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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. been exceptionally calm with some clear skies here. bit colder than usual for the time of year. usually its pouring with rain around now.
  2. perhaps if you tell us what the "HAMP guide" is? also, using a big bold font in italics doesn't make you any clearer.
  3. actually the cycles of the sun are pretty predictable. it goes through many regular cycles of activity. its kind of like saying a clock is unpredictable because the electrons in the material move chaotically.
  4. we don't need something as powerful as the LHC to transmute elements. also, terraforming by transmutation would be so grossly inefficient that it would be easier and take less energy to stick a big chemical rocket onto the planet and move it into a different orbit.
  5. the positive and negative bits of water are attached to each other pretty firmly. even if you discount the force provided by surface tension. they charges in water aren't really distinct, they are both in the same molecule(the hydrogens are slightly positively charged and the oxygen is slightly negatively charged) the reason it all goes over to the one side is that the force of attraction between the negative comb and the hydrogen is greater than the repulsion of the comb nad the oxygen because the oxygen is slightly furter away.
  6. i really need to start reading sigs
  7. carbohydrates found in rice are exactly the same as carbohydrates found in other foodstuff.
  8. relativity is probably the closest example of that. it completely replaced newtonian mechanics(a very well established and accepted theory.) it required a LOT of evidence to be accepted. its not so much you need a bit of shock and awe evidence more than you just need more than would usually be required. say to prove a run of the mill hypothesis that adds to existing theory you need a sample size of 15000(just a random number here, don't put too much significance on it). now, if you came up with a hypothesis that would overturn existing theory completely(and still expalin why the old one worked as it did) then you may need a sample size of 15million or so to convince people.
  9. you missed so many pacman jokes with that tennisball.
  10. funny how they say they spent more than a year developing it to combat H1N1 yet H1N1 hasn't been around that long.
  11. just because the species is more advanced doesn't mean we're talking to one of the bright ones. could be talking to their equivalent of a high-school drop out. points to district9 as a more indepth version of his arguement.
  12. and quotes and replies from a completely unrelated thread on why more distant objects appear smaller. really, you are going to need to do better than this to convince even the most gullible.
  13. yeah, i'd have found it with a cursory google( i still wouldn't have known without it though, i only really use the full names).
  14. AltAirPilot: i know what canis majoris is. i just didn't know it had the designation VY CM. i only know it as canis majoris(although i now know it has the designation VY CM). and googling VY CM didn't bring anything up about stars which is why i asked for clarification.
  15. i answered the question once i was told what VY CM was.
  16. well, if you think about it, all the land you need for a rail gun is a tiny thin strip. it can even circum navigate the moon itself. all you need to do then is cover the rest of the surface with PV panels.
  17. a moderator is a member of the forums with the ability to move threads from one area to another, lock them, ban spammers and rule breakers etc.
  18. it remains gone. you are mixing frames here. even though the space twin is 50 from the perspective of the earth twin it doesn't mean that he is 50 fromhis own perspective. when the blast occured he was younger than 25 in his frame of reference.
  19. yeah, so because i don't know that YV CM means off the top of my head obviously means i don't have a clue right. well, that isn't the case. i have an interest in astronomy, sure i don't know the name of every star (don't even have a star map) but i do enjoy stargazing when its a clear night. the canis major constellation lies along the orion spur. this means that all the stars in the canis major constellation lie within the the orion spur.
  20. might help if you actually give us the name of the star. VY CM doesn't return anything of use. i suspect you have shortened the name of it to the initials and expect us to use our mindreading satellites to pluck this knowledge from your head. unfortunately they were knocked out when sayonara decided to hold a bull run in the server room.
  21. unless of course the half that is covered in PV cells is facing away from the sun.
  22. i suggest you look up triangles. lets say you have 2 points 1 meter appart. your eye is 1 meter away from them in a manner so if you joined the dots with your eye and the two points so you form an isoceles triangle. the distance from your eye to either of the two points would be 1.25 meters and you would observe an angle of 53.1 degrees. (inverse sine of 1/1.25). now, lets say you moved back to ten meters. the distance to each point from your eye would be 10.25m and the angle between them would only be 5.6 degrees. the distance between the two points hasn't changed (there is no change in size as weird theory is suggesting) but the angle has got MUCH smaller. this means it will appear smaller as the area of retina detecting the object is smaller.
  23. its basic geometery, say you have an obect 1m square 1 meter away from your eye. there will be a certain angle between the two sides. if you move the object further away this angle will decrease assuming the object stays the same size. for it to appear the same size to our eyes it would need to get larger.
  24. only in non-nuclear reactions. the correct conservation number is energy cannot be created or destroyed. if an electron annihilates with a positron(an anti-electron) then you get 2 512keV photons. the matter is destroyed but the energy remains.
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