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Everything posted by Genady

  1. Of course not, I don't need to, I don't want to, I can't. Let them keep marching. Even if they don't go anywhere.
  2. Yes, Lorentz Jr. has already said it here: And I have already replied to it here:
  3. In Bonaire, there is no need for a fertilizer or an insulator. Just yesterday I heard from people who advocate doing nothing as a solution. They claim that, on one hand, all the work involved in collecting sargassum and cleaning the beaches damages the shoreline and costs money. On the other hand, based on experience in remote lagoons, the trapped sargassum deteriorates quite fast with our sun and wind, and the sargassum dust is just blown back to the sea.
  4. I guess I can. I don't work - let's see - about half of my life by now.
  5. Parties and wars.
  6. I gave up on answering that question as well, but for a different reason. I see this problem not as a problem of how the universe works or of logic, but a limitation of our, i.e., human, way of understanding things. This is what the biological evolution gave us for living in the world around us, our modus operandi. It did not evolve to explain the universe.
  7. This Universal Supra-Computer is run according to some laws, perhaps. What runs those laws? Another Ultra-Universal-Supra-Dupra-Computer, perhaps. And that Computer? And then there are turtles all the way down.
  8. Yes, agree. Another +1 to @wtf. The sad part is that here are 100 posts, and 0 progress.
  9. The OP does not say anything about his ideas. It rather objects to his purported 'dogmas' of science.
  10. In one word, inertia. Bodies continue moving at a constant speed and in the constant direction unless something disturbs that movement. For example, if you throw something up while moving inside a car, the thing will go up and down into your hand despite the car's moving forward.
  11. See these two posts in another thread: https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/128993-hijack-from-jumping-out-of-the-black-hole-what-about-the-event-horizon-from-nowhere-to-everywhere/?do=findComment&comment=1233020 https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/128993-hijack-from-jumping-out-of-the-black-hole-what-about-the-event-horizon-from-nowhere-to-everywhere/?do=findComment&comment=1233026
  12. I think that the proper relation is skepticism. This is an important general skill and it includes but is not limited to the areas of media, misinformation and crackpottery.
  13. The attempts to make a geometric theory of electromagnetism started pretty soon after GR was formulated. See Kaluza–Klein theory - Wikipedia The current attempts are rather to make GR like other fields. You know, “If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain.” The forces, in Newtonian sense, are absent in both ways.
  14. It seems to me that there are many areas where the expected effects of the project rely on believes about human psychology. This is an extremely weak point, I think. It didn't work out well in previous attempts. For an historical example, there was an assumption that equal gender rights will eliminate prostitution. Needless to say, it didn't happen. There also was an assumption that if working people are the owners of production means and products, they will not steal, cheat, etc., but will rather be involved in increasing the effectiveness of their work. The large-scale result was quite opposite. There was an assumption that people will be driven by a common good if they know that they are equal part of that common. Didn't work. Etc. OTOH, negative aspects of human psychology were used historically very effectively. Fear, hate, belonging, etc. This is a problematic approach: how this proposition can be tested? There is no objective test? This is not scientific. PS. Trial-end-error is kind of test, too. But in this case the error might be very painful.
  15. It's worth noting that Newtonian forces were 'eliminated' by Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations of mechanics.
  16. One hope is self-distraction: the amount of misinformation will be so large that it will become a white noise, which people will have no choice but ignore. Also, competing sources will engage in wars between themselves, making even more noise.
  17. I don't think they care. They are autotrophs.
  18. Why are you concerned about this? I am not. Maybe I am missing something.
  19. Let's assume there is a suggestion for an index. How it can be tested? What is a criterion to check if this is a good suggestion or not?
  20. I didn't see Arts in the index. OTOH, there is Blockchain & Crypto. Weird choices.
  21. I did not ask about acceleration. My question is about the force. The consideration was, is the force frame dependent? The charge is not attached to the frame. The frame is not a structure. You did not answer my question. But do not feel obligated.
  22. In which accelerated frame the Coulomb force between two charges becomes zero?
  23. How about Coulomb force? Is it frame dependent?
  24. The reference to Asimov is appropriate because this topic, in my opinion, is no more than discussion of science fiction with a straight face, and as such is good for entertainment purposes.
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