with windows here (going by your use of internet exploder) the phase of the moon. google up a 'how to speed up windows <insert version here>' if you want or just get and run 'ccleaner' yes, thats two c's deliberately. http://www.ccleaner.com/ it should clear out a lot of the digital dust-bunnies that have no doubt built up in your system. also, run the disk-defragmenter program and leave it till it's finished(seems obvious i know but you wouldn't believe how many people if told this to and they just shut it off after 5 minutes because they were bored) you can still do other stuff on your PC but it will be even more sluggish while defragmenting.
  16. you are missing the point somewhat. the point of melting it to fit the container allows the substance to settle into the container and get to the lowest energy like the water can do. also, diamonds don't melt at STP, they sublime. i also wasn't talking about diamonds either. and no, it doesn't contradict phase change latent enthalpies because it wasn't supposed to. although phase change enthalpies are more of an indicatr that phase has been changed, it does not define the current state of matter. and you do get phase change enthalpies for bose-einstein condensates (IIRC) and definitely for plasmas. you also get them for solid-solid and liquid-liquid phase changes. either way, the OP had a query about the properties of particular states of matter, not the transition between them
  17. this has been going of for far too long for what it is. yes some solids can deform in a manner similar to fluid flow given enough time. and that is the nub of it, similar. as in reminicent of but not actually the same at all. lets say you take your solid that flows nice and slowly, a nice chunk of rock and a liquid, water(for simplicity. and we stick some nice controlled conditions on it, lets put them in a container. now, in the interests of getting a few million years out the way, you liquify the rock and let it settle into the container then resolidify it again. if we then tag certain bits of the rock sample with a marker we can follow and do the same with the water and leave it for a few trillion years then we'd notice some very big differences. the markers in the liquid are jiggling about all over the place (and given some trillions of years the markers in water should have covered every cubic angstrom of the container at least twice.) but the markers in the solid have stayed put. see solids will deform and 'flow' when under stress and out of hydrostatic equilibrium, put it in hydrostatic equilibrium or remove stress and you get bugger all. in a liquid the molecules are going to be jiggling about all over the place regardless. and then there is the fact that not all solids exhibit a flow regardless of how much time you give it. in any case this 'flow' is well known and the type of materials have a whole materials classification for themselves. solids which behave in such a manner are called 'plastics'* and even these materials have a temperature regime in which they can be described as plastic. outside these regimes they are either completely solid or liquid. *this is not reffering to just what are normally thought of as plastics(long chain organic polymers) but to any and all materials that exhibit plasticity which basically means all of them. plastic behaviour is when stress and strain have a non linear relationship (if its linear then it is elastic behaviour) this results in a permanent deformation when the material is exposed to sufficient stress (although more precisely a stress-time regime.) does this answer everyones questions? yes its not as cut and dry as it was in your highschool physics class but shocker they kept the the more subtle and complex things away from you when you hadn't a hope in hell of understanding them but its still not too difficult.
  18. he's not blaming religion for the womans moronity. he's blaming her moronity. religion just plays the role of a convienient excuse for such moronoity and that all too often allows people to get away with murder, literally.
  19. you gave the source in your first post? forgive me but i don't see where. i see no author or journal it was published in. "Religion and philosophy as illness" seems to be the title but is insufficient to locate anything.
  20. they are far more common than that. they occur quite frequently but the low luminosity means the human eye is quite bad at detecting them. it won't pick up colour in them for instance. long exposure photography will show the colours however. i would be surprised if they are not as common as rainbows, and you can always create artificial ones with a hose and a thumb.
  21. by this logic, you are a television broadcast standard. actually two of them, are you perhaps suffering from multiple personalities then? doesn't make sense does it? see how names are not necessarily representative of the person? then give us the source source? yea thats a bit circular. i do yoga because its a good stretching exercise. it is not in worship to anything, i do not expect it to appease anything. all i expect it to do is allow me to be more flexible when i go rock climbing. it works. I will concede that it origonated in religion, but that does not make it a religion in its own right. why? they are perfectly sane people, they recognise right and wrong, they are functional in society the only thing that seperates them out is that the go to meetings with people who have similar views on various days of the week. i go to a pub quiz on tuesdays with people who have similar outlooks on life to me, does that make pub quizzes a religion? if this is your only knowledge of philosophy then you really don't know much about it at all. ah, i don't agree with you so therefore i'm insane. this is actually the mindset of many insane people particularly those with sociopathic problems.
  22. ah so thats your plan sha31, just use different meanings from everyone else to try an make you look smart? i've got nes for you, it makes you looks like an immature child. if i decided to reffer to all chairs as magnetic monopoles does that mean what scientists reffer to as magnetic monopoles exist? no. it makes me look like a complete fool and nothing more. grow up, go learn some of the actual science and math behind this and then maybe have an adult conversation where you don't just go 'im right you're wrong lalalala'
  23. we are open for discussion, but you aren't giving anything back. we only have the information on the website to use in evaluating the device and the information it is giving us is that it sucks the big one. and we have explained thuroughly why this is our conclusion. if it does indeed work then it cannot be by the method shown on the site. if you know how it actually works then share the information and we will reevaluate our position. but as it stands based on the available information it doesn't work. it also wouldn't be the first time a company has claimed to have a miracle device and turned out to be talking out of a certain non-oral orifice.
  24. religion and philosophy do not give rise to psychoses as many psychotics are neither religious nor philosophical. psychotics may latch on to a particular religion or philosophy but that doesn't mean they are a cause. co-relation does not equal causation. as for 1/ yoga and meditation while they may have originated for religious purposes, actually do have benefits. yoga WILL keep you supple and improve your balance and general fitness, and meditation can be a good way to relax. 2/ a trance state is a SYMPTOM of some forms of psychosis, it is neither limited to psychoses or an abnormal part of life. pretty sure you go into one regularly. particularly if you're bored. losing balance can be a sign of advanced inner ear problems, or it can also be caused by fatigue or even just good old wasn't paying attention. just because it can be caused by illness doesn't mean that it IS caused by illness. 3/ again, just because it doesn't cause enlightenment doesn't mean it brings illness. from my own experiences meditation and yoga provide tranquility and clear your mind. which is exactly what they were intended and refined to do over thousands of years. 4/there were no reports of severe mental illness in prehistory because of a number of factors 1. those suffering were abandoned not long after birth if they had noticable abnormalities 2. they didn't live very llong as they didn't recieve the care they would now 3. social abnormalities would result in expulsion from the group your views on this are both narrowminded, wrong in the absolute sense, illogical, offensive and just outright ludicrous. unless you have a list of studies done on this as long as agiraffes neck your not going to get any real response in the affirmative. and before we get whole lots of inferences and stuff, i will make my own views on this very clear. I do not practice any religion I do meditate I do yoga I do have friends that are religious, some in a big way I do not consider them psychotic I do not consider religion or philosophy as being a source of psychosis I do believe that certain psychotics will find religions appealing. I do not think the OP touched philosophy at all there and seems to be using it as another word for religion.
  25. for a point charge yes. for multiple point charges in a line then this relationship is no longer valid although can be derived using the Biot-Savart law until you eventually get a 1/r relationship with an infinitely long wire. wires also start behaving like an infinitely long wire pretty quickly. anything longer than a few meters can be taken to be following a 1/r rule.
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