Before the Big Bang, there is what can be described mathematically as a single point of infinite energy. To reach this "point" would require a journey back through infinite space and time. No relativistic observer could ever make this journey. No matter how far you travel, you will remain infinitely far away, encountering higher and higher energy physics as you go. This "point" of infinite energy (+∞) is the source of all things. At the opposite end of the spectrum, is an infinite expanse void of energy (the vacuum). To reach this place, would require a journey forward through infinite space and time. No relativistic observer could ever make this journey. No matter how far you travel, you will remain infinitely far away, encountering lower and lower energy physics as you go (i.e., redshift). This "expanse" void of energy (-∞) is the backdrop against which relativity plays out. Dark energy, is the natural tension between the "point" of infinite energy, and the "expanse" void of energy. Each place exists permanently in its own right, without beginning or end, and can never be directly observed, because any observer will find themselves infinitely far away regardless of what they do. The thermodynamic arrow of time, is a journey "away" from infinite light and "towards" infinite darkness. No matter what happens, all observers are caught in the balance. The Universe never began, and it will never end. It has always existed, does always exist, and will always exist, just like Jesus said 2000 years ago.