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Genady last won the day on January 18

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Genius (11/13)



  1. I didn't try a polar though...
  2. I don't drink bear because of an allergy.
  3. I thought that the word "truth" is just a shortcut for "true proposition", like in "The truth is that he was not there."
  4. No, I should not. Nevertheless, I've posted my solution of the Problem A in the beginning of the thread, here:
  5. Time to learn some LaTeX. E.g., \(d\sin(a)=\cos(a)~ da\)
  6. When I've mentioned this metaphor to my neighbor, an experienced dentist, he replied that there is nothing wrong with the “north of the North Pole”: you just keep moving up.
  7. Some will be interested to know that this book is FREE now on Kindle: Linear Algebra Done Right (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 4, Axler, Sheldon - Amazon.com
  8. But it is not. ...... What part of the following statement don't you understand? ..... Yes, but your second arc is wrong. ..... Did you read this statement: I don't need help in solving these problems!
  9. This problem is not asking to find a midpoint of A and B. It asks to find a point C such that B is the midpoint of A and C. Anyway, here is a drawing according to your steps. It does not seem to work.
  10. They all support the chemical-physical view of life.
  11. Maybe. Maybe not. Go ahead, investigate. When you have something, maybe there will be something to discuss.
  12. It does not. Computer works with pseudo-random. Which is non-random.
  13. Binary is the basis. Random/non-random. 0/1.
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