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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. its a guesstimate? oh come on. you mean to say you haven't done ANY calculations to see if what your claiming is true or not. you're just spouting baseless claims and touting them as fact. thats fox news level dishonesty right there.
  2. theres no math in you post. just you firing off a bunch of numbers and claiming it as fact. let us see how you arrived at those numbers.
  3. saying you agree with yourself accounts for bugger all. PROVE IT!
  4. whit?
  5. still not seeing any maths that shows this method is better than current pumping methods.
  6. you haven't shown ANY calculations that support what you claim. you consistently ignore people when they attempt to correct your misconceptions and if asked for proof you claim that the person asking for proof is being stupid. support your claims or bog off.
  7. i'm being stupid? i'm only asking that you prove your claims.
  8. just go with it is not a mathematical proof.it wouldn't even stand up in a court of law never mind science.
  9. if it is a fact then it should be easily proven. post your maths not just repeat the same old crap again.
  10. provide the maths that shows this is more efficient then people will believe.
  11. we've been over that several times. it does not work as you say it will. you have already demonstrated you do not have the math skills to do any of the necessary calculations.
  12. if you had demonstrated even the slightest hint of following our advice or even just common sense safety practices then we'd be happy to oblige. as it stands though, the only experiment in which involves gas that you should do is 'breathing' the conversion of O2 to CO2. even then i'm not sure i'd trust you.
  13. it probably took more time and effort to make that post than to google it and find out for yourself. and finding out for yourself is so much more satisfying.
  14. the point of infinity is defined. although it is an imaginary point to be sure as there is no number where you add one and get infinity. it is a point that cannot be reached. but the math does work right to the edge of the universe and beyond. it also matches up well with reality. it can be used to predict the motion of planets and even stars and galaxies(although the refinement that is General Relativity is preffered as it is more accurate)
  15. infinity+1 = infinity. btw, i did the math on the suns gravitational field strength at jupiters orbit. it comes out to be 2.353x10^-4 m/s^2 this means jupiter is accelerating towards the sun at that rate constantly(and has been since it was created) this is also the acceleration necessary to have it go round the sun in a circle with the same linear velocity as jupiter has.
  16. thats the thing though, gravity isn't linear. it follows an inverse square relationship with distance. if there is a mass then there is a gravitational field to infinity meters away from the object.
  17. but the mechanism for radiation is that virtual particle pairs are separated at the event horizon and become real with the virtual particle that entered the blackhole turning a particle inside the black hole into a virtual particle and anihilating. which kind of indicates that they do exist.
  18. the russian space station has crashed to earth but it was a controlled de-orbit if they hadn't specifically made it crash then it would still be up there. and why would astronauts be pulled into the sun? the space station and satellites and astronauts are constantly falling towards the center of the earth but they also have a horizontal component to their vellocity which means they always miss the earth. they don't just magically hover up there, they need to move quite fast or else they'd fall into the earth(although it they move too fast they'll be on an escap trajectory which means they won't be coming back near earth. objects in a gravitational field do not get pulled along at any specific velocity, but they do experience a force which gives them an acceleration. in the case of an orbit this acceleration is towards the center of the planet, if you have sufficient velocity then this acceleration will result in you moving in a circle around the planet.
  19. i see nothing about gravity there. only multi axial rotation.
  20. i have already told you what to research and that you should try it and see. if you are unwilling to do even the most basic work then there isn't much we can help you with.
  21. you can't indefinitely clear up a picture. you can do stuff like increasing contrast or brightness but if the information isn't there then you can't do anything with it. it someones face is only on one pixel then you cannot 'enhance' the picture to get a recognizable face. at best you might get a face coloured blob that's still roughly square. the enhancements don't actually add any details, they just make it easier to spot details already present in the picture that the human eye is bad at picking up on. light if it is a low contrast night scene, you may be able to pick out people and objects if you increase the contrast and brighten the picture. EDIT: here is the main culprit for why people think images can be infinitely enhanced http://www.makemymood.com/2009/10/21/csi-zoom-story/
  22. its real. its stage hypnotism and bugger all to do with the chairs. you just have to remember, hypnotism isn't some magical thing, it just puts you in a more suggestible and open mood. if you have a strong desire to not want to do something (like have sex with a chair on stage) then no amount of hypnotism will make it happen. if on the other hand, you don't have any strong reservations against it and it is merely an embarassment factor stopping you then it is likely a hypnotist will be able to convince you to do it along with the belif that its alright because your hypnotised and its what the audience expect you to do.
  23. well, the thing with clones is that they will have different experiences and hence will have differences in their mental functioning. a sufficiently indepth interview or fMRI could determine which is which. we already know how to tell if a person recognizes a scene in an image, so images of the scene could be shown to both people and see which one shows the most recognition of the scene.
  24. there is plenty of gravity in space, space junk is in free fall. read up on your orbital mechanics. also, we have satellites orbiting the sun between planetsqite comfortably pretty much lflying in the face of your wave theory. the phenomenon of gravity waves(not this) may exist but is nothing at all like what you obviously think.
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