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Everything posted by Genady

  1. Airplanes do not fly like birds. Submarines do not swim like fish. Automobiles do not move like horses. Computers do not work like brains. ... Most of our designs do not have even functional analogs in nature. Telescopes. Spaceraft. Electronics. Assembly lines. Transmitters. Refrigerators. Steam engines. Wheels. Railroad. SCUBA. The list of examples is endless.
  2. Yep. This is what happens when they try.
  3. No, it is literally what we do not do, did not do, and will not do.
  4. Humans do not design things by following designs they observe in nature.
  5. No, they are not. Except very few, very rare cases.
  6. My peanut butter does not do this. The answer is elsewhere.
  7. Differential geometry requires a manifold structure. Defined neighborhoods do not require that.
  8. GR assumes geometry. Geometry does not assume GR. Thus, failure of GR does not necessitate failure of geometry.
  9. Isn't most of canned food like this?
  10. I do not think that Zionism and Orthodox Judaism had any significant effect on average Jews. I rather think of possible effects of mass migration of rural Eastern European Jews to cities in the West and in Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. I think that this cultural disposition is a myth. The preference for academic pursuits could be one of the outcomes of the abovementioned migration.
  11. As Nobel Prizes are often awarded many years after the work has been done, it might be illuminating to see when the prized contributions actually happened. Was there a narrower timeframe when Jews excelled in sciences and math that can be related to certain societal/historical events?
  12. Jews comprise a disproportionally large part of Nobel laureates: (List of Jewish Nobel laureates - Wikipedia). Is there a scientifically accepted explanation to this phenomenon?
  13. Typo correction: \[\ddot{a}=\frac{dv}{dt}=\frac{d^2 x}{dt^2}\]
  14. I could, of course, and it is a common example, but I think my example is simpler. There are no end and beginning points in an open interval. The points \(0\) and \(1\) do not exist in the interval. For any value in the interval, there are values in the interval less than and greater than that.
  15. The real interval \(0 \lt a \lt 1 \) has no end nor beginning. Nevertheless, it is finite.
  16. It comes with shortcomings, though.
  17. My worldview is mathematics.
  18. I ask this because the OP question is very broad and knowing why it is asked could help to understand it better.
  19. Why do you ask?
  20. Alice does not know which column is assigned to Bob, and Bob does not know which row is assigned to Alice.
  21. A. Einstein. As a teen, I was driven by the ideas and by the evolution of "the attempts of the human mind to find a connection between the world of ideas and the world of phenomena" in The Evolution of Physics by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld.
  22. Hmm... Now define the following: grouping, representation, practical, pattern, process, new, knowledge, fact, actualize, tool, technology.
  23. It is academic training in Marxism. I studied Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in the university, but classes in "Marx's theory" were required. The "theory" professors thought I did well, as shown on the lines 13, 22-24, 29, and 37 of my transcripts.
  24. Also, in QFT and SM, I'd add.
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