It doesn't go through the entire NN every time, but rather a random subset. So, it produces different response every time you run it. I got a similar, correct answer on the 6th trial.
This does not exist. It never happens. There is no such symmetry breaking.
There are only finite numbers of elements in R on the left side. As has been said above, R(n) is always finite.
There are only R's on the left, never N.
R(n) does not change to infinite.
R(n) and {R(n)} are different things.
The former contains numbers in the range [1, n]. The latter contains sets R(n) for all n's.
The former is finite, the latter is not.
Correct. R(n) is finite. {R(n) | n∈N} is not.
R(n) = {1, 2, 3, and all other numbers up to n}
LIST = {R(n) | n∈N} = {R(1), R(2), R(3), and all other R(n)'s}
This last example not only is not permitted, but it does not have any meaning in the set of natural numbers. Infinity is not an element of this set. This example does not make sense.
Yes, each R(n) has n elements.
None. Each R(n) is finite.
No, for each n there is one and only one row, the row number n. This row has nothing to do with other rows.
For each n there is one set, R(n). The list is a set of these sets. Let's call it LIST.
This set, LIST is defined so that for each n∈N the set R(n)∈LIST, and for each element Q∈LIST there exists n∈N such that Q=R(n).
There is no "implies" anywhere in the definitions.
Yes, each set R(n) is finite.
You said something else in the previous post:
This is incorrect. The list of sets is not finite.
In other words, for each n,
the set R(n) is finite.
the set {R(n) | n∈N} is not finite.
No, it does not. What makes you think it does?
It says, "each n∈N", doesn't it?
Here is the definition again:
"each n∈N is mapped to set R(n)= {x∈N | 1≤x≤n}"
There is no limit on n.
This is needed because mapping connects elements of two sets. In your case, each element of the domain set ("from") is a natural number, and each element of the codomain set ("to") is a set of natural numbers.
Very well. So, following the definition,
"each n∈N is mapped to set R(n)= {x∈N | 1≤x≤n}",
please define the issue that bothers you.
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