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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. where did you get the values for the atmosphere? they are grossly wrong by any measure.
  2. negative energy has never been shown to exist.
  3. well, you seem to have answered your own question.
  4. nope. not really.
  5. um, can you expand on that?
  6. rubber is an insulator. also it will likely collapse when the vacuum is on.
  7. http://superconductors.org/PlAY.htm you'll also need liquid nitrogen to keep them cool and in the superconductive state.
  8. why would it?
  9. actually, come to think about it, their cure for water intoxication(an over dose of water) would be diluted water.not entirely sure how you'd dilute water without just adding more though.
  10. nah, it'd be something that gives the same effects as dehydration diluted to oblivion in water.
  11. you could always coat the tube in a conductive paint to retrofit a standard vacuum cleaner.
  12. it says the vapour pressure of water in the system is 748.2 mmHg this is it partial pressure. if it was pure water at 100*C then it would be 760mmHg
  13. you have the partial pressure of water.
  14. There are a variety of ways. they all amount to 'oxidise it'. also this smacks of a homework question. which is why i won't go into more detail until you give us what you've done already.
  15. no, the only help we can provide is to tell yousuf to go look it up like he's supposed to rather than get it spoon fed to him.
  16. homer, in science theories are the most tested ideas we've had. they are only theories BECAUSE they have passed test after test after test. hypothesis are the level below. they have only underwent preliminary testing and have not been fully explored in a variety of situations but have still passed some baseline of test. Speculations are below that, they are logically consistent with current observations but have had no testing performed on them. then there's junk. this stuff is wrong. and it can originate from any of the three levels if they fail a single test or it can be generated spontaneously an example of a theory that has turned junk, the theory of newtonian mechanics. sure, its a good approximation below 0.1c but it's still wrong. hypotheses and speculation regularly fall into the junk pile without that many people ever hearing of them. and if we classify you're idea it would fall under spontaneous junk. there's no evidence for, quite a bit of evidence against and you rely on gross misinterpretations of things to support it. it doesn't even get to speculation stages before it fails.
  17. well your method of movement doesn't look anything like the movement you get in a low-g environment. you jump then just kind of dangle there while you wait to come back down. in the actual low-g there is no dangling. here's the video fair enough they use a rig that would do a bit better than a massive stack of baloons.
  18. of course thats not to say that a decent background in chemistry isn't vital. you really do need to be quite comfortable dealing with chemical equations and so on. I'm studying chemical engineering(graduate this year). i'm also an amateur chemist i just muck about with it in my spare time, mostly just trying to make lab grade chemicals from household materials at the moment. varying success.
  19. mythbuster did something like this for faking the moon landing myths. it doesn't work. if you set up a rig so that you're nearly horizontal and use a wall as the ground then you can make it quite realistic. this is how nasa did it for teaching people how to do the REAL moon walk.
  20. right click on the icon for my comuter, select manage, select disks and sotrag(IIRC) and there should be some self explanitory options there.
  21. i have a sample set of two. not much to infer a type. i only have two real prefferences really, and i'm willing to overlook them depending on what i think at the time. 1/redheads 2/not skinny (but not obese either)
  22. yes, but i was reffering to when they do eventually hit something.
  23. yes it would be possible to change the reaction occuring by changing the wavelength of light it is irradiated with. although X-Rays are high enough up the energy scale that they're just going to ionize everything rather than merely breaking a bond.
  24. thanks Pantaz seems to be almost exactly what i'm looking for. pity there isn't one in my distros repository, but still, i'll go try them out. decided to go with OpenKM. seems pretty solid so far(though i'm having some difficulties adding a new user) probably just unfamiliarity there. also seems to be more suited to a server-client situation rather than a local app(but less so than others)
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